jean rhys
antoinette's mother is from
in part one they live where
caulibri estate
who is mr. luttrell
he was there neighbor but grew tired of waiting for the emancipation act and swam out to sea
who were the servants who stayed with their family
godfrey, christopine and sass
annette grew thin and silent when
after the Spanish town doctor came to visit pierre
Antoinette calls her garden like the garden of eden, why
it had a tree of life but it had gone wild- path was overgrown and smelled of dead flowers.
the overgrown garden can symbolize
annette going crazy
tell about christophine as of part one
she was a present from antoinette's father, she is from martinique and is a black lady she had one friend named maillotte
why did christophine stay insdead of go away
"because she wanted to, she had her own reasons"
some names antoinette and her family were called
sleeping dogs, white cockroaches
tia told antoinette that
they are poor white people that the rich wouldn't look at them, worse than poor black people, her mother didn't like her
tia took what from anto.
her clothes and pennies
what is the symbolism of tia taking anto. good clothes.
ant. is poorer than the black people and she is white; switched roles
what is ant. first dream
someone was following her in the forest
people said that annette married mr. mason because
the obeah women made him fall in love
explain some about aunt cora
she married an ex- slave owner who had escaped and her husband didn't like the west indies and he died , she came home
annette wanted to move why
visit richard, hate her , children
what is forshadowing in part one that the black people are up to something
they are not at the villag
mr. mason wanted to bring who from the east indies
coolie- servents who would work
how did the house burn down.
we can assume that perhaps the servant myra started the fire and the blacks continued it
what is the significance of Coco
he symbolized annette and ant. how english men clipped their "wings" and ant. fall from the house in England. english men control them
cora cursed a man because
he didn't allow them to get in the carriage
the symbolim of tia throwing the rock at ant.
Just as parallels are made between the mother figures Annette and Christophine, so are Antoinette and Tia paired as closed friends, even sisters. Annette and Antoinette, seeking to define themselves, often look at their respective counterparts as reflections. When Tia throws the rock at Antoinette, she shatters the reflected image. This act metaphorically represents Antoinette's movement away from her black childhood and her eventual emergence into the white Creole world of Spanish Town. ( taken from sparknotes)
seeing the "snake" when she wakes up symbolizes
how she sees evil everywhere
annette being taken care of by a servent paralleles with
ant. in england being taken care of by grace poole
she moved to the convent in
who was the saint of their alter
st. Innocenzia
names of some nuns
mother st. Justine, helene de plana, germaine , marie augustine
who sang in the chaple about death
louise de plana
italy is
white pillars and green water
spain is
hot sun on stones
france is
lady with black hair liker her mother
mr. mason came to see her at the convent and brought her away when she was
her second dream
she was in white and walked with someone to in the forest. they went up stairs and he said "here, in here"
ant. described her second dream as
she remembers her mother's funeral as
mr. mason and chrisophine there , chocolate and cakes
the town outside of the honeymoon house was
mr. rochester was married a ______ after he came to jamacia but had a fever for ____
month, three weeks
The Emancipation Act
The Emancipation Act is a law which slavery forbids and obliges the freedom of the black people. This law dates from the year 1833
Why is Mr. Rochester marry antoinette
After the death of Mr. Mason, Richard Mason, his son, arranges a marriage between Antoinette and Edward Rochester. Mr. Rochester gets all the money she inherits from old Mason: a sum of thirty thousand dollars. He wanted the money to be separate from his father and brother in england.
the honeymoon house is
the crushing of the frangipani represents
how he crushed ant.
what islands is the house on
windward islands
at first why wouldn't ant. marry mr. rochester
she is afraid of what might happen and he laughed at her
a big moth getting burned symbolized
ant. getting burned and how mr. rochester lets her go
a memory of ant. with rats
she woke up and saw rats watching her and this says her fear of being watched
the rose falling symbolizes
rochester breaking the beautiful ant.
tell about baptise
found in st. kitts, overtaker of the house
at night ant. taked about
death and fear
Daniel Cosway 's letter
says the cosways are wicked and slave owners- he is "your wife's brother by another lady- The note informs Rochester of Antoinette's depraved background: her father was a detestable, wicked slave owner and her mother a spoilt woman who died a dangerous lunatic. Daniel Cosway writes that he considers it his Christian duty to warn Rochester about his new wife. Daniel advises Rochester to visit him in the nearby town of Massacre. he says mr. mason was entranced by annette and he could be entranced by ant.
what three questions does daniel want mr. rochester to ask
is her mother a lunatic
was her brother impaired
is she going on the same path
amelie and ant. got in a fight because
amelie said christophine was leaving and said mr. rochester didn't like the house either
describe what happens after mr. rochester breaks up the fight
As he prepares to head home, he encounters a girl who screams at the sight of him and runs away. Left alone in the chilly and dark forest, Rochester loses his way. He went to an old pastor's abandon home in the forest. pere Lilievre. Finally, Baptiste appears and leads Rochester back, dismissing his questions about zombies and the seemingly haunted road. Finding Antoinette's door bolted, Rochester goes to his room, where he drinks alone, reading a chapter on obeah in a book called The Glittering Coronet of Isles.
a zombie is a
dead person who is alive or an alive person who acts dead- show that ant. is a zombie
why does ant go to christophine's house
Antoinette seeks Christophine's advice on how to win him back. Christophine tells Antoinette to leave her husband, but Antoinette refuses. Undeterred, Christophine advises Antoinette to go to Martinique under the pretence of visiting a cousin. Antoinette takes the idea a step further, proposing that she go to England, a place whose existence Christophine questions.She asks Christophine for a love potion. Christophine counters that white people should not play with magic, and that the potion will only make Rochester desire her, not love her.
describe the last scence we "see" aunt cora
she is yelling at richard for setting up the marriage and is upset, she turns her face to the wall but gives ant. her rings to keep secret and not sell
tell about daniel' story
He describes his dead white father, Alexander Cosway, as a despicable philanderer who cruelly rejected him. When Daniel approached Cosway at sixteen, Cosway denied his paternity, calling Daniel's mother a "sly-boots" and Daniel a money-grubber, even throwing an inkstand at him. This encounter was Daniel's last with his father. real name is esau( like bible who was supposed to get money but did not)
Daniel tells mr. rochester that christophine is
an obeah women who went to jail and escaped, she is bad and will lie very much
what does the cock symbolize
daniel wants money so he will not speak about
ant. relations with sandi
the visits in part two symbolize
As with Antoinette's visit to Christophine, Rochester's visit to Daniel marks a reversal of the racially dictated power structure: the white Creole and English colonial seek help from the less privileged.
signs of animals during the visits
When Antoinette sees a cock crowing outside Christophine's house, she immediately wonders if her old nurse can be trusted. Antoinette recognizes that the animal is a sign, thinking, "That is for betrayal." Rochester, on the other hand, does not look for symbols in the natural landscape; as an outsider, he fails to correctly read the language of the West Indies. When he leaves Daniel's house, Rochester, too, encounters an animal, a black and white goat with "slanting yellow-green eyes." However, he does not recognize the animal's symbolic value as a representation of Daniel's mixed race and contrary nature.
ant is upset with mr. rochester because he
believes he is crazy
what is the symbolism of the two deaths
one that marks the turn in to madness and one that is final
ant says she was never sad in the
ant thinks that her scar spoiled her for
her wedding day and all days and nights
mr. rochester calls her bertha because
" i like the name"
after their argument in part 2, what happens
they go inside and she seems sweet and kind and pretty with the light and she gives him a drink (posion) and they went to bed
mr. rochester woke up feeling sick and one of the first things he does is put a sheet over ant. head, what does this symbolize
covering of a dead person- first death
chirstophine dubois used to be
ant. got very drunk and dependent on alcohol and tells mr. rochester that
accuses Rochester of being no better than the slaveholders he condemns, having slept with a servant and sent her away. Antoinette cries when Rochester calls her "Bertha," accusing him of trying to transform her through obeah magic. She says she hates him for ruining the one place she loved.
the love potion worked on who,
explain one theory why the potion didn't work
A concoction brewed in the Caribbean and instilled with foreign wisdom, the potion is not compatible with Rochester's system. When he becomes violently ill, it is as though he is purging himself of any desire or compassion towards Antoinette. ( sn)
christophine asks mr. rochester to love her
just a little
mr. rochester says she is not leaveing him because
if i can't have her no one can
a cock crowed as mr. rochester was writing a letter to a motel- symbolized
betrayal and changing of weather( meaning life is about to change)
he calls her a
doll, marionette, bertha
he gets mad at her in the end of part two because
she made a promise in his name
the sobbing boy symbolizes
An emblem of feeling, the sobbing boy shows how cruel Rochester has become.
in part three who is her care taker
grace poole
reread page 168 to 171
who is the other
The Other is an individual who is perceived by the group as not belonging, as being different in some fundamental way.
the other lacks
essential characteristics possessed by the group
the other may have no
legal rights
examples of others
a different race (White vs. non-White),
a different nationality (Anglo Saxon vs. Italian),
a different religion (Protestant vs. Catholic or Christian vs. Jew),
a different social class (aristocrat vs. serf),
a different political ideology (capitalism vs. communism),
a different sexual orientation (heterosexual vs. homosexual),
a different origin (native born vs. immigrant).
the other group does not depend on
numerical minoirty
The outsider has the possibility of being accepted by and incorporated into the group; offspring are very likely to be accepted into the group.
differences of the other and the outisider
outsider has potential of being accepted. other is lacking traits that can not be given- permenant
the other's offspring will
inherit the same deficient nature and be the Other also.
rhys uses numerous voices unlike
bronte in jane eyre
the title means
the Sargasso Sea separates the West Indies from Europe.
rhys novel is an example of the
other side of a story
post colonialism
This branch of theory deals with the literature of colonisation (usually of a Third World country by the West) and its effect on the people and the culture of the colonised country.
Post Colonialism
The postcolonial style of writing is a branch of post-modern literature concerned with the political and cultural independence of peoples formerly subjugated in colonial empires. It deals with the conflicts between ruler and subject, mainstream and marginalized, oppressors and oppressed and, at the same time, celebrates the suppressed "other," challenging the dominant culture and questioning concepts of established authority
Mr rochster's ideas about Jamaica in comparison to england
In the light of colonialist and post-colonialist theory, it is hard to miss Rochester's association of Europe with God and purity, and Jamaica with hell and witchcraft, something he directly associates with Bertha: a clear example of racial discourse in action.