exposure and response prevention
OCD is treated with
systematic desensitization
social anxiety is treated with
cognitive therapy
depression is treated with
borderline personality disorder is treated with
the strategy people use to make others regard them as moral and virtuous
purposive behaviorism
Edward Tolman's theory that learning developed from knowledge about the environment and how the organism behaves in environment. The idea that all actions are goal-oriented, which differentiates Tolman's theory from straight behaviorism.

divergent validity
the _____ of a survey instrument indicates that the results obtained by the instrument do not correlate too strongly with measurements of a similar but distinct trait. A type of construct validity.
convergent validity
the degree of agreement between measurements of the same trait obtained by different approaches to measure the same trait
sign gestalt theory
Theory by Edward Tolman. 3 parts to learning which work together as a whole (gestalt). 1) SIGNIFICANT = goal of behavior.

2) SIGN = signal for action. 3) MEANS-END RELATIONS = internal processes and relationships

cognitive map
an idea by Edward Tolman. An internal perceptual representation of external environmental features and landmarks.
latent learning
an idea developed (not originated by) Edward Tolman.

Learning is not apparent in learner's behavior at the time of learning, but manifests later when suitable motivation and circumstances are present.

stimulus generalization
the tendency for learning that similar stimuli to produce similar responses. e.g.

Eat an orange and get sick -> avoid other citrus

Lashley-Wade theory
theory of stimulus generalization - discrimination training increases the steepness of the generalization gradient because it teaches the animal to tell the difference between the S+ and other stimuli
A stats test used when you have a small sample
A stats test used when population mean and SD are known, or with a large sample
social psychologist who developed interdependence theory/social exchange theory (w/ John Thibault) - identifying the extent to which one partner can affect/control another's outcome in a given interaction. Also, studied attribution theory. Influenced by Kurt Lewin and gestalt psych
social exchange theory
aka interdependence theory - by Harold Kelley. Identifies the extent to which one partner can affect/control another's outcome in a given interaction
theory of reasoned action/planned behavior
theory by Fishbein and Ajzen, resulting from Expectancy Value models.

Attempts to explain why discrepancies exist between attitudes and behavior (e.g. seatbelt/condom use). More favorable attitude toward behavior + subjective norm (beliefs about who will perceive the behavior), stronger the behavioral control.

Fishbein & Ajzen
Created theory of reasoned action/planned behavior. Attempts to explain why discrepancies exist between attitudes and behavior (e.

g. seatbelt/condom use). More favorable attitude toward behavior + subjective norm (beliefs about who will perceive the behavior), stronger the behavioral control

subventrical subgranular
new neurons form in the _________ zone and the _______ zone (part of the hippocampus)
distributed system
aka parallel distinguished processing system. A new model in which info isn't put into memory by a step-by-step manner. Instead, distributed to all parts of memory system at once.

This differs from older models, which were linear: Sensory->STM->LTM

feminist psychologist and psychoanalyst. Known for work on the central role that mothers play in child rearing. Emphasized family as primary location for gender socialization. Object-relations theory is a gender identify formation.
method used to measure eye movements
measures changes in volume within an organ or a whole body
computed tomography
x-rays produce tomographic images (virtual slices) to image brain. Inferior to fMRI.

x-rays made by replacing spinal fluid with a gas (oxygen) to improve contrast
positron emission technology
radioactive material injected to brain. high radioactivity -> indicates high brain activity
coined crystallized and fluid intelligence terms. fluid: being able to think, reason abstractly, solve problems. crystallized: knowledge that comes from discrete learning, e.g. vocabulary.

crystallized fluid
Cattell coined ________ and _______ intelligence. (A) continues to grow throughout adulthood. (B) peaks in adolescence, young adulthood and begins to decline around 30-40.
atch (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
stimulates adrenal cortex, stimulates secretion of cortisol. Secreted from the anterior pituitary.

compounds that mimic the action of a neurotransmitter. direct-acting agonists - bind directly to and activates neurotransmitter receptors. indirect-acting agonists releases/enhances the action of an NT, e.g. cocaine for the NT dopamine