Edwin Sutherland, Bandura
Bandura's conditions
attention, retention, reproduction, motivation
assumptions of behavior
human beings are born neutral, all behavior is learned, crime is learned by peers in small intimate groups
Techniques & Motives, Techniques of Neutralization
Techniques of Neutralization (Sykes & Matza)
Denial of Responsibility, Denial of Injury, Denial of victim, condemning the condemners, appeal to higher authority
Types of crime is explains
gangs, white-collar crime, carjacking, robbery
Policy implications
crime prevention/intervention, removal from negative sources of learning, pro-social peer groups (big brother), family implications
pros and cons
Pros: explains complex crimes Cons: maybe behavior is not learned, but mimicked by those who are already attracted
Techniques & Motives
just because you know how to, doesn't mean you will