Approximately how many African Americans served in the Union Army?
In what years did the American Revolution take place?
What was the significance of the Battle of Bull Run?
Began the Civil War
Following the Civil War, how did southerners prevent African Americans from voting?
stayed in the South and worked as sharecroppers
What effect did popular sovereignty have on the Lecomptom Constitution?
it forced them westward
What were the details of Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction?
The New Jersey Plan was a proposal for the US Constitution. It was focused on insuring that small states got an equal share of representation in the government. In the final compromise, the New Jersey Plan served as the model for the current US Senate, every state has the same representation, regardless of size and population
Which two immigrant groups were the largest to immigrate to America in the mid-1800s? Where did they settle?
Irish and Chinese
Why was the South slow to industrialize?
their tobacco and rice fields required many workers to cultivate the crops
Who commanded the Continental Army?
George Washington
13th Amendment?
Abolished slavery
What is the Bill of Rights?
The first 10 amendments of the Constitution
What role did Clara Barton play during the Civil War?
nurse, delivered suppiles to the Union, started the American Red Cross
What was the Great Compromise?
what settled the difference between the New Jersey and the Virginia plan, two houses of congress, senate had two people from each state, and house of rep was based on population
What are the 3 branches of government?
legislative, executive, judicial
What was secession?
Formal withdrawal of a state from the Union
Name of the difficult ocean journey that was endured by slaves?
Middle passage
Who led the Mormons to Utah?
Brigham Young
What was the significance of the Declaration of Independence?
It announced American independence and the reasons for it.
Did Alexander Hamilton believe in a weak or strong federal government?
Why did Daniel Shay's lead a rebellion?
Because poor farmers were losing their land due to high taxation.*
What was mercantilism?
Economic policy under which a nation accumulates wealth by exporting more good than it imports.
Why farmers in the Upper South find it difficult to grow cotton?
There were not many farms in the Upper South
Who served as president from 1845-1849?
James K. Polk
Who were the Carpetbaggers?
Northern Republicans who moved to the South after the Civil War.
What was the Whiskey Rebellion?
farmers in Pennsylvania rebel against whiskey tax.
What was General Grant's war strategy?
Unconditional Surrender
Who were Scalawags?
White Unionists in the South that supported the Republican Party after the Civil War.
What was Hamilton's first step in strengthening our country's finances?
to create a national bank
Which group was opposed to the ratification of the Constitution?
What was William Henry Harrison's campaign slogan?
Tippecanoe and Tyler too
What was the significance of the Battle of Antietam?
Bloodiest war
What was the Supreme Court's decision on the Dred Scott Case?
It stated that Native Americans were a separate nation and could keep their lands.
What was the outcome of Plessy v. Ferguson?
Took Indians land
Which European country was the first to settle NY/NJ?
France, Netherlands, US, Spain, and UK
Who were the Redeemers?
Term for white Southern Democrats who returned to power after 1870.
What departments made up Washington's first cabinet?
State, war, treasury, justice.
What led to the Era of Good Feelings?
The era saw the collapse of the Federalist Party and an end to the bitter partisan disputes between it and the dominant Democratic-Republican Party during the First Party System.
What role does the judicial branch have in the federal government?
interprets the laws
What Supreme Court case established judicial review?
Marbury vs. Madison
What were the causes of the War of 1812?
Rivalry between communist and anti communist nation
What were the requirements for Americans who moved into Mexican controlled Texas?
You had to be a citizen
Who was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson
Who was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabinet?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Why did many Americans oppose the annexation of Texas into the Union?
Because of their desire to better their condition by seeking new land and business opportunities in the West.
What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
Law that made it a federal crime to help runaway slaves
What was the Articles of Confederation?
Was an agreement among the 13 founding states that established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution
Who won the presidential election of 1856?
James Buchanan
What repealed the Missouri Compromise?
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Who led the Federalist Party in the 1790s?
Alexander Hamilton
Another name for the Intolerable Acts.
Coercive Acts
Why did Nathaniel Bacon lead a rebellion in western VA?
The governor of the colony didn't put the tax dollars for good use such as protection from Natives.
Who won the presidential election of 1852?
Franklin Pierce
In what year was Lincoln elected?
What is the 4th Amendment?
Prohibits search and seizure
Identify the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction Deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws Right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
What were the major battles of the Texas revolution?
Alamo and San Jacinto
Who led the Sons of Liberty?
Sam Adams
Under the Indian Removal Act, Indians were forced to relocate to
West of the Mississippi River.
What were the details of Johnson's plan for Reconstruction?
An agreement in 1795 between Spain and the United States that allowed trade to reestablish in the Mississippi river