A system in which three or more political parties have the capacity to gain control of government separately or in coalition.
Pluralistic Society
a society in which two or more ethnic groups or nationalities are politically organized into one territorial state but maintain their cultural differences
Party in Power
In american politics the party inpower is the party that controls the executive branch of government
Minor Party
A small political party that rises and falls with a charismatic candidate or, if composed of ideologies on the right or left, usually persists over time; also called a third party.
Split-ticket Voting
refers to a ballot on which the voter has chosen candidates from different political parties when multiple offices are being decided by a single election.
One-party System
is a type of state in which a single political party has the right to form the government, usually based on the existing constitution.
A general agreement
Splinter Parties
Parties that have split away from one of the major parties
Single-member District
is a voting system in which a predetermined constituency elects a single person to some office. Single winner voting systems that make use of electoral districts are also called single-member district systems.
Two-party System
is a form of party system where two major political parties dominate voting in nearly all elections, at every level.
A plurality is more than half the votes cast
A ward is a unit into which cities are often divided for the election of city council members
An ideological party arises over a particular issue or crisis and seen fades away
Partisanship means membership in one of the major parties
What is the major function of a political party?
They help develop broad polocies and leadership choices
Which term better describes political parties in American politics: divisive or unifying? Why?
unifying because it gives people a place to go that shares their same values and morals.
Briefly explain two ways in which American government is government by party.
Because the parties help us choose who is president and who can and cannot be elected
In what two ways does the American electoral system tend to promote a two-party system
The framers hoped to create a unified country; they sought to bring order out of the chaos of the critical period of the 1780s.
How can the diversity of views represented in a multiparty system be seen as both a strength and a weakness?
can be seen as a weakness because it often may lead to instability in government, it might be seen as a strength because it gives voters a much more meaningful choice among canidates and policy alternatives then the present two-party system.
How is the ideological consensus of the american electorate reflected in the membership of the major parties
The Electoral College consists of the popularly elected representatives (electors) who formally elect the President and Vice etc
(A) Which political party was the first to appear in the new Unite States? (B) Who was its leader and what type of government did it favor?
Hamilton and other leaders who wanted a strong central government banded together to put over their policies. In 1787 they began calling themselves the Federalists. This was the first United States political party.
(A) How did the republican party begin? (B) How was its development unique in American politics?
Abraham Lincoln is the founder of the Republican party. It started and continues to bring equality for all. The Republican party ended slavery, passed civil rights which the Democrat hourse and senate opposed, continues to treat all people as equal instead of dividing them based on race, gender, religion
What effect did the Great Depression have on American political parties?
It brought the democratic party back into national power, it also gave the nation a new view on government regulation of the nations social and economic life.
What unusual feature characterizes the present era of political party dominance?
The present era is known as the era of divided government. Neither party has consistently held on to the presidency. Congress is also usually controlled by the opposing party as well.
Breifly describe the four types of minor parties.
Ideological parties- based on beliefs, single-issue parties- focus on one public policy matter, Ecoomic protest parties- periods of economic discontent, Splinter parties- split away from a major problem
Historically, what have been the most important roles of minor parties? breifly explain one of these roles.
The Election of 1912 Roosevelt created The Progressive Party a.k.a the Bull Moose Party. Roosevelt beat Taft in electoral votes.
Why is the party in power more cohesive than the opposition party?
Republicans all believe the exact same thing word for word, making them far more cohesive, and brainwashed, then the democrats who have their own individual opinions and beliefs
Describe the role of national chairperson.
The national chairperson of the political parties is the manager of the parties headquarters.
List and explain four factors that have contributed to he present weakened state of the major parties.
1. A drop in voters willing to id selves as rep. or dem. 2. A big increase in split ticket voting 3. Structural changes and reforms 4. Changes in the technology of campaigning for office.