Adam Smith
Scottish moral philosopher of the eighteenth century and architect of economic thought.
"Carvel" construction
Ship building style in which planks were nailed to a skeletal rob.
Had the strongest naval power during the time period due to knowledge of Atlantic winds and mathematical navigation.
Zheng He
Admiral who led six Chinese armadas into the Indian Ocean between 1405 and 1433.
Hernan Cortes
Spanish adventurer who brought down the Aztec empire with the help of the Aztec's enemies and smallpox.
Inca labor-tribute system
An archipelago of small, fertile island, which was the core of a political web in the Pacific.
Descendants of Polynesian pilgrims who arrived in New Zealand around 1300.
Who had developed a movable metal type in the 13th century, before Johannes Gutenberg?
Empires in the trading web used _______ because it was easier to regulate than paper currency.
Gold and silver.
What does the authors refer to as "big fish"?
Large empires.
As the economies of many empires grew, status began to become dependent on ________ rather than lineage.
The introduction of New World crops in other parts of the world through trade led to what?
Increase of population.
The world's economy changed in crucial ways due to ________.
Trade, cities, and merchants assumed larger roles.
The Mughal emperor Akbar was known for his?