Eric Cartman
Fat, Funny, Jew Hater
Stan Marsh
The main character, Smart, has a blue hat with a red puffball
Kyle Brofloski
The Smart one, Jewish, has a green hat
Kenny McCormick
The poor one, Has an orange hood, Rarely shows his face
Butters Stotch
The kid with the light blue shirt, The backup friend
Wendy Testaburger
Stan's Girlfriend, Sort of a Feminist
Bebe Stevens
Wendy's best Friend
Token Black
Rich and Smart
Ike Brofloski
Kyle's Canadian little Brother
Terrance & Phillip
Two Canadian actors who are known to be very funny and use Swear's and Fart Humor
Mr. Mackey
The school Counsoler M'kay
Mr. Garrison
The strange teacher who has had a sex change but is now a man again
Jimbo Traun
A hunter, Stan's Uncle
Lee Ann Cartman
Eric Cartman's Mom
Mr. Kitty
Cartman's Kitty who loves chicken pot pie and corn beef cabagge
Clyde Donovan
Craig's best friend
Craig Tucker
Clyde's best friend, sometimes a downer
A crazy coffee ubsessed kid
The devil who is protrayed many times in the show
Saddum Hussain
A very big Terrorist who is protrayed in the show and died and is Satan's Lover