school social work?
the services offered in the educational setting,
provided by social workers who are licensed/authorized to work in an educational arena.
(what is the focus of school social workers?
to enhance home-school community collaboration. They put things in place to ensure the success of students.
What was the major problem with schools prior to the 20th century?
school was not mandatory
in the 1900's a legislation was passed that _______?
mandating school attendance
children were no longer in the position to choose work vs. education
Why was School Social work founded?
to respond to the rapid changes in the education system, which had undergone dramatic changes due to the new policies.
What were school social workers called in the beginning?
Visiting teachers
in the beginning: who did school social workers work with? and why?
work with students who were immigrants or from poorer socio economic status, to help support them during their education. Their focus was to help with connecting the family and school to work simultaneously.
How did school social work change in the 1960's?
Switched from a micro focus, to a more macro approach
they focused on the school as a whole, and the community environment of the school system.
What was the purpose of how school social work changed in the 1960's?
to adjust inequalities and make sure all students had equal opportunity to learn!
Education for All Handicapped Children Act 1975
all students, even those who had a disability would be afforded the opportunity to learn
What does IEP stand for?
Individual Education Plans
What is IEP?
*a plan which documents the involvement of community agencies, and programs and services in place
in order to help the child that may have a disability.
*Parents are encouraged to participate in the IEP development for children with disabilities
What does IEP include?
*educational performance goals
What is the IEP outline?
*Expected level of educational performance
*Annual goals + short term objectives
*Specific educational services that will be provided to the child
*Extent to with the child will be able to participate in regular education classes
*Evaluation process to determine how goals and objectives will be met
*Plan must be revised annually.
What laws were in place related to school and education?
Laws were passed that stated that school was required for children.
children were no longer in the position to choose work vs. education
School social workers are primarily ___,____,____,____?
*Psychosocial assessments and specialists
*Advocates (for the rights of students) (Advocate for quality education)
*Consultants (on school policy matters like discipline, cultural sensitivity, child abuse/neglect) with other staff and teachers
Education of Homeless Child and Youth Program (McKinney Homeless Assistance Act)
*provides grants to state and local educational agencies to ensure that homeless children have access to the same free and appropriate education as other children.
Before the education of homeless child and youth program
over 50% of homeless children were not attending school
Theories used by school social workers
*Educational theory
*Child and adolescent developmental *Behavior theory
*Connection with children
What skill sets are required for school social workers?
*Assess- the family systems and their impact on the child's performance in school
*Strengthen- the school connections with the home and the community
*Build- mutual support among all participants in the school system
*Develop - preventative and intervention programs for the school system
*Provide- consultations, and training to teachers and administrators about needs of students
*Provide- training and support for conflict resolution and other student support programs.
What are typical client populations that school social workers may work with?
*Students with developmental disabilities (Physical/mental) ex. down syndrome, autism
*Learning disabilities
Oppositional and conduct disorders
Name the public policies that school social workers may use/advocate for/ or enforce in their practice
*Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
*All Handicapped Children Act
*Education of the Homeless Children and Youth
*Elementary and Secondary Education Act
*Improving American Schools act
*The Migrant Education Program
*No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind
requires that every child much lean to read, write, multiply and subtract at grade levlel
The Migrant Education Program
ensures that migrant workers' children have access to the same free and appropriate public education
Improving American Schools act
supports schools in their efforts to move all children toward high Academic standards
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Federal assistance to poor schools, communities and children
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
limits the removal of children with disabilities from regular education classes or schools
All Handicapped Children Act
set legal standards and requirements for the education of children with disabilities
What are challenges that school social workers may face? What challenges are their students facing?
*Violence prevention
*Prevention of teenage pregnancy or disease
*Tobacco, alcohol, substances
*Multicultural and bi-lingual programming