In sociologist Daniel Rossides's model of the class system of the U.S., which social class contains the smallest portion of the population?
upper class
Karl Marx argued that social, economic, and political inequalities are dependent on:
class differentiation
In Karl Marx's view of class conscious workers in revolt, who will guide the working class in its struggle?
revolutionary leaders
In Karl Marx's view, social relations during any period of history depend on who controls the:
primary mode of economic production.
One shortcoming of Karl Marx's work is that he failed to anticipate the:
false consciousness
Which of the following did Max Weber suggest were analytically distinct components of stratification?
class, status, and power
The federal tax policies of the last four decades, especially in the 1980s and in the eight years from 2001 to 2008, have favored:
the affluent
The commonly used "poverty line" measure of poverty used by the federal government is used to measure which type of poverty?
absolute poverty
Which of the following refers to a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole?
relative poverty
The fact that an unemployed coal miner in Appalachia has a higher standard of living than a doctor in Congo, illustrates the idea that:
poverty is absolute
By 2007, the number of female householders accounted for 53 percent of the poor in the U.S. This alarming trend is referred to as:
feminization of poverty
Which of the following groups experiences the highest levels of chronic poverty?
african american
Max Weber referred to people's opportunities to provide themselves with material goods, positive living conditions, and favorable experiences as:
life chances
Which of the following refers to the movement of individuals or groups from one position of society's stratification system to another?
social mobility
A condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power is called:
social inequality
Which of the following terms is used by sociologists to refer to a structured ranking of groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in society?
An individual's salary and wages are referred to as:
all of a person's material assets, including land, stocks, and other types of property
An ascribed status is a social position:
assigned to a person without regard to the person's unique characteristics or talents
attained by a person largely through his or her own efforts.
achieved status
A system of enforced servitude in which people are legally owned by others is known as:
Which of the following terms is used to refer to hereditary systems of rank that are relatively fixed, immobile, and generally religiously dictated?
A system of stratification under which peasants were required to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection was known as a (an):
estate system
A class system employs a social ranking based primarily on:
economic position
the means of production are largely in private hands, and the main incentive for economic activity is the accumulation of profit.
Capitalism is an economic system in which:
Which term is used by Karl Marx to refer to the capitalist class that owns the means of production?
Karl Marx used the term "proletariat" to refer to:
working class
.a subjective awareness held by members of a class regarding their common vested interests and the need for collective political action to bring about social change
class consciousness
Which of the following terms did Karl Marx use to refer to an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect the class's objective position?
false consciousness
Max Weber uses the term "class" to refer to people who share a similar level of:
wealth and income
people who share the same prestige or lifestyle, independent of their class position
status group
Max Weber defined __________ as the ability to exercise one's will over others
What term did Thorstein Veblen use to describe the behavior of those at the top of the social hierarchy when they engage in such activities as jetting off to a remote destination for dinner?
Conspicuous leisure
The objective method of assessing social class assigns individuals to classes on the basis of
criteria such as occupation, education, income, and place of residence.
respect and admiration with which an occupation is regarded by society
Which term is used to refer to the reputation that a specific person has within an occupation?