The copying of a behaviour.

It is commonly applied to the way in which an observer copies the behaviours of a model.

The belief that one is able to achieve certain goals or succeed at something.
Mediating cognitive factors
Cognitive processes or mental events that take place between a stimulus and response.
A mediating cognitive factor in which model features and observer imitation (to observe the model) occur.

A mediating cognitive factor in which behaviour is encoded using language or imagery. This is where learning occurs.
Motor Reproduction
A mediating cognitive factor in which the observer must feel able to perform the behaviour that they have observed.
A mediating cognitive factor in which rewards and punishments will determine whether or not the behaviour will be performed.
Vicarious reinforcement
Occurs in observational learning when the observer sees another person being reinforced for behaving in a certain way i.e.

it is indirect.

Vicarious punishment
Where an observer observes another person receiving a punishment i.e. it is indirect.
Adopting a range of attitudes, values and behaviours from a role model, especially a parent.
A 'real' model that the observer knows/can interact with as opposed to a character from a book/film etc.
Personal Agency
The basic belief we have that we are able to change things and make life better for ourselves.
Reciprocal determinism
A concept proposed by Bandura which examines the interactions between external or situation factors, internal or cognitive factors and behaviour.
Soft determinism
A view which recognises that both determinism and free will play a role within human behaviour.