declaratory form of "to be"
negative form of "to be"
noun (form)
forming verb "to be"
past form of "to be"
past negative form of "to be"
? (wa)
topic particle, "as for ___"
inclusive topic particle, "and also ___"
identifier particle, "the one ___"
(adjective) (noun)
placement of i-adjectives
(na-adjective) (?) (noun)
placement of na-adjectives
like nouns
conjugation of na-adjectives
present positive conjugation of i-adjectives
present negative conjugation of i-adjectives
past positive conjugation of i-adjectives
past negative conjugation of i-adjectives
take stem of (???)? in all non-present-positive conjugations
conjugation of ?? and ?????
end of clause
placement of verbs
only necessary element to a correct sentence