According to Jean Piaget, a major accomplishment of preoperational intelligence is:
the development of symbolic thought.
An example of scaffolding is
joint reading with a child—explaining, pointing, listening.
According to Jean Piaget, which of the following is one of the characteristics that limit a preoperational child's thinking?
Which Vygotsky term refers to temporary support that is tailored to a learner's needs and abilities and is aimed at helping him or her master a new skill?
Because most 3-year-olds have not yet developed a theory of mind, it makes it difficult for them to:
Research has found that before children imitate adults, they usually want to know:
why the adult acted the way they did.
Early childhood is __________ for language learning.
a sensitive period
Fast-mapping allows a child to be exposed to a word _____ before remembering it.
A "language shift" refers to:
becoming more fluent in the school language than in the language spoken at home.
Teacher-directed early education programs primarily use _____ to facilitate learning?
step-by-step learning and repetition.
Which of the following early intervention programs did NOT consistently enroll children full time for years nor was it research-based?
Head Start
What is one of the best questions a parent could ask when trying to find a high-quality preschool?
How long has each staff member worked at this center?"
Teacher-directed programs usually emphasize:
preparation for school.
Which characteristic of preoperational thought involves a child ignoring all attributes that are not apparent?
focus on appearance
Which characteristic of preoperational thought involves a child thinking that nothing can be undone?
Which of the following is a term associated with Vygotsky's approach to cognitive development?
After noticing that her 4-year-old brother was having difficulty putting a jigsaw puzzle together, Rose helped him with the task by praising his successes and helping him to recognize progress. From Vygotsky's perspective, this as an example of
guided participation
Lev Vygotsky was the first leading developmentalist to:
stress the sociocultural aspects of young children's cognition.
Which of the following statements is true about theory of mind?
Culture and social interactions influence theory of mind
The idea that children attempt to explain everything they see and hear by constructing theories is called:
What is the concern when immigrant children serve as interpreters for their parents?
Neurological studies show that people who learn a second language in adulthood
occasionally activate the same brain areas for both languages.
the term ________ refers to a person who is fluent in two languages, not favoring one over the other.
balanced bilingual
in the United States overall, about what percentage of 3- to 4- year-olds enrolled in preschool?
about 50 percent
Henry attends a preschool where there is a low teacher/child ratio, ample opportunity for creative expression, and he is engaged in a long-term art project that he chose where he is making dinosaurs out of clay. Which child-centered approach does Henry's preschool most likely resemble
Reggio Emilia
An experimenter who lines up seven pairs of checkers in two rows of equal length and asks a child if the rows have the same number of checkers is likely testing for conservation of:
Five-year-old Jada looks up at the clouds in the sky and asks, "Mommy, I think that cloud must be happy because it is so big." This is an example of:
After noticing that her 4-year-old brother was having difficulty putting a jigsaw puzzle together, Rose helped him with the task by praising his successes and helping him to recognize progress. From Vygotsky's perspective, this as an example of:
guided participation.
The idea that children attempt to explain everything they see and hear by constructing theories is called:
Theory of mind:
occurs in predictable phases over a period of two to three years between the ages of 4 and 8.
To be "semilingual" refers to:
incomplete, delayed, or impaired language development.
The tendency of a young child to apply rules of grammar when he or she should not is:
When asked how she likes her dinner, Samantha replies, "Pizza is the bestest"! Her exclamation would be best described as an example of what aspect of language development in early childhood?
Instead of saying "feet," 4-year-old Jasper says "foots." This error is best described as an example of:
The goal of teacher-directed early-education programs is to:
make all children "ready to learn."
When early childhood programs are compared, the most important variable is the:
A young child's belief that natural objects and phenomena are alive is known as:
Which characteristic of preoperational thought involves a child assuming that the world is unchanging, always in the state in which the child currently encounters it?
static reasoning
Jean Piaget's second of four stages of cognition is:
preoperational intelligence.
The principle that the amount of a substance remains the same despite changes in its appearance is called:
Jessica's husband works on car engines as a hobby. Jessica often fails to figure out exactly what a particular part is, but she gets the general idea of what it does and places it in an appropriate mental category. This is an example of:
The term for the time when language learning is most easily and readily accomplished is:
a sensitive period.
Neurological studies show that people who learn a second language in adulthood:
occasionally activate the same brain areas for both languages
A "language shift" refers to:
becoming more fluent in the school language than in the language spoken at home.
Preschools benefit early childhood learning by providing opportunities for children to get extensive practice in:
hearing and speaking language. fine and gross motor skills. literacy and numeracy.
In the United States, the most widespread early-childhood education program is:
Project Head Start.