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Abnormal psychology, chapter 12

Which substance is not an opiod Cannabis What is it called when a person has unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms when they suddenly stop taking a substance Withdrawal What is…

Intro to Computers Chpt 7

Sputnik Soviet Union launched it in 1975. During this time the U.S. and Soviet Union were fighting the Cold War. Sputnik’s launch led to fears that the U.S. was falling…

Network+ Chapter 1

Star Bus Ring A+ The professional certification established by CompTIA that verifies knowledge about PC operation, repair, and management. access server See remote access server. address A number that uniquely…

cosc chapter 8

digital convergence is the use of a single device to handle media, Internet, entertainment, and telephony needs. You see digital convergence in the evolution of smartphones. Digital convergence is also…

Mass Prince Unit 4

The internet moved into the mass medium phase of development with the invention of…. Web Browers Developed by ________________________ in 1958 during Cold War struggles with Russia U.S. Defense Department…

Chapter 20 World History Test

Cartel An association to fix prices, set production quotas, or control markets Interchangeable parts Identical compenents that could be used in place of one another Assembly line Production method that…

Renaissance and Reformation Test for World History

Petrarch The Father of the Italian Renaissance Christian Humanists humans have the ability to reason and improve themselves Renaissance paintings and sculptures use of perspective and realistic look Desiderus Erasmus…

world history patterns of interaction chapter 32

nonaggression pact Joseph Stalin signed a ten-year pact with Hitler. Germany and the soviet union agreed to divide Poland between them. France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. After…

World History Chapter 9 Study Guide

Richard the Lionhearted Negotiated a settlement with Saladin that permitted Christian pilgrims free access to Jerusalem. Gregory I page 304; a pope that strengthened the power of the papacy and…

Chapter Quizzes 1-16

The Wilmot Proviso of 1846 proposed that slavery be prohibited throughout the entire area ceded by Mexico. As the battle over the expansion of slavery intensified in the 1840s, Senator…

World History Chapter 16 Study Guide

The Three G’s Gold, God, Glory conquistardor spanish conquerer immunity of natives not immune to Spanish diseses (small pox/influenza) Malinche native woman who translates for Cortez and guides him; thought…

Society, the Basics, chapter 6 and 10.

At birth, males and females are distinguished by ______, which are the genitals: organs used for reproduction. primary sex characteristics One norm found everywhere is the incest taboo, which refers…

Biology 115 - Chapter 3

Why type of junctions must there be between cells to form a barrier? – adhesion junctions – gap junctions – tight junctions – channel junctions – free junctions tight junctions…


After squeezing the end of a child’s finger or toe for a few seconds, blood should return to the area within: 2 seconds Which of the following is NOT a…

Multiple Choice CH 2

The greek city-state was called a… Polis Unlike Plato, Aristotle… Argued that one had to observe and study actual entities rather than seek out ideal forms Which of the following…

Music CH 9-15

True or False. The Native American population after the Civil War swiftly declined in the face of war, disease, and poverty. True True or False. William Cody collected recordings of…

AP Art History 213-223 (The Pacific)

Nan Madol Pohnpei, Micronesia Saudeleur Dynasty 700-1600 ce Moai on platform Easter Island 1100-1600 ce Feather cape (‘Ahu ‘ula) Hawaiian Late 18th century ce Staff god Rarotonga, Cook Islands, central…

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