To establish equality, major changes must take place
In society
A group's distinctive cultural patterns either become part of the dominant culture or disappear as the group adopts the dominant culture. This is called
Acculturation is determined by
Both A and B
Values influence the importance of
Family,Honor, Status (All of these)
Religious differences raise a number of challenges for educators such as
Curricular content, Effective discipline for students in your class, Appropriate dress codes (All of the above)
Multicultural education can be defined as an educational strategy in which students' cultural backgrounds are used to develop effective classroom instruction and school environments.
Which group of students tends to score below European American students on national standardized tests?
Both Puerto Rican and American Indian
The No Child Left Behind Act
Requires standardized testing of students to determine how effective a school is in helping students learn
Helps define who we are, Provides a blueprint that determines the way we think, feel, and behave in society, Influences our knowledge, beliefs, and values
Which two processes interact as one learns how to act in society?
Enculturation and socialization
Enculturation and socialization are processes initiated when?
At birth
Culture is shared.
Culture is an adaptation that
Accommodates environmental conditions and available natural and technological resources
The meaning of morality, the use of punishment and reward, and the need for higher education are determined by the value system of the culture.
Culture can manifest itself in nonverbal communication patterns such as
Gesturing and Shaking hands
Ethnocentrism is
The inability to view other cultures as equally viable alternatives
To see a culture as if you are a member of the culture is
Cultural relativism
What is based on traits and values learned as part of our ethnicity, religion, gender, age, and socioeconomic status?
Cultural identity
Acculturation is
The process of adopting the dominant group's cultural patterns
Meritocracy can be best defined as
A system that is based on the belief that an individual's achievements are decided by an individual's own personal merits and hard work
Which of the following is generally considered a positive aspect of the teaching profession?
The ability to influence the lives of young people
Alice is a teacher who has just finished her fourth year of teaching. At the end of that year, Alice was informed that she would be granted tenure. From this point, Alice can expect
Protection from arbitrary dismissal
Normal schools were important because they
Represented the earliest form of professional teacher education
To demonstrate their expertise, teachers undergoing NBPTS certification must
Demonstrate understanding of the most effective teaching methods.
Unlike traditional teacher preparation programs, alternative teaching programs
Focus on apprenticeships and on-the-job training
The goal of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards is to
Assess and certify highly competent teachers.
Compared to resumes, portfolios
Take a more creative approach to highlighting a candidate's skills
Horace Mann helped establish the first
State-supported normal school
Jean is a new teacher at the end of her second year. When she meets with her principal to discuss her performance for the year and her assignment for the following school year, the principal will probably rely on Jean's
Evaluative observations
When teachers initially enter the classroom environment, their primary focus tends to be
Helena believes that her main goal as a teacher is to transfer the knowledge and values that her students will need to do well when they graduate and move into society. She strives to have her students learn to be academically proficient and to instill her students with values such as respect, diligence, and practicality. Based on what you have learned, Helena would rely on
teacher-centered philosophies.
An essentialist would argue that essentialism
is an effective way to help develop a common culture among Americans.
As a teacher, Richard wants his students to develop rational thought and think rigorously. He feels that he should prepare his brightest students for future leadership and responsibility, and he wants to prepare his other students to be good at whatever jobs they do after graduation. For his college-bound students, he urges them to choose liberal arts schools that allow students to pursue truth, beauty, and wisdom as opposed to "simply getting a piece of paper that leads to a job." Based on what you have learned, Richard's views represent
Progressivism's foremost educational advocate was
John Dewey.
John Dewey founded a famous experimental school to test his ideas. That school was
the Laboratory School.
If you were to walk into a progressivist classroom, you would find teachers
acting as facilitators for their students.
Unlike existentialists, ________ believe that free will is an illusion and that human nature is shaped by the environment.
The use of a system of positive reinforcement to encourage desired behavior is based on
The Socratic method involves
questioning the student to draw out answers.
A key aspect of teaching in a constructivist classroom is
understanding each student's prior knowledge and understanding
Most first Americans were forcibly segregated from the dominant group and forced to
move from their geographic homelands
Race is a concept that was developed to describe the
ethnicity of people
Which movement in the 1960s reduced barriers that prevented many African Americans from enjoying advantages of the middle class
Civil rights movement
Which group of immigrants were recruited to provide labor on the West Coast
Filipinos, Chinese, and Japanese
Which were immigrants from Eastern and Southern European countries enticed to move and accept jobs in Midwestern and Eastern US cites
Devastating political hardship and devastating economic
Nativism was designed to
restrict immigration
The majority of undocumented immigrants settle in which state
Texas, California, and Illnois
The 1964 civil rights acts did what
gave voting rights to African American
Which group of students is the most segregated minority group in US schools
Which students are the most integrated group in the nation's public schools
Asian American
The goal of desegregation has changed from the physical integration of students within a school building to the achivement of equal learning opportunites are outcomes for all students
Between the ages two and five children become aware of
ethnicity, race, and gender
Factors other then physical characteristics must be used to determine a students
What is the most basic definition of ethic group
focus on an individuals national orgin
Ethic communication undergo constant change in
occupations, population characteristics, and locations
An individuals degree of ethic identity is influenced early in that persons life by
whether or not the family members recognize ethnicity as an important part of their identity
Which group of people fight the assimilative group aspects of schooling such as dress, language, music, and values
families with origins other than Europe, families who are neither Christians nor conservative Christians, and immigrant families
Children are less likely to maintain such strong ethnic identity because
their primary relationships are with members of other ethnic groups
Class determines
The community in which you live, Restaurants you eat in, The schools students attend
Class can be defined as
A distinction based on one's social or economic status
Social stratification ranks individuals and families on the basis of
Wealth, Education, Income
Many people accept and follow socially defined behavior based on their
Who tries to combat the institutionalized acceptance and expectation of unequal status across cultural groups?
Civil rights organizations
Inequality results from
Differentiated rankings within the division of labor
One's assignment to groups at birth is known as
Ascribed status
SES serves as a composite of the economic status of a family or unrelated individuals on the basis of
Wealth, Educational attainment, Occupation
Income is
The amount of money earned in wages or salaries
Educators use observations of student dress, language, and eligibility for free or reduced lunch to determine students'
Socioeconomic status
A family's SES is
Usually observable
The net worth of a family is determined by
For most families, family wealth comes from
The residual value of household goods and The equity value of homes
One's job indicates
One's income, One's socioeconomic status, One's education
The best predictor of occupational prestige is
Powerless groups continually obtain fewer of society's benefits because they lack accessibility to sources of power. True or false?
Many Americans identify themselves as
Middle class
Which act requires public schools to provide educational rights and protections for homeless children and youth?
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
What is most likely to be a condition of the young, persons of color, women, full-time workers in low status jobs, and the illiterate?
Homophobia is
The irrational fear of or aversion to homosexuals
Heterosexuality is
The valued sexual orientation
Homosexuals may not be able to
Find jobs, Find housing, Be admitted to "straight" clubs
Many people have little knowledge about homosexuality, which leads to feelings of
Disgust, Anger, and Anxiety
Most researchers agree that sexual orientation is established
Early in life
Prior to the 1970s most lesbians and gays hid their homosexuality out of fear of
Retaliation and Rejection
Many homosexuals suffer loneliness and alienation because they
Do not acknowledge their homosexuality
Gay and lesbian educators are often forced to separate their personal and professional lives for fear of
Losing their jobs
When school officials and teachers are supportive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students, these students
Feel safer in schools, have higher GPAs, and are more likely to attend college
By the age of 2 years, children
Begin to learn expected behaviors and Realize they are either boys or girls
Appropriate gender behavior is reinforced
On television, In play with peers, In magazines
What is the process called when children develop social skills and a sense of self?
At the beginning of the twentieth century, some scientists thought men were intellectually
Differences between sexes have often prevented
The attitudes and values about appropriate gender roles are embedded in
The curriculum
Patriarchal arrangements in society have made women
Subordinate to men
It is difficult to determine how many gender differences are biological because
Society has different expectations for different behaviors
Gender is defined as
The characteristics of feminity and masculinity as determined by culture
The superior status of men is reflected in the inequities that exist in
Differences in wages earned by men and women, Economic rewards for housework and childbearing, and Prestige of different jobs held by men and women
Girls, according to Gurian, tend to be
Inductive thinkers
Gurian reports that boys are more likely to be
Deductive thinkers
Masculinity is measured by a man's
Assertiveness, Leadership, and Independence
The scientists at the beginning of the 20th century also believed that women's nature made it imperative that
Men give orders and women take orders in the workplace
Research shows that boys have not been encouraged to
Be emotionally literate
Who was John Goodlad?
the author of A Place Called School, a study examining the purposes of schooling
When students, parents, and teachers were asked to rate school goals in a study
vocational, personal, academic, and social and civic goals were all rated "very important."
Educators such as Arthur Bestor and Ernest Boyer have concluded that
U.S. schools have taken responsibility for too many policies and goals.
Immediately after the release of A Nation at Risk, most school reformers focused on
reducing electives and increasing courses required for graduation from high school.
In a 1918 school reform study by the NEA Committee of Ten, members focused on
preparing adults for their life roles.
The neighborhood public school is
in competition with magnet schools, charter schools, and even for-profit schools.
Charter schools typically enjoy
permission to operate for a fixed length of time.
What principle do Educational Maintenance Organizations follow?
Profits can be realized by investing in education.
In Lemon v. Kurtzman, the Supreme Court established criteria to
determine the legality of government funds used in religious schools.
All of the following are goal areas in John Goodlad's definition of the purpose of school EXCEPT to
become more accepting of individual differences.
Engaged time is
time students are actively involved with academic subject matter.
One downside of computers is
they impose a potential health risk.
In order to promote more efficient use of classroom time, classroom rules should be
few and fair.
Teachers who demonstrate "withitness" are
aware of all students' behavior in the classroom at all times.
Group alerting is a technique designed to
keep students' attention by addressing questions to the class, then naming the student to respond.
Arno Bellack's pedagogical cycle features these "moves":
structure, question, respond, react.
The amount of time a teacher typically waits to call on a student after asking a question is
one second or less.
The most frequent teacher reaction is
Direct teaching is
teacher presentation of new material, followed by directed practice and feedback.
How does differentiated instruction organize instructional activities?
through concentrated tutorials designed to bring about mastery of a few key concepts
Which group of people is overrepresented at the highest levels of the social stratification system?
White, able-bodied men
The socioeconomic condition of persons and groups can be measured with a criterion called
Socioeconomic status (SES)
Many people view income inequity as a natural outcome of the American Way.
One way to examine the continuum of income is to use
The median income of the United States
Class consciousness is very pronounced in the United States because of an overall improvement in the standard of living.
Between now and 2014 most of the ten fastest growing occupations are in
medical professions
It is illegal for prospective employers to question an applicant's
Which statement best describes the use of corporal punishment in U.S. education?
Corporal punishment is legal in some states and prohibited in others
School teachers who participate in strikes
are prohibited in over half of states, but in practice are rarely prosecuted
A teacher who suspects a child is the victim of child abuse
has both an ethical responsibility and a legal responsibility to report the suspected abuse
The principle of spontaneity can protect a teacher who uses a published work as a teaching tool if
the teacher has an inspiration to use a work but no time to receive permission
When a teacher's private life is called into question by the courts, a governing principle that determines whether or not the teacher may be dismissed is often
whether there is substantial disruption of the educational process
The principle protecting a teacher's right to teach without coercion, censorship, or other restrictive interference
is known as academic freedom
A child who is expelled for bringing nail clippers to school is probably feeling the consequence of
a zero-tolerance policy
The Buckley Amendment ensures the rights of ________ to access educational records
parents and guardians
A teacher being fired for creating timely lesson plans about ethnic and religious differences would most likely be able to regain his or her job based on
academic freedom
What is it called when a person suffers from severe delays in the acquisition of cognitive, language, motor, and social skills?
Developmental disabilities
Least-restrictive environment means that children with disabilities are to be separated from nondisabled children whenever possible. True or false?
Students who have extraordinary abilities are
Gifted and talented
Mental retardation and emotional disturbance is often linked to
Lower socioeconomic status
Public Law 94-142 is the
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
An Individualized Education Program is
Designed to meet the unique needs of a student with disabilities
Society has a mindset that people with disabilities are
Children or childlike and have severe physical and mental disabilities
As we stereotype individuals with disabilities we deny them
Social value, worth, and a rightful place in society
Which group of individuals are most likely to form their own cultural group?
Individuals with visual imparities and individuals with hearing imparities
Failure to provide adequate educational and vocational opportunities for individuals with disabilities may preclude the possibility of
Social equality and economic equality
________ in special education is a major problem in education.
Some special education classes to some extent have become a dumping ground for many culturally and linguistically diverse children. True or false?
Overrepresentation in special education placements can be a problem if special education limits their opportunities for
Access to the general education curriculum, Obtaining a high school diploma, and Access to quality programs
Minorities of color are less likely to be placed in special education classes. True or false?
Which group of students are underrepresented in classes for the gifted and talented?
Latino, African American, American Indian
Lead poisoning can create problems for children such as
Behavior problems, Lowered IQ, and Learning disabilities
Male, African American, and lower socioeconomic backgrounds are characteristics of
Students receiving overreferrals to special education
Special education overrepresentation often mirrors the overrepresentation seen in other areas such as dropouts, low-track placements, corporal punishment, suspensions, and involvement in the juvenile justice system. True or false?
Acceptance implies
A freedom for the exceptional child to grow
Person with disabilities have been
Rejected by society
The sequence of planned learning experiences described in course guides and syllabi is called
the formal curriculum or explicit curriculum
All of the following statements about the extra-curriculum are true EXCEPT
since Title IX, high school boys and girls have participated in varsity sports in equal numbers.
A major difference between the formal and the hidden curriculum is
the hidden curriculum arises spontaneously from interactions between students and their environments
The formal curriculum of the 17th century was primarily concerned with
religion and reading
In the 1960s, the curriculum emphasized
social issues
The strong emphasis on the basics and academics during the 1980s was due to
although a popular idea, the jury is still out on the effectiveness of computers in schools
Which of the following would be LEAST supported by the back-to-basics movement
incorporating demanding programs that meet the interests of students
The educational approach that best fits an emphasis on cultural literacy as advanced by E. D. Hirsch, Jr., is
a curriculum that details the facts and concepts that every educated American should know
Research on the effectiveness of computers in education shows that
although a popular idea, the jury is still out on the effectiveness of computers in schools
Teachers shape the curriculum by
supplementing an official curriculum with other materials and objectives
The state government influences curriculum by
sponsoring standards and standardized testing
Textbook adoption states
are common in the South
Advantages of the statewide adoption process include all of the following benefits EXCEPT
more options for teachers at the local level
The two states that are most influential in the state adoption process are
Texas and California
A textbook covers 20th century U.S. history without mentioning the continuing struggle for civil rights, and pictures throughout the text portray only harmonious race relations. This is an example of bias called
A textbook uses "he" and "mankind" to refer to all people. This is an example of bias called
linguistic bias
Proposed content standards were quite controversial in which content area
The push for more testing
concerns those who protest the use of class time for test preparation
Your school is changing some policies to meet the demands of No Child Left Behind. Which of the following would NOT meet federal NCLB requirements?
Offering low-cost after-school tutoring to students in underperforming schools
High-stakes testing has been criticized for
failing to consistently correlate with other measures of student learning
A scientific "theory," such as the theory of evolution, is
a thoroughly tested belief unlikely to change
Intelligent design
credits an unnamed intelligence for aspects of nature unexplained by science
The main point of The Saber Tooth Curriculum is that
slavish devotion to the content of past times can result in a curriculum obsolete for contemporary realities
One of the criticisms of the textbook industry is the tendency to include a great deal of content in a superficial way. This is known as the
flip phenomenon
In the era of No Child Left Behind, evidence shows that for many schools, teaching is being redefined as ____________ preparation?
Standardized tests are popular for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
reflects actual student talents and performance
The initial results of the effects of Proposition 227 for the school years 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 showed that SAT-9 Achievement test scores in a district (Oceanside Unified School District) which had faithfully implemented the mandates of the proposition, found
Positive results with increased percentile points for 2nd grade English Language Learner (ELL) students
Hakuta and his research associates at Stanford University negate the claims of victory by Proposition 227 supporters with the increases in achievement test scores because they suggest that
The increases were due to the statistical phenomenon referred to as the "regression to the mean", California had just implemented class size reduction at the inception of Proposition 227, and Other districts, which had maintained various forms of bilingual education, had made similar gains. (All of the above)
Which of the following suits was not one of the class action suits brought against school boards or districts because of discriminatory IQ tests?
Lau v. Nichols
By the age of ________, most children have learned the syntax of their native language and know that the words in different arrangements mean different things.
The opponents of Proposition 227 argue against the initiative primarily because
It is not based on any scientific research data
U. S. society has strong
Eurocentric roots
In the Lau v. Nichols decision, the Supreme Court
None of the above
The more or less secret vocabulary of a co-culture (e.g., prisoners, gang members, etc.) is referred to by linguists as
When a second language replaces the first, this is referred to as
Subtractive bilingualism
Social dialects generally differ from one another in the use of
The determination of what is and what is not standard English is made by
People in positions of status and People in positions of power
The English dialect spoken by the vast majority of African Americans is
Vernacular Black English. Black English, Ebonics, and African American Vernacular English (All of the above)
At issue in the Oakland Unified School District Ebonics controversy was the fact that in 1996
African Americans had the lowest grade point average in the district and African Americans comprised a disproportionately high percentage of placements in special education classes
Which of the following would likely maintain a more distant physical space in a normal conversation than the other groups listed?
Of the following groups, a child of which should a teacher avoid patting on the head as a supportive gesture because the family may consider it offensive?
Southeast Asians
Research by Cummins found that while two years is adequate for most language minority students to develop basic communication skills (BICS) for conversational English, it takes ________ years of school training to develop higher levels of proficiency for structured academic settings (CALP).
5 to 7
U. S. English, which is sometimes referred to as the "English Only" or "Official English," favors the transition of bilingual education into mainstream English usage
Within 1 to 2 years
By 2004, the "English as the Official Language" movement
Had been adopted as statutes or state constitutional amendments by over half the states
California's Proposition 227 was a ballot initiative passed in 1998 with the intended purpose of
Ending bilingual education in the state
Which of the following is a part of California's Proposition 227 requirements?
Teachers who fail to implement the law as prescribed may be sued, Parents may seek waivers to continue in bilingual education, and All language minority students will be educated in sheltered English immersion programs not normally exceeding one year. (All of the above)
Sternberg describes gifted and talented students as
having wisdom.
Which principle of special education implies that children have the right to an education involving accurate diagnosis of individual needs?
Appropriate Education
Learning styles are affected by the ________ abilities of the students.
cognitive, affective , and physiological
The case against segregating children with disabilities was made in part because of the findings of
the Brown v. Board of Education decision.
Learning styles can best be characterized as
unique to the individual.
Which of the following has NOT been given as a reason for single-sex schools?
Girls' science and math genes are developed in single sex schools.
Research shows that the gifted
suffer from feelings of isolation.
How might you characterize the changing understanding of intelligence?
We are broadening our understanding of intelligence beyond traditional language and mathematical-logical factors
The Lab School of Washington builds its curriculum around
the arts.
Which form of special need has increased tenfold in only two decades?
Philip Jackson calls teachers gatekeepers because
they direct the flow of classroom interaction.
Soft bias refers to
the lowering of teachers' academic expectations for poor children.
The metaphor that best captures David Owen's study of high school life compares the adolescent experience to
visitors to a foreign land and culture.
Research indicates that because of noninstructional demands (discipline problems, attendance, etc.) teachers lose what percentage of instructional time?
about 25 percent
When people remember their high school experiences, they are most likely to recall issues concerning the
social status system.
To avoid the stigma of the label "tracking," which of the following terms is being used by schools for the system by which students are assigned to a position within an academic range or level?
ability grouping
Which of the following statements about trends in suicide are true?
The general incidence of suicide has fallen, but has grown for those between the ages of 15 and 24.
John Goodlad found that teachers
vary considerably in how efficiently they use time.
Which of the following claims about tracking is supported by research?
Tracking by class (socioeconomic status) is one of the oldest of school traditions.
Raphaela Best's study of peer groups revealed that
the boys who are excluded from the dominant male peer group exhibit social, emotional, and academic problems.
The unremarked revolution refers to
the detracking movement.
In Life in Classrooms, Philip Jackson characterizes school life as
busy teachers working with students, often forced to delay or deny their needs.
Philip Jackson researched teacher interactions in the classroom and concluded
the high number of teacher-student interactions that occur in class underscores the rapid pace of classroom discourse.
Sociologist Talcott Parsons's investigation of the tracking system led to the conclusion that tracking is
a system that molds educational and career paths of children at a very early age.
Which of the following is true of today's families in the U.S.?
Only two-thirds of children live in two-parent households.
Which of the following statements is true?
Up to a half of America's children report being bullied at least once a month.
Which of the following is a recommended teaching strategy found to be particularly appropriate for students living in poverty?
focus on language skills
Latchkey children
are generally from educated families.
In researching poverty, Shirley Brice Heath found that interactions between adults and children
are information-driven in middle-class families.
As educators we
Have a right to our own religious convictions
________ is one of the oldest religions known to humanity and provides the historical roots of both Catholicism and Protestantism.
The religious pluralism of the school in which one teaches will be determined by
The geographic region of the United States
A 1963 Supreme Court decision removed
Prayer from school
Fundamentalists are
Secular humanism
De-emphasizes God and is respect for human beings
Religious misunderstandings between teachers and the community can affect
Many religions are ________.
Particularistic means
The belief that your own religion is legitimate, the belief that your own religion is uniquely true, and the belief that all other religions are false
Religion appears to influence patterns of
Political attitudes, marriage, and sex roles
Religious behavior is
Which religious group is in the majority in the United States?
The political leadership in the country often reflects the influence of various religious groups.
The ________ religion in the United States has developed the largest private educational system in the world.
Roman Catholic
The vast majority of Muslim students in the United States attend ________ schools.
________ is defined as a minority religion characteristically centered on a charismatic leader who requires strict adherence to beliefs and practices.
The ________ is a very conservative and politically active group of Christians.
Religious right
Public schools are supposed to be free of religious ________.
Perspective and doctrine
The public would be outraged if total separation of church and state were imposed.
Religious groups can influence
Curriculum, textbooks, and the election of school board members
Local communities raise most of their educational revenues through
property tax
Which of the following best describes the system of funding U.S. schools?
very decentralized, with local and state governments bearing most of the costs
In the last fifty years or so, state funding for schools
has increased dramatically
What was the importance of Edgewood v. Kirby?
A state supreme court found that gross differences in per-pupil expenditures violated the state constitution.
Which of the following declared education a fundamental right under California state law and led to a wave of reform in state funding of schools?
Serrano v. Priest
An "adequate education"
focuses on educational outcomes
State governments typically do NOT
hire school personnel
The bond method of financing
creates a government loan for infrastructure needs.
How much of the cost of public education does the federal government typically fund?
less than 10 percent
What are the biggest sources of state funding for schools?
sales and personal income taxes
In San Antonio v. Rodriguez, the Supreme Court decided that
the then-current finance system did not violate the U.S. Constitution.
State constitutions guarantee the right to an "adequate education" including all the following characteristics EXCEPT
uniform statewide test scores.
What does Education Secretary Arne Duncan's "Race to the Top" competition set aside funding for?
states with the most innovative plans for improving their schools
Under the American Recovery and Revitalization Act, a failing school that is "reconstituted" would
be closed and reopened with significant changes, a new principal, and new teachers.
A call for accountability in schools means that people want
evidence that increased financial support results in educational progress.
Individual states retain responsibility for education due to the
Tenth Amendment.
The chief state school officer manages
implementation of the policies of the board of education.
Local school board members tend to be
white, male, and middle or upper class.
A school superintendent
is the most powerful education officer in the district.
The influence of the business community in America's schools can best be characterized as
extensive and growing.
Which of the following is not one of the text's suggested means to learn other cultures?
View films and television programs with actors from different ethnic groups.
Which of the following is inducative of a school climate that does not reflect a commitment to multicultural education?
Only male students waiting in the vice principals office for discipline, individuals of color in custodial and clerical positions and dominant group indivduals in administrative positions, football team comprised almost exclusively of American American and the chess club primarily of white students
Multicultural education should be emphasized primarily for
Student of color, majority group students, and majority group students
Which of the following is not one of the standards suggested as critical to improving learning for diverse students by the Center for Research on Education Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE)
Emphasizing lectures over dialogue
Cultural responsive teaching
Views the cultures and experiences of students as strengths, affirms the cultures of the students, and reflects the students culture in the teaching process
Which of the following is not one of the basic components of a multicultural curriculum?
Life goals of students
In teaching academic subjects multiculturally
Students from diverse background can learn about lifestyles based on other cultural backgrounds, as long as they are not the only ones to which are exposed, students who dont see representations of themselves and their families in the curriculum will have difficulty seeing the relevance of the academic, and teachers must understands the students cultured to develop instructional strategies that can be related to the students life experiences
When teachers hold low or negative expectations for academic achievement by students of color
The students usually tend to meet the expectations no matter what their abilities are.
Expectations for minority students academically
Varies by racial/ethnic group
When there are no differences in ability, academic tracks reflect
Class differences, gender differences, and race differences
Which of the following statement is not correct regarding student tracking
Homogeneous grouping is more helpful in improving achievement for students from low income and oppressed groups
Which of the following is not a requirement for teaching for social justice?
Belief that every one is capable of equal opportunity to achieve
Which of the following statement is incorrect
Multicultural teaching requires students to acknowledge their own racist behavior
For students to achieve academically
The should be able to maintain their own cultural identities inside and outside the school
Which of the following was not one of the results of the results of the Metropolitan Life Insurance (1996) survey
The majority of students felts that there was equitable treatment for students across income and color lines
Which of the following is not among the reasons cited as to why parents from diverse backgrounds may not feel welcome in the school
Teachers are intimidated by the cultural differences and are hesitant in their interactions with these parents
The stratergy which groups students to work together on a project to support and learn from each other is referred to as
Cooperative learning
In analyzing poverty in the classroom
Families and indiviudals are often blamed for their own poverty, teachers can hep students to understand the contributions of the labor class as well as the rich and powerful, and it is difficult for those who are advantaged to acknowledge that our economic systems does not provide equitably for all white and individuals of color
Which of the following statements is incorrect
Addressing racism in the classroom can be highly violate and should be left to teachers who specialize in multicultural issues to address
Most students
Accept the information written in their textbooks as the absolute truth
Which of the following statements is incorrect
Multicultural teaching requires students to acknowledge their own racist behaviors
Which of the following is not a requirement for teaching for social justice
Belief that every one is capable of equal opportunity to achieve