Allen and Beatrice Gardner taught a chimpanzee to ____.
use sign language
Harry and Martha Frank found that on barrier problems dogs did not perform as well as ____.

Substances that damage the nervous system are called ____.
John has difficulty training a raccoon to pick up coins and put them in a bank. It is most likely that ____.
the raccoon was contraprepared to learn this task
Learning is of vital importance because so many problems that face society involve ____.
Joseph Wolpe has raised doubts about the idea that people are ____.
prepared to acquire certain phobias
Organisms differ in their readiness to learn certain tasks
continuum of preparedness
Robert Tryon's work demonstrates the role of heredity in ____.

maze learning
The psychologist who mistakenly believed that learned behavior could be inherited was ____.
____ was one of the first to study imprinting.
Konrad Lorenz
Efforts to teach chimps to talk probably failed because ____.
of differences in anatomical structures/physical structure
Keller and Marion Breland are known for their article named ____.
"The Misbehavior of Organisms"
Garcia and Koelling paired water with radiation.

They found that rats avoided ____.

tasty water if they were made sick by radiation and bright/noisy water if they had been shocked
Experiments in which young monkeys were reared in isolation from their mothers illustrates the importance of ____ periods for social development.
The name most associated with inheritance of acquired characteristics is ____.
Learning does/doesn't always mean progress.

When a species is unlikely to learn a response, it is ____ to learn.
The idea that an enriched environment in childhood can produce high intelligence is supported by ____.
critical periods?
Then tendency to revert to a fixed (or modal) action pattern is called ____.
instinctive drift
The person who suggests that humans may be biologically prepared to learn a language is ____.
Merely imagining an event sometimes convinces people the event took place, a phenomenon called ____.
imagination inflation
True/False: Fixed action patterns and other innate behavioral tendencies affect the course of learning.

An animal that can learn to perform one trick is sure to learn another trick of similar complexity.
When performance varies with an organism's physiological state, it is said to be ____ dependent.
Researchers have found organisms differ in their readiness to learn certain tasks. Martin Seligman called this tendency ____.
continuum of preparedness
Kendler, et al.

found evidence that phobias ____.

Imagination inflation is probably an example of ____.
Armadillos curl up into a ball when attacked. It's taught to curl at the sound of a buzzer. This is known as ____.

As animals become experienced in an avoidance task, ____.
visible signs of fear decrease
Gardner and Gardner showed that the failure of chimpanzees to learn to speak may be due more to differences in ____ than in learning ability.
Dogs are typically bred by breeders based on physical appearance and temperament, not learning ability. Wolves are products of ____, and learning ability likely contributes to their survival.

natural selection
Substances that damage neural tissues are called ____.
The Brelands showed that ____ might facilitate learning in one situation and inhibit in another.
heredity/genetic factors
Martin Seligman proposed the ____.
continuum of preparedness
Stages for optimum learning are referred to as ____.

critical periods
The tendency of an animal to revert to a fixed action pattern is a phenomenon called ____.
instinctive drift
When animals have an inclination to behave in certain ways, this means they will learn some things with ease while learning other things with difficulty. These tendencies can be characterized as a ____.
continuum of preparedness
An animal comes to a learning situation ____, ____, or ____.
genetically prepared to learn, unprepared, contraprepared
When an animal is genetically ____ to learn, case learning proceeds quickly.
When an animal is genetically ____ to learn, learning proceeds steadily, but more slowly.

When an animal is genetically ____ to learn, learning is slow and irregular.
Cook and Mineka had monkeys watch viedotapes of monkeys reacting fearfully to either snakes or flowers. The observers acquired a fear of ____ but not to ____.
snakes, flowers
True/False: People have an innate disposition to fear certain kinds of stimuli.