what are the characteristics of total war (6)
-using civilians in war effort
-targeting of civilians
-all weapons available
-large fighting force
-government control of key aspects
-govt control of media
total war examples (5)
-korean war (for koreans)
-vietnam war (for vietnamese)
-sino-japanese war
-iran-iraq war
-russo-japanese war
aspects of limited war (4)
-confining geographical area
-limiting types of targets
-limiting weapons used
-limiting degree of mobilization
examples of limited war (5)
-gulf war
-algerian war
-vietnam (for US)
-korea (for US)
2 sides of civil war
incumbents vs. insurgents
describe guerilla warfare
-unconventional warfare
-small groups of fighters
-use of ambush and small unit raids
-limited military resources
examples of guerilla warfare (5)
-chinese civil war
-afghanistan (vs. USSR)
-irish war for independence
-sino japanese war
govt types: germany, france, great britain, austria, russia
a) democratic monarchy
b) republic
c) parliamentary democracy
d) dual monarchy
e)divine monarchy
members of alliances: three emperors league, dual allaince, 2nd 3 emperors league, triple alliance
a) germany, AH, russia
b)AH, germany
c)germany, AH, russia
d)germany, AH, italy
how did imperialism lead to outbreak of ww1
-rivalries over colonies, especially in africa
-germany wanted to be a player in colonization
short term causes (conflicts) of ww1 (5)
-moroccan crisis
-2nd moroccan crisis
-bosnian crisis
-1st balkan war
-2nd balkan war
1 contribution of each power to july crisis: germany, AH, russia, france, GB
a) supported AH, schlieffen plan, good timing, domestic probs, help public opinion
b) serbia exaggerated, delay
c) no restraint to serbia, mobilized
d) russian assurances
e) should have made position clear
new weapons of ww1 (10)
-trench warfare
-machine guns
-heavy artillery
-chemical warfare
why did germany lose ww1 (6)
-schlieffen plan was failure
-uboat attacks brought in big US power
-weak allies
-ludendorff offensive
-spanish flu
-economic situation
why did allies win ww1 (5)
-better men and resources
-control of seas
-mobilizing their ecnomies
-US troops
-US support (money and machines)
successes of league of nations (4)
-aaland islands
-upper silesia
how did the failure of collective security lead to ww2
-absense of major powers
-ruhr crisis
-rapallo treaty
-locarno era
-young plan
-kellogg-briand pact
how did the great depression lead to ww2
-world economy linked to US
-poverty + despair = extreme leadership
-govts blamed for crisis, people want change
hitler's short term causes of war
-revising treaty of versailles
-withdraw from league of nations
-spanish civil war
-rome-berlin axis
examples of appeasement
-stressa front
-anglo german naval agreement
-allowed remilitarized rhineland
-britain argued treaty of versailles was wrong to split up germany and austria
-munich agreement
why did euro powers use appeasement
-no other options
-gave britain time to remilitarize
-in democracy, people must want war or feel it is unavoidable
-many saw treaty of versailles as too harsh
long term causes of war in the pacific
-japanese imperialism
-foreign dominance
-treaty of versailles
how can US be considered responsible for war in pacific
-national origins act
-4 values speech by fdr
-oil embargo
-biased neutrality
identify the following: dr. sun yat-sen, GMD, CCP, Mao zedong, chiang kai shek
a)1st pres of chinaa
b) nationalists
d)leader of commies
e) leader of nationalists
long term causes of chinese civil war (5)
-socio economic factors
-political weaknesses
-influence of foreign powers
-overthrow of manchu dynasty
-rule of yuan shikai
how did these things short term causes: regionalism, may 4th movement, 1st united front
a)rule of warlords
b)rebirth of china, proud independent nation
c) GMD and CCP come together to end rule of warlords
successes of long march
-CCP survives
-mao is undisputed leader of CCP
mao's stages to revolutionary warfare (6)
-set up bases
-organization phase
-defending bases
-guerilla phase
-protracted war
-seizing power/conventional army
reasons why CCP defeated GMD (5)
-role of mao
-spread of communist ideas
-guerilla tactics
-role of intelligence
causes of falklands war: short term, long term, military
a) british control v. argentina's control
b) economic (high inflation) political (military coup, trouble in brit)
c) domestic distraction in both countries
what 3 types of diplomacy were used in falklands war
2-organization of american states (oas)
3-USA-Sec of state Haig