In Spanish colonial society, a colonist of Spanish ancestry.
In Spanish colonial society, colonists who were born in Latin America to Spanish parents.
A person of mixed European and Indian ancestry.
A person of mixed European and African ancestry.
Usually wealthy property owners and nobility.
Mostly middle-class business leaders and merchants.
Favored drastic change to extend democracy to all people.
The belief that people's greatest loyalty shouldn't be to a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history.
Crop Rotation
One of the best developments by the scientific farmers.
The process of developing machine production of goods, required such resources.
Factors of Production
The resources needed to produce goods and services that the industrial revolution required.
Laissez faire
Abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of the free market.
A refusal to work.
Fill the pyramid with the social classes of Latin America, from top to bottom.
Native Americans
An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
The doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority.
A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according or their abilities and needs.
What were at least four of the factors that contributed to industrialization in Britain?
Water power and coal, iron ore, rivers, and harbors.
What factors led to the US' technological boom?
A wealth of natural resources, among them oil, coal, and iron; A burst of Inventions, such as the electric light bulb and the telephone.
How did the Industrustrial Revolution prove to be a mixed blessing for women?
Factories workers offered higher wages then work done at home, but women factory workers usually made only 1/3 of what men did.
Simón Bolivar
A revolutionary leader from Venezuela known as the "George Washington of South America."
José de San Martin
The Argentinean revolutionary leader who liberated Argentina, Chile, Peru.
José María Morelos
He led Mexican rebels against the Spanish after Miguel Hidalgo in 1811.
Miguel Hidalgo
A priest from Dolores who issued the call for rebellion in Mexico.
Louis Napoleon
He won the French presidential election in 1848, and four years later, he took the title of emperor.
Alexander ll
He was the Russian czar, who decided to move Russia toward modernization and social change.
Jethro Tull
He was one of the first scientific farmers; invented a seed drill that allowed farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths so that a larger share of seeds took root, boosting crop yields.
Eli Whitney
He was an American who invented the cotton gin, which multiplied the amount of cotton that could be clean.
Adam Smith
He defended the idea of a free economy, or free markets, in his 1776 book The Wealth of Nations.
Karl Marx
He was a German journalist who co-wrote The Communist Manifesto, which introduce the world to a radical type of socialism called Marxism.