indentured servants, slaves
In response to labor shortages, Virginia and other colonies relied on __ (poor whites from England) and __
A philosophical movement that used logic and reason to explain the workings of nature was known as the __. Ben Frainklin was the best known representative of this movement.
__ was a massachusetts town suffered from witchcraft hysteria during the early 1690s.
Aside from tobacco, name a cash crop grown in South Carolina.
Great Awakening
__ was a religious movement that swept through the colonies during the 1730s.
The first permanent English settlement in North America was __.
John rolfe helped to save Jamestown by establishing __ as a viable cash crop for the colony.
Maryland was established as a haven for the __ who were being persecuted in England.
The settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony were known as __ because they wanted to remove Catholic practices from the Anglican Church (but tehy did not want to leave the Anglican Church).
South Carolina
This colony was the most dependent on slave labor (even from its very founding).
The __ were one of the three advanced civilizations that were located in Mexico between 1200-1500.
__ was one of the few countries that did not support early exploration of the New World.
Christopher Columbus sailed for __ in 1492.
biological exchange
The __ is a term used to describe the sharing of plants, animals and diseases between the New World, Europe, and Africa.
Located off the coast of present-day North Carolina and often referred to as the "Lost Colony", __ represented one of England's first attempts to establish a permanent colony in the New World in 1587.
minerals, exotic products
Profit from __ and __ was the overriding objective of the joint-stock Virginia Company.
Virginia Company, Jamestown
A joint-stock company, the __ was formed to fund British colonies, even the 1607 __ colony.
Maryland, the Carolinas
Proprietary colonies, such as __ and __ were given to individuals who desired wealth but did not usually become colonists themselves.
Colonies were also an outlet for Britain's __.
food shortages, Powhatans
__ made the early years of Jamestown grim, except when the __ provided corn.
Indian uprising
In 1622, an __ was created due to deteriorating relations with the Indians.
minerals, trade, agriculture
English investors searched for profits from __ and __ with Indians, no from __.
__ was the primary motivation for the founding of several colonies.
The __ colony was founded by separatists on a mission to build a Christian commonwealth outside the structure of the Anglican church.
Rhode Island
__ was established by Roger Williams, a religious dissenter from Massachusetts.
__ was founded as a refuge for English Cahtolics.
William Penn, Pennsylvania
__, a Quaker, founded __ and invited Europe's persecuted religious sects to his colony.
Dutch, New Netherland
The __, with their policy of toleration, allowed members of all faiths to settle in __.
Pequot War of 1637, King Philip's War
Puratins retaliated harshly against Indian resistance in the __ and __ from 1675-1676.
Roger Williams, William Penn
Only __ and __ treated the natives as equals.
Tuscarora, Yamasee Wars
Conflicts in the Carolinas -the __ and __- occurred because of Indian slave trade and other abuses by traders.
France, Spain
__ and __ used natives to further their imperial ambitions, which allowed the Native Americans to play the European powers against one another.
Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations
__ administered the economy of the British Empire.
__ is the economic doctrine that says government control of foreign trade is of paramount importance for ensuring the prosperity and security of a state.
Navigation Acts
The __ decreed that enumerated goods had to go directly to England and discouraged manufacturing in the colonies.
The Glorious Revolution
__ of 1688 resulted in a period of "salutary neglect" of the colonies.
French and Indian War
The __ (also known as The Seven Years' War) was the first world war and was eventually won by the British.
acts, taxes
Left with an enormous national debt from the Seven Year's War, King George III began to implement various __ and __ to make up for the money lost in protecting England's colonies.
Stamp Act
Colonial reaction to the __ of 1765 was the first intimation of real trouble for imperial authorities: colonists argued that citizens should be taxed only by their elected representatives.
Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party
Spontaneous resistance led to the __; organized protests staged the __.
Coercive Acts
In response to the retaliations, the British imposed the __, with only sparked further violence.
Patrick Henry
__ was one of the loudest protestors of the Stamp Act in Virginia.
Thomas Paine, Common Sense
It was __, in __, who first argued clearly that independence was not only necessary in response to royal actions but also economically viable.
Lexington and Concord
__ was where the first shots of the American Revolution were fired.
Battle of Bunker Hill
The __, also known as Breed's Hill, was the first major battle of the American Revolution.