Two types of personality assessments are _______ and ________.

Behavioral observation and interviews
A _______ is a series of assumptions or beliefs designed both to describe and to explain.
________ incudes those affects, behaviors, and cognitions of people that characterize them in a number of situations over time.
________ are developed when we look for ways that allow us to describe how people remain the same over time and circumstances and to describe differences that we know exist among people..
Personality Theories
Personality reflect the influences of _____ or ______ context.
Culture social
________ was the first scientist and/or theorist to present a unified theory of personality.

Sigmund Freud
______ emphasized the importance of early childhood experiences.
Freud argued that the most important aspects of anyone's personality were pretty well in place by the age of ___.
According to Freud, our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings are largely governed by our ______.
_______ is the psychic energy in which the sexual instincts are operated.

1. There are physiological reactions and unpleasant feelings associated with ______.
Stress that results from _____ is a normal, commonplace reaction.
In this type of conflict, a person is faced with several alternatives, and each of them is negative or in some way punishing.
Avoidance-Avoidance conflict
There is a negative correlation between _______ and experienced stress.

Socioeconomic level
Efforts for coping with stress can be categorized as either _______ or _______.
Emotion-focused Problem focused
The method of providing information to an individual about bodily processes in some form so that the person might be able to modify those processes is ________.
____ is a very difficult concept to define precisely, but it is a general feeling of tension, apprehension, and dread.
People who show none of the characteristics of the TABP and who are relaxed and easygoing are said to have a ________.

Type B behavior pattern
Risk factors for coronary heart disease include smoking, obesity, family history, depression, and _____.
_____ was virtually unknown in the United States before 1981.
______ refers to maladaptive cognitions, affects, and/ or behaviors that are at odds with social expectations and result in distress or discomfort.
Assigning to labels to people may be useful, but it can be ________.
The DSM-IV refers only to disordered ___________, not to disordered people.
The major symptom of _________ is distress an anxiety.


Generalized Identity disorder
The underlying theme of the _____________ is that a person seeks to escape from some aspect of life or personality seen as the source of stress, discomfort, or anxiety.
Dissociative disorders
Surgical destruction of interconnected tissue in the brain is used as a ______ effort to alleviate or reduce violent behavior.
Last chance
________ alleviate or eliminate psychotic symptoms.
Antipsychotic drugs
________can elevate the mood of many depressed individuals, but will have no effect on people who are not depressed.
Antidepressant drugs
___________is a type of therapy that deals with the premises that problems arise when a person tries to interpret what is going on in the world based upon irrational beliefs.
Rational-emotive therapy
Therapy that consist of several individuals (usually not related to each other) receiving therapy at one time is ___________.

Group therapy
Temperament is based on
Hippocrates believed that personality was related to
The relative balance of the body's four humors
The __________ differs from the other perspectives of personality in its basic goals.
Trait perspective
The Victorian Age was a time of
Sexual repression
Freud believed that there was a portion of the brain that remained hidden from the individual except in symbolic form in dreams and other behaviors. This portion of the brain is called the
The ____ encompasses all the basic biological drives.
Freud assumed that __________ worked to manage the constant conflict between the three parts of the personality.
Defense mechanisms
Sarah is shy, so she works hard to look nice all the time in hopes that people will like her.

This is

According to Freud, the desired outcome of the phallic stage of psychosexual development is
Identification with the same-sex parent
Early psychoanalysts who broke away from a strict interpretation of psychoanalytic theory were called
Jung called the dark side of personality the
According to Adler, ______ tend to be very competitive.
Middle children
________ countered the concept of penis envy with a male equivalent, "womb envy."
Today, Freud's concept of _______ remains useful in clinical psychology.
Defense mechanisms
In the behaviorists' view, personality is simply a set of
Social cognitive learning theorists hold that ___________ can lead to the formation of patterns of personality.
Observational learning
Bandura defined ________ as a person's expectancy of how effective his or her efforts to accomplish a goal will be in any particular circumstance.
Self-actualizing tendency refers to
Striving to fulfil one's innate capacities and capabilities
Micah's husband tells her how much happier he would be if she stayed home to raise their children.

She believes he would stop loving her if she decided to take a job. Micah's husband is offering

Conditional positive regard
According to Cattell's 16PF self-report inventory, airline pilots, when compared to writers, tend to be more
The acronym _____ can be used to remember the core trait dimensions of the big five trait approach.
Adoption studies have
Confirmed what twin studies have shown about genetic influences on personality
The Rorschach inkblot test
Has neither right nor wrong answers
If a test measures what it is supposed to measure, that test has
The MMPI-2
Specifically tests for abnormal behavior patterns in personality