Bedouins nomadic herders Muhammad the messenger of God who devoted his life…
Fort Sumter Federal fort in Charleston, South Carolina, where the first shots…
Plot The series of events in a story. Most have 5 stages:…
Matter Anything that had mass and takes up space Chemistry The study…
need something essential for survival want something that people desire but that…
A new high school student is being assessed. He reads a 500…
Artifact an object made by human beings; often refers to a primitive…
Martin Luther he wrote the 95 thesis that lessened power of catholic…
barter exchanging goods for goods Which country gained a monopoly on Mediterranean…
Capitalism/Democracy To have the right to vote for your country’s leaders and…
Lutheranism First Protestant Faith Castiglione The Book the Courtier: about noble- Renaissance…
Renaissance The revival of art and literature under the influence of classical…
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