an unusual pattern of neurodevelopmental function
a distinct weakness within a neurodevelopmental function (eg weak retrieval memory)
a performance deficiency caused (at least in part) by a neurodevelopmental dysfunction (ie trouble throwing a ball)
a disability occurring in a much-needed or critical performance area (eg a significant reading problem)
short term memory dysfunction
trouble following directions; need for repetition, difficulty studying for tests. ie hard to keep pace with class info flow
active working memory dysfunction
problems with mathematical computation; trouble remembering while reading; problems with writing.

ie may forget why they carried a number, what to do with it.

consolidation dysfunction
overreliance on rote memory; inconsistent long term recall; disorganization.
retrieval dysfunction
slow recall; problems in writing and mathematics.
paired association
linking 2 discrete bits of information (such as a cluster of letters with the sound it makes or a multiplication fact)
classifying facts in logically connected groupings (such as filing insects together in memory)
patterns and rules
linking new information to established rules or recurring patters (so called rule-based learning, such as spelling or punctuation)
the storage of ways of doing things- both motor (tying shoelaces, cursive writing) and nonmotor (reducing a fraction); arranging knowledge or skills, often represented by linear chunks (steps to tie shoes, months of year)
narrative sequences
retention of stories, series of events, causal chains, and personal experiences
5 forms of consolidation
paired association, categories, patterns and rules, procedures/skills, narrative sequences
phonology problems
have difficulty discriminating between and forming associations with the sounds of their native language.

One of the most common forms of LD in childhood. Difficulty processing, retaining and manipulating language sounds. Trouble decoding words and spelling.

semantic dysfunction
most kids have mastered 6000 words by end of 2nd grade. Those with <4000 often fail by 8th grade.

Trouble understanding word meanings, taking its toll on vocab growth and reading comprehension.

syntax dysfunction
Do not understand sentence construction. Problems understanding and formulating complex sentences, impairing ability to follow directions and verbal explanations, also undermining reading comprehension
discourse dysfunction
confusion when faced with language that goes beyond the boundaries of sentences- paragraphs, passages, books. Poor process and retention of language delivered in large amounts.
expressive language dysfunction
deficient encoding of thoughts into words and sentences, dysfluency, poor writing, lack of verbal participation. Communication.

cannot recall specific words dt dysphasia

receptive language dysfunction
general weakness affecting ability to interpret accurately and with sufficient speed of the spoken or written language. Comprehension. issues following instructions.
finger agnosia
trouble localizing fingers in space while they write.

Impairied tracking ad need to maintain eyes very closet o page. Writing becomes slow and laborous.

previsualization dyspraxia
difficulty visualizing and therefore planning the configurations of letters an words they are about to form. Written output tends to be poorly or inconsistently legible. Also have spelling errors.
procedural memory dyspraxia
unable to recall and therefore to plan the precise sequences of motor movements required to form letters.

Show letter formation inconsistencies, poor writing rhythm, and erratic legibility. Often have issues in math b/c of weak recall of multipstep procedures

visual motor dyspraxia
great deal of difficlty using visual information to program a motor response. Memory not required. Cannot copy info from board or book
verbal motor dyspraxia
appear to have tremendous difficulty listening and writing at the same time.

pseudomotor dysfunction
ideational fluency far exceeds the normal capacity of their fingers to transcribe thoughts on paper. Often have excellent vrbal abilities, great imaginations and verbal fluency. Th output cannot keep pace.
functional undermining
one or more of the nonmotor components of writing are siphoning so much effort that motor precision is compromised.
spatial ordering
shape, position, relative size, foreground and background relations, and form constancy are the parameters. May have issues with letter recognition.

May be late discriminating btwn left and right, fine or gross motor clumsiness.

learning disability
diagnosed when individual's ACHIEVEMENT of standardzed tests is SUBSTANTIALLY BELOW that expected for age, schooling, and level of intelligence. It mus significantly interfere with academic achievement or ADLs involving reading, math or writing.
Substantially below
defined as a discrepancy of 2 standard deviations between IQ and test scores.
Turner syndrome
patients often have math issues
roughly 50% have learning disabilities
preschool symptoms
focus on growth intellectually and developmentally.

Issues will be r/t growth

school aged symptoms
Issues related to performance.
Adult symptoms
issues related to productivity