MILD (learning is enhanced)
Heightened perception (e.g., noises may seem louder; details within the environment are clearer). Increased awareness.

Increased alertness.

MODERATE (learning still occurs, but not at optimal ability. Decreased attention span. Decreased ability to concentrate.
Reduction in perceptual field. Reduced alertness to environmental events (e.

g., someone talking may not be heard; part of the room may not be noticed).

SEVERE (extremely limited attention span. Unable to concentrate or problem-solve. Effective learning cannot occur.

Greatly diminished; only extraneous details are perceived, or fixation on a single detail may occur. May not take notice of an event even when attention is directed by another.
PANIC (learning cannot occur. Unable to concentrate. Unable to comprehend even simple directions.

Unable to focus on even one detail within the environment. Misconceptions of the environment common (e.g., perceived detail may be elaborated and out of proportion.)
MILD (restlessness irritability)
may remain superficial with other. Rarely experienced as distressful.

Motivation is increased.

MODERATE (increased restlessness, heart and respiratory rate, perspiration. Gastric discomfort. Increased muscular tension. Increased in speech rate, volume, and pitch.
a feeling of discontent.

May lead to a degree of impairment in interpersonal relationships as individual begins to focus on self and the need to relieve personal discomfort.

SEVERE (headaches, dizziness, nausea, trembling, insomnia, palpitations, tachycardia, hyperventilation, urinary frequency, diarrhea.
feelings of dread, loathing, horror. Total focus on self and intense desire to relieve the anxiety.
PANIC (dilated pupils, labored breathing, severe trembling, sleeplessness, palpitations, diaphoresis and pallor, muscular incoordination, immobility or purposeless hyperactivity, incoherence or inability to verbalize
sense of impending doom. Terror.

Bizarre behavior, including shouting, screaming, running about wildly, clinging to anyone or anything from which a sense of safety and security is derived. Hallucinations, delusions. Extreme withdrawal into self.

(n.) a brief statement giving a general view of some subject, book, etc.; a summary
total destruction
strive to equal or match, especially by imitating
mixed feelings or emotions
(n.) a moving force, impulse, stimulus
wishing evil to others
total lack of generosity with money
investment of emotional energy in a thought or idea
the use of psychic energy by the ego and the superego to control id impulses
impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses
the power of creative imagination
come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or priciple) after a mental effort
bring into existence