All sub-categories of government fit under one of these three Government type
Anarchy, Limited government, Totalitarian government
Government type 1 Anarchy
no government
Government type 2 Limited government
constrained by constitutional law and deriving its power from the people
Government type 3 Totalitarian government
arbitrary and unconstrained, deriving its power by force
All sub-categories of government fit under one of these three Government type or are mixed, but leaning toward one or the other
sub-categories of government
Democracy, Constitutional Monarchy, Constitutional Republic, Monarchy/Empire, Oligarchy/ Dictatorship, Theocracy
subcategories of government Democracy:
rule by the majority of the people in direct votes, with no safeguards to protect the minority (this type of government was popular in ancient Greece and always led to anarchy followed by tyranny). (Totalitarian government)
subcategories of government Constitutional Monarchy
a monarch with severely limited powers and elected officials under a constitution that protects the rights of the people from government. (Limited government)
subcategories of government Constitutional Republic
A system of government in which the written law (constitution) is the supreme ruler.

No person or group is above the law. Elected officials and a Constitution protects the people from the government. Government ruled by laws. (Limited government)

subcategories of government Monarchy/Empire
A powerful monarch who rules with the help of an aristocracy and has total power over the people and may arbitrarily enact laws or punish subjects (Totalitarian government)
subcategories of government Oligarchy/ Dictatorship
In practice all dictatorships though they may have one person at their head are ruled by a small elite group, an oligarchy. They hold power by force and laws are made at the whim of the rulers.

(Totalitarian government)

subcategories of government Theocracy
a dictatorship which claims its authority comes from God and that they act under the direction of God. (Totalitarian government)
Sometimes economic systems are confused with government types and though they are closely related to government types they are not synonymous.
For example a constitutional monarchy may practice either socialism or free market economics.
There are two major types of economic systems
Free-market and Controlled economies
Some of the several types of economies fit under the two major types
types of economies Capitalistic
individuals retain all control and power and responsibility in this type of economy, with very little government involvement.

(Free-market )

types of economies Socialistic
Government takes wealth from citizens by force in order to redistribute it to others for purposes such as education, health care, retirement funds, food banks, child care and so on. Government also regulates industries and standards heavily to meet the goals of the political elite. (Controlled economies)
types of economies Communistic
Government owns the means of production and controls all the wealth. (Controlled economies)
types of economies Fascist
Government controls the means of production, sets prices and quotas, while ownership ostensibly remains to the people, though the people have no power to buy, sell, or trade freely. (Controlled economies)
types of economies Mixed
Economies that contain elements of one or more of the above major systems.

For example the United States is partially capitalist, partially socialist, and partially fascist in some sectors, leaning most heavily toward capitalism, but moving toward more controlled economies. (Controlled economies)