-means a political arrangement in which one ruler possesses unrivaled power - really prevailed during 17th c. and early 18th c. -used divine right to hold claim and used and worked in a patriarchal system so people would be dependent on them -one king, one law, one faith
Divine Right
-supported royal absolutism so theorists claimed, because god would only invest the ruler he appointed with powers that resembled his own. -its supported the absolutist argument that subjects could not resist their monarch under any circumstances
Edict of Nantes
-signed in 1598 had given French Calvinists, known as huguenots the freedom to practice their religion -in 1685 louis XIV revoked it and is considered the most intrusive exercise of power the state during his reign which enforced religious unity
-the highest courts in france at the time during the rise of absolutism -were suppressed by cardinal richelieu, in order to strengthen the system of intendant of these paid crown officials -these being taken down by Richelieu( the kings chief minister) led to the rise f absolutism in france in 1628
-The palace of king louis the XIV -a massive building in baroque style -where king louis the XIV would have his novels stay at certain periods to keep an eye on them
- the theory that the wealth of a state depends on its ability to import fewer commodities than it exports and thus acquire the largest possible share of the worlds monetary supply -the the theory encouraged state intervention in the economy and the regulation of trade -Self-Sufficiency in Manufacturing, Build SOME Infrastructure Nurture the Home Market Colonial Trade Monopolies
-versailles was made in this style of architecture -emphasized size and the grandeur of the structure while also conveying a sense of unity and balance amongst its diverse parts
Balance of Power
-an arrangement whereby various countries form alliances to prevent any one state from dominating the others -brought on by the treaty of Ryswick
Constitutional Monarchy
-A political system in which the head of state is a king or queen ruling to the extent allowed by a constitution -Usually a written document of rights and responsibilities codified in law
British legislative body consisting of the house of lords and house of commons
Treaty of Westphalia
the treaty that ended the thirty year wars in 1648
Separation of Powers
General Will
Separate Spheres
Enlightened Despotism
Major Works of the Enlightenment (West, p. 528)
Saint Domingue
Toussaint L'Ouverture
Middle Passage
-was notorious for slave trade from Africa to the caribbean and america -deaths ranged from 11 million from the whole time it was open -this trip was completed after ships had loaded plantation products to their point of origin
Plantation System
Storming of the Bastille
Abbé Emmanuel Sieyès
Oath of the Tennis Court
Olympe de Gouges
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Jacobins→The Mountain
Maximilien Robespierre
Republic of Virtue
Reign of Terror
Committee of Public Safety