To assess reading fluency, many teachers make a series of check marks on a sheet of paper as the child reads each word correctly. Teachers may use other marks to indicate words that the child substitutes, repeats, pronounces incorrectly, or doesn't know. This type of assessment is called a:
Running Record
Books selected for a child's recreational reading should match the child's:
independent level
The best way to determine whether a student has the background knowledge needed to read a text would be to use a:
KWL Chart
Scores which children receive on high-stakes standardized tests are most often linked to:
The Lexile Framework
A second grade teacher would like to help her student, Tommy, and his parents understand the progress he has made during the school year. Of the following, the best way to accomplish that goal would be to:
review Tommy's portfolio with Tommy and his parents
At the end of the school year, Mary completed a written test to show that she met grade level standards. Of the following, the best term to describe that test would be that it was an
A type of scoring guide which can assist teachers in assessing a child's writing is a
To prepare children to take high-stakes tests, teachers should:
teach test-taking strategies
Informal reading inventories:
enable teachers to examine a child's comprehension
Running Records can best be used to determine a child's:
reading fluency
Of the following, the best example of an authentic assessment is a:
child's work sample
Portfolios should focus upon:
a child's work sample
An informal reading inventory usually consists of
graded word lists and passages
The primary purpose of classroom assessment is to
inform and influence instruction
Readability formulas can not always be used to predict whether a child will be able to read a book because they don't consider factors such as:
a child's background knowledge
Leveling books is a method of estimating the:
difficulty level of a book
Megan could read the novel Number the Stars if her teacher explained a few difficult words and helped her understand the setting. This novel was at Megan's:
instructional level
Teachers often engage in direct and informal observation of students. A term which has been used to describe this observation is:
kid watching
Of the following, the best ways to assess prekindergartners' literacy learning are to
make observations and collect work samples
In order for teachers to fairly and effectively assess their students' progress, teachers should:
use a combination of formal and informal assessment tools
A controlling idea or common thread in a multigenre project is a:
A first grade teacher plans to have each child in her class give an oral presentation. An experienced teacher correctly advised that:
presentations should be limited to just a few students at each session
A fourth grade teacher is compiling a text set for students to use during a thematic unit. As he selects books, this teacher has correctly decided to:
select books written on a range of levels to fit the needs of all students
A set of books which share a theme or a set of books written by the same author is known as a:
text set
A teacher has been told to use graphic organizers to help students learn content-area material. This teacher should:
introduce various graphic organizers and let students select the most appropriate form for each assignment
A third grade teacher would like his students to take notes and monitor their learning as they complete a thematic unit on winter sports. The best way to accomplish this goal would be for the students to:
keep learning logs
An activity in which children write for 5 to 10 minutes, exploring a topic and using new vocabulary without worrying about mechanics or revisions is called a
Assessment at the end of a thematic unit should emphasize:
children's learning of the big ideas
Children draw and write entries to record and react to what they are learning in:
learning logs
Diagrams that provide organized visual representations of information from texts are:
graphic organizers
During a thematic unit on the postal system, a teacher read aloud two related books, Truman's Aunt Farm and The Jolly Postman. The teacher then encouraged the students to use those books as models for writing their own books. Books which are used as models are referred to as:
mentor texts
Informational books are organized using:
expository text structures
can be used as part of content-area instruction
When a first grade teacher announced that her students would be giving oral presentations, experienced teachers correctly advised her to:
teach the students how to be good listeners
When a third grade teacher asked his class to write a report on Washington, D.C., the principal correctly responded:
writing can help young children learn about content-area topics
When children explore topics that interest them and research answers to questions they have posed, they are engaging in:
authentic ressearch
When implementing a thematic unit, a teacher should explain the assessment measures to the class when the children:
begin the unit
When planning a thematic unit, teachers should:
plan to differentiate instruction to fit learners' needs
When they completed the unit on the solar system, the fourth grade students made a video, gave a PowerPoint presentation, and wrote a poem about the planets. These students completed a:
multigenre project
can be used as a learning tool during thematic units
A parent told her son's teacher that she stopped reading aloud to her son at home because he asked too many questions while she was reading. The teacher correctly replied that:
questioning is an effective method for children to deepen their understanding of a story
As he was reading an informational text on farming, nine-year-old George became confused so he asked a classmate to help him understand a paragraph. As George was monitoring his reading, he was using a
metacognitive strategy
As the class prepared to read a mystery, their teacher raised questions to activate background knowledge. Background knowledge could be classified as a:
reader factor
Because several of the English learners in Mr. Sullivan's classroom had lived in fishing villages, this teacher thought they would be able to comprehend a book about fishing. As he read aloud, however, the students seemed confused. The most likely explanation is that:
the students did not understand the vocabulary used in the text
Children make connections when they are reading. When children move beyond personal experience to relate what they are reading to global knowledge, they are making:
text-to-world connections
Children often need to reread a text in order to form inferences because during a first reading, they tend to focus only on:
literal comprehension
Diagrams that reflect the structure of a text are referred to as:
graphic organizers
When readers create mental images of what they are reading, they are using the strategy of:
Every day, third-grade teacher Jeanne Brown read a text aloud and then asked her students questions about the text. She changed this practice when her principal correctly told her that research suggests the most significant improvements occur in comprehension when:
students learn to generate their own questions
Fluency influences comprehension because fluent readers:
can devote more attention to comprehension
In order for a student to comprehend a text, the student must have adequate:
background knowledge
Of the following, the most effective way for a teacher to assess students' ability to apply comprehension strategies is to:
ask students to think aloud and share their thinking as they read passages
Preschool children
use comprehension strategies when they listen to stories
Students use the evaluating strategy
throughout the reading process
The most effective way to give students practice in applying comprehension strategies is to provide time for them to:
read interesting books written at their reading level
The principal told a new teacher that he should encourage his students to make predictions as they read. The principal correctly stated that the teacher should ask the students to make predictions:
at pivotal points in the story
To assess her students' comprehension, a teacher copied a passage from a text they were reading but she deleted a few words. She then asked the students to supply the missing words as they read the passage. This teacher was using a:
Cloze Procedure
When Calvin, a second-grade student, read a Jigsaw Jones mystery story and compared it to an Encyclopedia Brown story, he was making a:
text-to-text connection
When students go beyond literal comprehension and make connections that are not explicitly stated in a text, they are making:
Of the following, the best way for teachers to model comprehension strategies is to use:
A second grade student has completed revisions on her report. Her experienced teacher has correctly advised that she should:
wait a few days before editing the report
A tool which can help children focus on particular types of errors in writing is the
editing checklist
A type of reading in which children read slowly, word by word, hunting for errors rather than reading quickly for meaning is
Children are ready to share their writing with classmates, parents, and other members of the community when they reach the:
publishing stage
Children pour out ideas with little concern about spelling, punctuation, and other mechanical errors during the:
drafting stage
Children select a topic, consider purpose, audience, and form and gather and organize ideas for writing during stage of the writing process known as the:
prewriting stage
children should adapt their writing to fit their
During the drafting stage of writing, emphasis should be placed upon:
Examples of rehearsal activities that children may use before writing are:
drawing and talking
In September, new teacher Megan Green told her students to form groups to discuss their writing. A more experienced teacher told her that before placing the students in groups, she should have:
taught the students how to respond to their classmates' writing
In September, the first grade students in Mike Flyer's class often wrote notes with invented spelling. His principal correctly advised him to:
focus on the message rather than spelling errors
Of the following, the best way to assess students' writing would be to use:
rubrics developed by the teacher
Of the following, the best way for teachers to model and teach conventional spelling, capitalization, and punctuation to students who are English learners is to use:
interactive writing
Of the following, the best way to help students become more familiar with writing genres would be to
show and discuss samples of various writing genres
Putting a piece of writing into its final form is referred to as
Reading and writing are:
similar processes
The commonly accepted conventions of written Standard English are referred to as:
The goal of both reading and writing is to:
construct meaning
The students in Jenny Kirk's fourth grade class select their own writing topics and write independently while the teacher circulates to monitor their work. This class is participating in:
writing workshop
When a teacher and students create a text together, they engage in:
interactive writing
Phonemic Awareness is the basic understanding that
speech is composed of a series of individual sounds
the smallest units of speech are
A strategy for segmenting sounds in a word that involves drawing a box to represent each sound in a word is
Elkonin Box
Research has shown that the most powerful predictor of later reading achievement is
phonemic awareness
When working with students who are English learners, researchers recommend
providing explicit instruction in phonemic awareness
As the teacher added words to the Word Wall, six year old Bill pointed to the word 'will' and said "I can read that word because it looks like my name". Bill used the phonics strategy of
decoding by analogy
The principal correctly advised a newly hired first grade teacher that he should
teach phonics skills in a predetermined sequence
Phonemic awareness instruction helps children use the phonemic awareness strategies of
blending and segmenting
Preschool teachers can nurture young children's phonemic awareness with developmentally appropriate activities such as
singing songs and sharing word play books
in the word 'cat', the rime is
of the following, the best way for a teacher to monitor a child's phonemic awareness development is to
deserve the child as he participates in phonemic awareness activites
The alphabetic principle suggests that
there should be a one-to-one correspondence between phonemes and graphemes
in most situations, phonics instruction should be completed by the end of
third grade
the set of relationships between phonolgy (the sounds in speech) and orthology (the spelling patterns of written language) is referred to as
the language origin of words is referred to as
phonemes are classified as either consonants or
one-syllable words and syllables in longer words can be divided into 2 parts known as the
onset and the rime
of the following, it is most important for teachers to provide time for students to
apply the phonics they are learning in authentic reading and writing activites
Because five-year-old Ryan enjoys watching movies in the Star Wars series, his teacher invited him to write a Star Wars story with her. Ryan dictated sentences about Star Wars movies. His teacher wrote most of the sentences. Ryan wrote what he could such as the names of the characters R2D2 and C3PO. Ryan and his teacher engaged in:
interactive writing
in the english language there are
44 Phonemes
The principal gave new teacher Bill Brown a set of dictionaries for his fourth grade classroom and correctly advised him that he should
model techniques for selecting the most appropriate definitions
A teacher helped his students understanding the meaning of the prefix post by discussing terminology used in football games such as post season and postgame. With this lesson, the teacher introduced his students to
morphemic awareness
of the following, the factor which has the strongest influence on students' vocabulary development is
time spent reading
the English word pioneer is similar in looks and meaning to the Spanish word pionero. These words are examples of
The children in Tom Brown's class enjoy playing word games such as scrabble and like to revise their writing by adding more colorful adjectives. This behavior suggests that the students have developed
word conciousness
For vocabulary instruction to be effective, children must
relate the new words to their background knowledge
When she exclaimed compositions, third grade teacher Madeline Church, found that her students used basic words such as good and bad instead of more descriptive adjectives. To help the students use more effective words, the teacher should
teach the students to use a thesaurus
A second grade teacher wants to give her students as much time as possible for daily independent reading so she has correctly decided to use
reading workshop
A teacher wants to increase her students' interest in learning new words and she wants them to be able to spell high-frequency words independently in their compositions. The principal correctly suggested that the best way to accomplish these goals would be to
create a word wall in the classroom
Second grade teacher Rose Carmel would like to monitor her students' vocabulary growth. Of the following, the best way for this teacher to determine whether her students understand the meaning of new words would be to
listen to students' conversation during word study activities
A third grade teacher would like to help his students think more deeply about words and consider their meanings. An appropriate activity to accomplish that task would be
Word Sorts
Emma could not read the word birthday when she saw it written in isolation on the chalkboard. Later, the teacher wrote the sentences, "Emma is six today. Her dad will bake a cake. Today, is Emma's birthday". Emma recognized the word birthday when she saw it in a sentence. The most likely explanation is that Emma determined the word by using
context clues
The explicit, dictionary meaning of a word is referred to as the
literal meaning
Research has found that
children with larger vocabularies are more capable readers
The best way to encourage independent reading is to allot time for
Sustained Silent Reading
It is especially important for teachers to read aloud to struggling readers because struggling readers
typically read fewer books by themselves
Of the following, the most important reason for reading aloud to children is that
children learn many new words incidentally as they listen
While planning a lesson, a teacher noted that the social studies textbook chapter referred repeatedly to the terms equator, longitude, and latitude. This teacher should
explicitly teach these terms to help students understand the content area material
The idea that capable readers learn more vocabulary because they read more is an example of the
Matthew Effect
English learners in the class seemed confused when the teacher used expressions such as "Raining Cats and Dogs" and "A Bird in the Hand". These expressions are examples of
A Japanese poetic form that contains 17 syllables arranged in 3 lines of 5, 7, 5, syllables is
As the teacher read a poem, the students repeated the lines with which they were familiar, clapped and added appropriate sound effects. These students participated in an
interactive read aloud
Fourth grade teacher Helen Brady would like to show her students how she uses the text features of a book to aid her comprehension. The best way for the teacher to do this would be to use a
think aloud
informational books are organized in particular ways called
expository text structures
myths about heroes and heroines who have done something important enough to be remembered in story are
of the following, the best way for a teacher to assess students' understanding of expository text structures would be to
ask students to write informational texts
Poems that tell a story are
preschool students
should be exposed to narrative texts, expository texts, and poetry
Rachel is struggling because she doesn't understand text factors as well as her classmates. The teacher should give Rachel
daily authentic experiences with books
Stories are best defined as
one type of literature, characterized by specific structural elements
Stories have unique structural elements that distinguish them from other types of literature. The sequence of events involving characters in conflict situations is known as
Stories that could not really take place are
Stories which are lifelike and believeable, without magic or supernatural powers are referred to as
realistic fiction
Students should learn about nonficiton text features because these features
can make their reading more effective and improve their comprehension
Unrhymed poetry is referred to as
free verse
Books in which text and illustration combine to tell a story, provide information, or paint word pictures are called
picture books
One way in which text can be categorized is by
brief narratives designed to teach a moral are
Stories which have been passed down through generations before being written down can be categorized as
folk literature
Stories which were created to explain natural phenomena are