Immigrant US citizen
I hereby declare, on oath . .

. that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms [weapons] on behalf of the United States when required by the law . . .

so help me God. This oath is recited by

In the United States, the draft would most likely be implemented during a
responsibility adult citizens
Every man and every woman in this Nation-—regardless of party—who have the right to register and to vote, and the opportunity to register and to vote, have also the sacred obligation to register and to vote. For the free and secret ballot is the real keystone of our American Constitutional system. -President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1944 This quotation addresses
An immigrant can become a US citizen through a process called
take part in Teach for America
To volunteer for national service, US citizens can
two-part test
The naturalization process involves several steps including
homeless shelters
To volunteer for community service, US citizens can
a summons
In the United States, potential jury members are notified of their duty by
police officers
What is an example of a civil service job?
registering at 18
In the United States, the responsibility of voting includes
lives in country not citizen
What is the best definition of a resident alien?
Young American men must register with the Selective Service System when they reach the age of
chosen at random
What is the first step in selecting US citizens to serve as members of a jury?
freedom of speech and obey laws
Which pair of statements best compares the rights and requirements of US citizens?
cleaning litter from the street
One example of a civic responsibility that is not a requirement is
men= conservative
The chart compares prospective voter support leading up to the 2012 presidential election. This chart demonstrates that
The graph compares support for candidates among prospective Hispanic voters leading up to the 2008 presidential election.

This graph demonstrates the influence of ? on political ideology.

moderate, conservative, Libertarian
The US Republican Party mostly includes members who are
values freedom over involvement
Libertarianism could best be described as a political ideology that
government performed better by private businesses
What do most Libertarians tend to believe?
Younger women who want to see new kinds of government programs are more likely to vote for a candidate who
traditional approaches
Conservatism could best be described as a political ideology that
What kind of person is most likely to hold a right-wing ideology?
federal regulation, broad role, Social Security
What do most left-wing voters tend to believe? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
improve society
Liberalism could best be described as a political ideology that
liberal ideology
Women who are strong supporters of women's rights are more likely to vote for a candidate who
rights for everybody
What do most progressives tend to believe?
Democratic candidate
This graph compares support for candidates among prospective Hispanic voters leading up to the 2008 US presidential election. The graph shows that in 2008, more people in the Hispanic community planned to support
political ideology
A set of beliefs about politics and the role of government.
Based on this graph, which percentage of poll respondents were Democrats in November 2012?
Which word best describes a voter at the political center?
help voters understand
Which is a primary goal of debates?
National Party
Which is at the top of the political party organization?
The Democratic-Republican Party was based on the idea that the central government of a country should be
health care
Which issue is most important to the Democratic Party?
perform tasks
Why are volunteers placed at the base of the political party organizational pyramid?
shapes debate and control agenda
Political parties are important in the US Congress, because party affiliation
similar beliefs about government
Which best describes a political party?
combining antislavery factions
How did the Republican Party form?
state goals
What is the purpose of a political party's platform?
inside national party
The most influential and powerful members of a political party are most likely found
Third parties play a significant role in the election process because they advocate
soon after nation was founded
When did the two-party political system first develop?
A meeting of party members to choose a nominee through debate is called a
candidate elected
The main purpose of a political campaign is either to get an issue passed or
oversee a campaign organization
The role of a campaign manager is to
corporations more freely pay
In the Citizens United case, the Supreme Court ruled that
individual donors, campaigns, and require that donors
Which statements apply to the financing of a political campaign and the laws controlling it? Select all that apply.

candidates not corrupted
Laws are passed to regulate the funding of political campaigns in an effort to ensure that
Before a general election can take place, a political party may hold a election to select a candidate for office.
passing campaign-finance laws
Which of these best describes a role of the federal government in the election process?
both parties are dependent
Look at this graph, showing funding for campaigns for election to the House of Representatives, 2011-2012. What is the most logical conclusion that can be drawn from this graph?
administered fairly
The most important role of election officials is to make sure that an election
volunteer, communications, and fund-raiser
Which of these people might be a member of a campaign staff? Select all that apply.
only party members
In a closed primary, who selects a political party's nominees for office?
communications director
In a political campaign, the person with the responsibility of contacting the media and creating printed materials is the
Public financing of a campaign comes from which of these sources?
absentee ballot
What happens when voters are out of state on Election Day?
proof residency, form, deadline
What are voters required to do? Check all that apply.
not redistricted since 1901
Why did the US Supreme Court rule against the state of Tennessee in Baker v.


reapportioned census
Which best describes what happens to voting districts every ten years?
Older women vote in higher percentages than younger men.
Voter Turnout Gender and Age What is the most accurate conclusion someone can draw from this graph?
Voter turnout
Look at the bar graph. Which would be the best title for this graph?
person, online, ballot, and mail
In which ways can voters cast ballots? Check all that apply.
gain advantage
Why do political parties most often try to gerrymander voting districts?
In the United States, at what age are citizens allowed to vote?
register with their states
Before people can take part in an election in the United States, they must
% of Democratic primary
Look at the table. What information is missing from the table that could help someone draw the most accurate conclusion about voter turnout in primaries and general elections?
2008 and 2012 were presidential election years.

% of Voters Look at the information in this bar graph. Based on this graph, what conclusion can someone draw?
run independent campaigns
If super political action committees (PACs) cannot donate directly to political campaigns, how do they best support the campaigns?
educate and inform lawmakers
How does lobbying benefit the government?
causes and values
Which best describes what social interest groups generally promote?
tailor information in support
Which best describes why it is significant that lobbyists provide information to lawmakers?
provide financial support and regulate
Which of these are true of political action committees (PACs) but not of interest groups? Select all that apply.
federal election commission
The ? is the governmental body that regulates political action committees (PACs).
To which branch of the federal government did the National Rifle Association submit its brief in support of super PACs in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission?
business interests
Which best describes what economic interest groups generally support?
Broadway league
Which of these is an example of an economic interest group?
Ethical Treatment of Animals
Which of these is an example of a social interest group?
Which amendment to the Constitution gives people the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances?
creates opportunities for corruption
How does lobbying negatively affect government?
research and understand issues
How does lobbying negatively affect government?
influence representative's decisions
Read these words from the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This amendment gives citizens the right to

promote policies
When policymakers use the media to deliver specific messages to citizens, what are policymakers trying to do?
sell themselves and their messages
Ultimately, what do politicians use media to accomplish?
new ideas
When policymakers use the media to deliver a message, what sort of response do they encourage from citizens?
generate, organize, and solicit
For what purposes do politicians generally use the Internet? Select all that apply.
enable campaigns
Which best describes how social-networking sites help political campaigns, especially when compared to traditional media?
required citizens to be proactive
The Internet and social media have increased the level of interactions between politicians and citizens, but how has their use changed the nature of the interactions?
enabled more active participation
How has the Internet changed the way voters interact with campaigns?
only source of information
Why is media coverage of elections important?
congressional record
The ? is the name of the publication produced by the government that covers debates occurring in Congress.
hear discussions on laws
Which of these best describes what the media generally facilitate for the public?
stay informed about current laws
Which of these does the media allow the public to do?
connecting on social media
Which of these is a way in which politicians, particularly on the state and national level, would most likely interact with citizens online?
same social media as citizens
Which best describes why candidates and politicians use the Internet?
influence voters
Which best describes why politicians spend millions of dollars on advertising during elections?
can motivate people to vote
How is voter behavior affected by opinion polls?