Barney Northrup
delivery boy, that does actually exist, sells all the rooms in sunset towers in one day, great salesman, he convinced sydelle to buy an apartment because he told her that 20 other people were begging for it
Jake Wexler
a doctor, medical practice is in the apartment, podiatrist, graces husband, turtle and angela's father, partners with madame sun lin too
Grace Windsor Wexler
concerned about appearances, conceded, wife of a jake, clueless about westing house, takes house warming gift, partners with mr.

hoo, racist of other people

Turtle Wexler
real name is tabitha ruth, sister is angela wexler, kicks peoples shins when agitated, brat, makes a bet with doug hoo, partners with flora, hates doing her hair or doesn't like it her mother thinks she is ugly and likes the other sister (angela) better
Sydelle Pulaski
faker, lower/middle class, never notices westing house, fakes a disease, fractures her ankle from bomb accident, desperate for attention, reminds turtle of purple waves, partners with angela, writes her short hand notes in polish, interested in the word twin, likes chris and thinks he is nice
Mr. Hoo
rester aunt owner, always stressed, slow at work, has stomach ulcers, partners with grace, chinese
Sandy McSouthers
doorman, middle aged, fired from paper mill from trying to start a union, had a wrestling career, has frequent headaches, head was smashed up, partners with judge jj ford, judge gives him all the 10,000 dollars, wears a top hat and a doorman suit
Otis Amber
62 years old, delivery man, tells children about mr. westings death, partners with crow, always happy, wears leather aviator hat
Theo Theodorakis
college senior, works at coffee shop, makes a bet with turtle, partners with doug too, chris's big brother, protective of chris
Doug Hoo
college senior, track star, helps his father with the restaraunt, partners with theo, very fit
Denton Deere
doctor, Angela's fiancé, perfect guy, very handsome, partners with chris theodorakis
Chris Theodorakis
disabled, in a wheel chair, theos younger brother, uses binoculars, sees limper enter the westing home, has trouble talking, partners with denton deere
Angela Wexler
getting married, turtles bigger sister, going to marry denton deere, many people see a resemblance between her and violet westing (mr. westings daughter), partners with sydelle pulaski
Flora Baumbach
old, dressmaker, made a dress for violet westing, partners with Turtle, sees a resemblance between angela and violet westing, real name is alice
cleaning woman, hit in the shin by turtle, had a corn in her foot which was removed by doctor wexler, partners with otis amber
Judge JJ Ford
spoke negatively of otis amber, black, judge, appears to own cash to mr. westing, gives all the will money to her partner sandy mcsouthers, doesn't like EJ Plum, wealthy, kind
Ellen Ranskin
author of the westing game, became her career as an illustrator, designed over 1,000 book covers, including the new berry winner a wrinkle in time, published nothing ever happens on my block, which she invented the characters with her sister, she won a neweberry award because of her playful word play in the westing game
newberry medal
a yearly award that honors an outstanding contribution to american children's literature, named after john newberry, candidates must have a book published the year prior to the award in question, judges are the american library association
an example of this is when jake wexler wants to be seated in mr.

hood restaurant and mr. too says he will try to squeeze him in yet the restaurant is empty

the planning of such clues, and example of this is when there is a bomb an the bomber says that there will be another bomb soon
each character received a "job" in the will, what are they?
madame sun lin hoo is the cook, jake wexler is standing or sitting when not lying down, turtle wexler is the witch, flora baumbach is the dressmaker, christos theodorakis is the birdwatcher, dr. denton deere is the intern at st. josephs hospital and he works in the department of plastic surgery, alexander mcsouthers is a doorman, jj ford is a judge of the appellate division of the state supreme court, grace winsdor wexler is the heiress, james shin too is the restauranteur, berthe erica crow is the good salvation soup kitchen, otis amber is the deliverer, theo theodorakis is the brother, doug too is the first in all-state high school mile run, sydelle pulaski is the secretary to the president, angela wexler is nothing
chris theodorakis and deenton deeres clues
for, plain, grain, shed
turtle wexler and flora bambauchs clues
sea, mountain, am , o
mr hoo and grace windsor wexler clues
fruited, purple, waves, for, sea
theo theodorakis and doug hoo clues
his, n, on, to, thee, for
judge jj ford and sandy mcsouthers clues
skies, am, shining, brother
angela wexler and sydelle pulaski clues
good, grace, from, hood, spacious
what was freaky about mr westing when he was seen in his coffin?
he had graces cross in between his waxy hands
what did many tenants start doing in the elevator?
they posted sticky notes on the walls which made it a lost and found
why was chris happy to be selected to play the game?
because he was happy that he was finally considered to be a real person and part of the real world
What was Denton Deeres diagnosis of chris?
pryamidal tract involvment
what is an alibi?
a claim or piece of action that one was not there during an act a reason
what was turtle reminded of when she saw sydelles dress and crutch?
purple waves
what is the story of the two unfortunate fellows?
they were dared to go into the westing house and one came out with warm blood dripping on his hands and chanting purple waves and was put in the states asylum, they both came out of the mansion running
Facts about Turtle and Floras group
they spent the money in stocks yet they lost a lot of money because of doing it, their clues were sea, mountain, am, o, they get along pretty well, they discover what each of their real names are which turtles in tabitha ruth and floras is alice, turtle learns that flora used to know violet westing and made a dress for her
the stereotypes in this story are...
doug too because he is asian and people expect him to be smart and intelligent also judge jj ford because she is black she is stereotyped to be poor and her family to have been slaves or servants for mr westing