Donald Barthelme (1931-1989)
Wrote short story: Game Post Modernist: theres no one truth; life is uncertain Tired of Cliche stories
Game: Where are they?
in a bunker;
Game: Reasons why they were there?
there was a "mistake"
Game: How long have they been down there?
133 days
Game:Reasons the narrator thinks of to explain why they been stuck down there?
Reasons he thinks of: they have plan; running an experiment
Game: Characters
Narrator, Shock well, Lucy
Game: About the Narrator
Carries a diamond ring for Lucy; wrote on the walls with the diamond ring; wrote 4,500 works about a baseball bat; He knows he's not well
Game: About Shock well
Working on his masters in business Carries a Jaxx (we believe it was given to him by his kid/daughter)
Game: About Lucy
we believe its the narrators girlfriend whom he was expecting to marry
Game: What is there only communication to the outside world?
Turning the bomb launch key switch