What does the science of human development seek to understand?
how and why people change over time
The final stop in the scientific method is to:
report the results
Each molecule of DNA is called a(n):
When biological change is gradual, as when a tortoise grows large over its 150-year lifespan, it is an example of:
Empirical evidence is based on
Which term is NOT associated with Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological-systems approach?
Each human body cell contains:
46 chromosomes
Each individual inherits 23 chromosomes from their mother and 23 chromosomes from their father. In addition, epigenetic effects create an individuals appearance and behavior to create a:
Cindy is doing a presentation on prenatal development and wants to present the three main periods of prenatal development in order from conception to birth. Cindy's presentation uses the following order:
germinal, embryonic, and fetal
About a week after conception, the outer layer of the multiplying cells forms a protective circle, or shell, that will become the:
Prenatally, development happens in a "near to far" pattern known as:
High school classmates are part of the same:
The general term for a concept that is created by society is:
a social construction
Plasticity refers to the:
ability of human traits to be molded during development
The Apgar scale is used at one minute and five minutes after birth to:
evaluate the health of the newborn
When infants turn their heads and suck in response to a touch on the cheek, they are demonstrating the:
rooting reflex
The first days and weeks after conception (the germinal and embryonic periods) are _______ for body formation, but the entire fetal period is a _________ period for brain development.
critical; sensitive
Which is the correct order of the first three stages of Freud's psychoanalytic theory?
oral, anal, phallic
Which of these is the sequential order of Piaget's four stages of cognitive development?
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
Babies born under 1,000 grams (2 pounds 3 ounces) are considered:
extremely low birthweight
Between the ages of 2 and 6, a well nourished child will gain about____________pounds and grow about_________inches per year
4 1/2;3
The average 6-year-old child from a developed nation weighs________pounds.
40 to 50
Parents of a typical 5-year-old girl in America are MOST likely to say:
"she isn't eating enough."
A child's appetite_______between the ages of 2 and 6.
An example of a fine motor skill is:
using scissors to cut paper
Gross motor skills such as riding a tricycle are acquired:
through brain maturation and practice
At what age does any specific disease overtake accidents as a cause for human mortality?
A 6-year old human's brain is______percent of the adult brain's weight.
The preeminent psychosocial accomplishment between the ages of 2 and 6 is learning when and how to:
regulate emotions
Jared, age 5, describes himself as a good soccer player with black hair who laughs a lot. His description demonstrates his developing:
According to Erikson, children have________, and thus believe that they can achieve any goal
an unrealistic self-concept
When 4-year-old Karen is angry, she lashes out by hitting. This is an example of:
an externalizing problem
The specialization of the functioning of the two halves of the brain is called:
The left side of the brain notices_____, while the right side grasps_______.
the details; emotions
Girls usually develop emotional regulation________boys.
earlier than
Diana Baumrind is known for her work on:
parenting styles
According to Freud's psychonalytic theory, the Electra complex causes girls to:
adore their father and resent their mother
The four dimensions of a parenting style are warmth, discipline, communication, and
expectations for maturity
According to Vygotsky, a teacher who carefully plans each child's participation in the learning process within the zone of proximal development uses:
b. scaffolding
A key factor that strengthens a preschoolers cognition is:
having an older sibling
The period when children's bodies become adultlike is called:
For both girls and boys, puberty typically begins as young as________years of age or as late as_____years of age.
According to Erikson, adolescents are in the stage of:
identity versus role confusion
When a person adopt parents' or society's roles and values without questioning and exploring a personal identity, it is referred to as identity:
The organ that produces the hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands is the:
Typically, the adolescent who will probably find puberty MOST difficult is:
Katya, an early maturer
During puberty, the growth spurt sequence typically occurs in this order.
weight, height, muscles
Without any thoughtful consideration, Sean took on an identity that is the opposite of what his parents want for him. Sean has adopted a(n):
negative identity
Changes in primary sex characteristics include:
growth of the uterus or the testes
Once the primary sexual organs begin to function, adolescents are biologically capable of:
Identity diffusion refers to the identity status in which adolescents:
do not commit to goals and fail to take on any role
Secondary sex characteristics are traits that:
are not directly related to fertility
Identity politics refers to the tendency to:
vote for people of one's own race, religion, etnicity, or gender
During adolescence, the_______matures before the_____in the brain.
limbic system; prefrontal cortex
In general, adolescent egocentrism refers to the:
view that one is noticed by everyone
___________expressed the belief that adolescents must rebel in order to become healthy adults.
Anna Freud
In general, as children become adolescents, their self-esteem:
Suicidal ideation refers to:
thinking about suicide
________is the theorist who coined the terms "personal fable" and "invincibility fable."
Which term refers to the ability to begin with specifics, such as accumulated facts, and then make general conclusions?
inductive reasoning