Critical Thinking
to think critically, you must weigh carefully what you read. you must review and analyze it, accept or reject it, and take a stand and see the good/bad in it.
where does a comma go in a quote?
inside the the quotation marks
what are the 5 uses of semicolons
1. to join two independant clauses
2. to join two or more independant clauses where one starts with a conjunctive adverb
3. in a complex sentence
4. when listing things
5. in a long independant clause
dangling modifiers
phrases that do not clearly and logically refer to a noun or pronoun. usually appear at the beginning of a sentence
other things to know
1. worst thing a writer can do is only write one draft
2. blend and integrate quotes
3.narrow the topic
4. apply imagination to ideas
5. present evidence
6. have primary and secondary sources
7. answer the 5 w's
8. look for key elements and concepts
misplaced modifiers
modifiers that are misplaced and appear to modify the wrong word or phrase
compare and contrast papers
two types of formation:
1. topic
a), b) and c)
a), b) and c)
2. subtopic
a), b)
a) b) etc.
classical literature
authors are lords of the future, appeals only to small percentage of population, emphasis on characterization, setting, language, symbols, etc,; intensly personal, raises questions, always rewarding, passes the "test of time"
popular literature
authors are masters of the present, appeals to the masses, plot oriented, personal only to a limited extent, rewards readers once, answers questions and is short-lived
numbers in writing
unless a number can not be written in two words or less, write it out.
full of pretense or pretension; characterization by assumption or dignity of importance
the substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression forone thought to be offensiv, harsh or blunt
indirect way of speaking; use of superfluous words; using too many words to circle about a subject without really covering it
inductive reasoning
going from the specific to the general topic
deductive reasoning
going from the general to the specific
the language, vocab, or particular trade of a certain profession or group
tips on revising prose
1. write in the active voice
2. use persona pronouns to clarify text
3. write active sentences
4. maintain parallelism
5. place subordinate ideas in subordinate constriction
6. cut out unneccesary words
7. be precise and avoid using confusing pronouns
8. keep sentence elements in proper order
9. avoid dangling modifiers
10. reduce string of prepositional phrases
division and classification papers
division: a single unit subject is reduced to seperate parts
classification: subjects are analyzed and put into groups or categories rather than seperate parts
definition papers
a paper that discusses the meaning of words and phrases beyond the dictionary, follows no set pattern, usually includes abstract terms
paranthetical notation
(author pg.#)
author: Dick Gregory
characters: Richard, Helene, Momma, school teacher
expereinces shame at school from teacher when she embarrasses him about "his kind of people"
"Grandpa was a big man"
author: Charles S. Rathbone
characters: Granpa Harley
looked up to his grandfather who always rang the church bell after someone passed away the number of age the person was. let his grandson help him which made him feel grown up. grandpa passes away and while carrying the casket, "the brass handle felt heavy in my hand, but not as heavy as the weight inside."
sister flowers
author: Maya Angelou
characters: Momma, Maya, sister Flowers
feels grown up and loved when Mrs. Flowers takes her into her home and begins to give her lessons about life. teaches her to read and to speak with her voice
Beneath my House
author: Louise Erdrich
characters: Erdrich and the kitten (Rocky)
crawls under house to save the kitten, describes her experience, ends up keeping the kitten
author: anonymous
best soup maker in NY, expects everyone to follow the rules and order in a specific way with their money ready and no conversation. also called the "soup nazi"
dumpster diving
author: Lars Eighner
characters: Eighner and Lizbeth (lab)
goes through life as a dumpster diver, where the best finds are, how to survive off of it, his experience
I'm Sick and I'm Scared
author: Sally Smith and Lyle Alzado
characters: Lyle
write about his struggle with use of steroids and growth hormones while playing professional football. this caused him to develop cancer. wants to tell his story so his son will forgive him and keep other players from using them
Going Home a Winner
author: James Wasley
write about his experience on the baseball team and the relationships they develop with each other. the best game ever (they win) which means their journey isnt over yet.
To my daughter, June 16, 1988
author: Karen Browne
characters: Browne, her parents, Audrey Williams and child
gets pregnant as a teen and meets audrey who helps her through giving her baby up for adoption. writes story so that her daughter may forgive and understand her decision.
Mein Kampf
author: Hitler
talks about his opinion of Jews at first and how he didn't notice them to noticing them everywhere, blaming them for Germany's problems and hating them.
Diary of Anne Frank
author: Anne Frank
13 year old girls diary about the time of Hitler and her experience in hiding before going to concentration camp. ends up passing away in the camp.
10 steps on how to read an essay
1. notice author and publication
2. title
3. thesis
4. trasition sentences
5. style of writing
6. vocabulary
7. how the author forms his/her ideas
8. conclusion
9. topic sentences
integrating quotes
avoid comma splices; integrate quotes into paper
introduction phrases
integrate quotes into your paper instead of always using, "author says" or "author writes";