Anna Seghers was born in a.

Oppenheim b. Mainz c. Heidelberg d. Frankfurt e. Wiesbaden

B Anna Seghers was born to a German-Jewish family in Mainz, Germany. [31,1,1]
In the 1920s, Anna Seghers identified herself with a.

communism b. pacifism c. liberalism d. conservatism e.


A In the 1920s, Anna Seghers became an activist for the political left and eventually joined the Communists. [31,1,3]
Anna Seghers earned her Ph.D. in a.

mathematics b. philosophy c. literature d. art history e. psychology

D Seghers earned her Ph.D.

in art history from the University of Heidelberg in 1924. [31,1,4]

Which statement BEST describes Anna Seghers's religious affiliation? a. She practiced Judaism in name only. b. She strengthened her Jewish beliefs.

c. She abandoned her religion. d. She accepted the beliefs of most religions. e.

She converted to Christianity.

C When Anna Seghers became a Communist, she abandoned her religious ties with Judaism. [31,1,5]
Anna Seghers took her pen name from a(n) a. essayist b. painter c. sculptor d.

poet e. novelist

B Anna Seghers took her pen name from Dutch landscape painter Hercules Seghers. Hercules was a major inspiration for Seghers work. [31,1,1]
Anna Seghers's literary influences included all of the following people EXCEPT a.

John Dos Passos b. Heinrich Heine c. Fyodor Dostoevsky d. Franz Kafka e. Christiane Romero

E Anna Seghers's literary influences included Heinrich Heine, Franz Kafka, Dostoevsky, John Dos Passos, and Hercules Seghers.

Christiane Romero was one of Seghers's biographers. [31,1,7]

Seghers's literary style uses the main elements of a. fairy tale, realism, and flashback b. short story, parable, and allegory c. magical realism, first-person narrative, and monomyth d. mythic method, social realism, and montage e.

realistic fiction, feminism, and folk tales

D Seghers's literary style uses the three main elements of mythic method, social realism, and montage. [31,1,8]
The major themes in Seghers's works do NOT include a. solidarity b. resistance to oppression c.

anti-Communism d. loyalty e. social justice

C The major themes in Seghers's works include social justice, solidarity, loyalty, resistance to oppression, and anti-Fascism. Being a Communist, Seghers's works would not have included anti-Communist themes. [31,1,9]
Which of Seghers's major works reads like a prequel to Transit? a. The Seventh Cross b.

"The Excursion of the Dead Girls" c. Trust d. Revolt of the Fishermen of Saint Barbara e. The Decision

A In an indirect manner, Seghers's The Seventh Cross reads like a prequel to her later book Transit. [31,1,10]
After The Seventh Cross became an international best-seller, it was made into a movie starring a. Humphrey Bogart b.

Katharine Hepburn c. Cary Grant d. James Stewart e. Spencer Tracy

E After The Seventh Cross became an international best-seller, it was made into a movie starring Spencer Tracy. [31,2,2]
Seghers went into exile in the year that a.

she wrote Transit b. Germany invaded Poland c. she earned her Ph.D. d.

the Nazis took over Germany e. the Popular Front won the French elections

D In 1933, Anna Seghers went into exile in Paris. This was the same year that the Nazis took control of German politics. [31,1,6]
To which country did Seghers flee France? a. Argentina b.

Canada c. Brazil d. Mexico e. the United States

D After leaving Paris and securing the release of her husband from an internment camp in southern France, Seghers fled to Mexico. [31,1,11]
Which position did Seghers take under the SED? a.

editor for the newspaper Neues Deutschland. b. president of the East German Writers' Union c. secretary for the German Communist Party d.

propaganda head for the National Democratic Party e. writer for the Society for German-Soviet Friendship

B After becoming a member of the SED, Anna Seghers took up the position of president of the East German Writers' Union. [31,2,4]
Seghers did not distance herself from Stalin's philosophies in the 1930s despite the atrocities of the a. Moscow Show Trials b. Warsaw Uprising c.

Bolshevik Revolution d. Katyn Forest Massacre e. Russian Civil War

A Seghers did not distance herself from Stalin's philosophies despite the atrocities of the Moscow Show Trials where he executed old party members. [31,2,5]
After returning to East Germany, Seghers was most prolific in her a.

plays b. legends c. poems d. novels e. essays

E After returning to East Germany, Seghers mainly wrote essays and other short works, including several stories.


George Orwell saw totalitarianism as inhospitable to art as he felt that artists a. could not work under politicized conditions b. could not function under a rightist government c. could not function under a leftist government d. could not think freely under totalitarianism e. would not receive adequate state support
D George Orwell wrote that totalitarianism was inherently inhospitable to artistic work because he felt that it undermined an artist's ability to think freely.


For what MAIN reason did East Germany audiences receive Seghers's post-exilic works warmly? a. their proletarian characters b. lack of Nazi censorship c. their being set in Germany d. Soviet support e. her targeting of that audience
A East German audiences easily accepted Seghers's post-exilic works because they were distinctly proletarian in nature.


Seghers's post-war work attempted to a. criticize the new era of Communism b. reconnect Eastern and Western Europe c. acknowledge both the positive and negative aspects of Communism d. reconcile art and authoritarian rule e. embrace Western philosophy
D Seghers's work was a failed attempt to reconcile free-thinking art and ridged authoritarian rule.

[32,1,1]A East German audiences easily accepted Seghers's post-exilic works because they were distinctly proletarian in nature. [32,1,2]

Which phrase BEST describes Seghers's post-exile works? a. religiously inflected b. rigidly formalistic c. programmatic proletarian literature d. idealistic mythologizing e.

subtle satire

C Seghers's post-exilic works can best be described as programmatic proletarian literature. This fact made them well-received by East German audiences. [32,1,2]
In the West, Seghers's most popular works date from a. after Stalin took political power b. throughout the Cold War period c.

following the fall of the Berlin Wall d. after her return to East Germany e. during her exile from the Nazis

E In the West, audiences accepted the works that Seghers produced during her voluntary exile in Mexico to escape the Nazis. [32,2,0]