Caravel A Slender light-wieght European Ship that is highly manuverable. Mercantalism The…
casta paintings Paintings intended to demonstrate the class system in Latin America…
Pedro Valdivia Spanish conquistador; conquered Araucanian Indians of Chile and established city…
What program did NASA launch with the ESA International Space Station The…
age or reason period of time when people questioned the natural world.,…
Neolithic Revolution Occurred circa 12,000 years ago. People first began to realize…
d?ligentia, d?ligentiaef. diligence, attentivenessincola, incolaem. or f. inhabitantmora, moraef. delaypr?vincia, pr?vinciaef. provinceterra,…
Ath?nae, Ath?n?rumf. pl. Athensn?t?ra, n?t?raef. natureR?ma, R?maef. Romedictum, dict?n. word; sayingdomus, dom?f….
InsulaislandlitteraletterscaenascenepoetapoetprovinciaprovincerosarosepersonapersonalitynautasailorSaepeoften (adv)semperalways (adv)
“i-hay, ow-hay are-yay ou-yay?””Hi, how are you?””ood-gay” or “ad-bay””good” or “bad””ow-hay about-yay…
Iuppiter sum.I am the god who throws thunderboltsDaphne sum.I was changed into…
casathe house, cottagec?nathe dinnerf?minathe womanpuellathe girlterra. -ae f.the earth, landcibus, -? m.the…
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