attempt make an effort to achieve or complete blasted berated; yelled at…
queried questioned bide time wait apprehensively anxious or fearful that something bad…
Stagecraft The ability of the teacher to enhance, deepen, or prolong student…
Phonome -smallest unit of speech sounds in a given language that are…
According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, students determined to…
Plessy vs. Ferguson supported Jim Crow laws; separate is equal Wabash vs….
prehistoric The time or period before recorded or written history. neolithic age…
Muhammad the prophet of Islam from Mecca Mecca the native city of…
Four factors of production: land, labor, capital, innovation (entrepreneurship) How were the…
What is humanism? The belief in human potential and achievements. This man…
Mongol Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) nomadic Mongol warriors; ignored chinese political and cultural…
Cartel An association to fix prices, set production quotas, or control markets…
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