the form of a noun or pronoun that indicates its relationship to other words in a sentence
word used to signal a noun
abstract noun
a noun that is beyond one of the five senses
concrete noun
noun within one of five senses
a word or group of words referred to by a pronoun
word that modifies a noun or pronoun
word that modifies a verb, verbal, or adjective
subject complement
word or phrase that follows a linking verb and categorizes or describes the subject
object complement
word or phrase that categorizes or describes a do when it follows a certain verb
direct object
names a person or thing that receives the action of the verb
indirect object
indicates to whom the action was directed or for whom the action was performed
objective case
nouns or pronouns are objects
possessive case
nouns and pronouns mark possession.
nominative case
also subjective case
a person, place, thing, idea, animal...
whether a word refers to one or more than one.
property of nouns that tells who a story is talking to
prep phrase
preposition with its object and any modifiers
relative pronoun
word used to introduce an adjectival clajse
indefinite pronoun
pronoun that does not refer to a specific noun
demonstrative pronoun
4 that distinguish one individual thing from another
ind. clause
sequence of words forming a complete sentence
general idea addressed in a piece of writing
property of the verb that indicates the relationship the verb and its subject
grammatical label that distinguishes nouns and pronouns as masc, fem, or neuter
indicative mood
when a speaker regards an assertion as a fact or opinikn
imperative mood
when a speaker regards an assertion as a command
subjunctive mood
when a speaker regards an assertion as a wish, request, hypothesis...
dep. clause
words that are embedded in a sentence with a subject and verb