Iuppiter sum.
I am the god who throws thunderbolts
Daphne sum.
I was changed into a laurel tree.
Phaethon sum.
I drove my father's sun chariot.
Midas sum.
Everything I touched turned to gold.
Pegasus sum.
I am a flying horse.
Actaeon sum.
I was changed into a stag.
Baucis sum.
My husband and I became trees.
Narcissus sum.
I fell in love with my reflection.
Icarus sum.
I disobeyed and flew too close to the sun.
Procris sum.
I gave my husband Diana's gifts.
Io sum.
Jupiter changed me into a cow.
Atalanta sum.
I lost a race because of three golden apples.
Andromeda sum.
I was chained to a rock.
Perseus sum.
I killed Medusa.
Hippomenes sum.
I was turned into a lion.
Echo sum.
Only my voice remains.