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Social Cognition Theory: P. 398

A Self Directed Life: Albert Bandura
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Social Cognition Theory: P. 398

Beyond Behaviorism P. 398~Social Learning Theory: Theory that emphasizes learning through observation of others. ~Social Cognitive Theory: Theory that adds concern with cognitive factors such as beliefs, self-perceptions, and expectations to social learning theory.
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....Social Cognition Theory: P. 399

Triarchic Reciprocal Causality: ~Triarchic Reciprocal Causality: An explanation of behavior that emphasizes the mutual effects of the individual and the environment on each other.

SOCIAL -> ACHIEVEMENT OUTCOMES->SELF-INFLUENCE: Are inconstant interaction. They influence and are influenced by each other. P. 399

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...Modeling: Learning by Observing Others: P. 40

Factors THat Affect Observational Learning: P. 4011.

Developmental Status2.Model Prestige and Competence3.Vicarious Consequences4. Outcome Expectations5.

Goal Settings6. Self Efficacy

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..Modeling: Learning by Observing Others: P. 401/402

Elements of Observational Learning: We learn how but also what will happen: ATTENTION: learning through observation we have to pay attention.

RETENTION: In order to imitate the behavior of a model you have to remember it. PRODUCTION: Practice feedback and coaching in the production stage makes behavior smoother and more expert.MOTIVATION & REINFORCEMENT: ~Vicarious Reinforcement: Increasing the chances that we will repeat a behavior by observing another person being reinforced for that behavior.~Self-Reinforcement: Controlling selecting and administering your own reinforcers.

Ch 11 Modeling: Learning by Observing Others: P. 402/403
OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING IN TEACHING: Five possible outcomes of observational learning P.

4021. Direction Attention2. Fine-Tunning 3. Strengthening Or Weakening Inhibitions ~Ripple Effect: "Contagious" spreading ogg behaviors through imitation. 4.

Teaching New Behaviors5. Arousing Emotion

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...Self-Efficacy and Agency P.


~Self-Efficacy: A person's sense of being able to deal effectively with a particular task. ~Human Agency: The capacity of coordinate learning skills, motivation, and emotions to reach your goals.

....Self-Efficacy and Agency P.


SELF-EFFICACY, SELF-CONCEPT, & SELF -ESTEEM P. 405Self-effecacy= is further orientation "a context-specific assessment of competency to perform a specific task. (Context pacific) Self-concept= is more global construct that contains many perceptions about the self, including self efficacy ..


Self concept is developed as a result or external and internal comparisons, using other people or others aspects of the self as frames of reference.

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..Self Efficacy & Agency : P. 404


406~Mastery Experiences: Our own direct experiences- the most powerful sources of efficacy information~Arousal: Physical and psychological reactions causing a person to feel alert, excited, or tense~Vicarious Experiences: Accomplishments that are modeled by someone else.~Modeling: Changes in behavior, thinking, or emotions that happen through oberving another person-a model.~ Social Persuasion: A "pep talk" or specific performance feedback-one source of self-efficacy.

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Self Efficacy & Agency : P. 407- 408

SELF EFFICACY IN LEARNING & TEACHING: P. 407-408Research Indicates That Performance In School Is Improved & Self-Efficacy Is Increased When Students. a.

Adopt short-term goalsb. taught to use specific learning strategiesc. receive rewards based on achievements

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..Self Efficacy & Agency : P. 408

TEACHERS' SENSE OF EFFICACY : P. 408~Teachers Sense Of Efficacy: A teachers' belief that he or she can reach even the most difficult students and help them learn.

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Self Regulated Learning : P. 409

~Self Regulation: Process of activating and sustaining thoughts, behaviors, and emotions in order to reach goals
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Self Regulated Learning : P. 410

What influences Self Regulation? P. 410KNOWLEDGEMOTIVATIONVOLITION (SELF DISCIPLINE)~VOLITION: Will power; self-discipline; work styles that protect opportunities to reach goals by applying self-regulated learning.DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-REGULATION~Co-regulation: A transitional phase during which students gradually appropriate self-regualtion learning and skills through modeling, direct teaching, feedback, and coaching from teachers, parents, or peers.

~Shared Regulation: Students working together to regulate each other through reminders, prompts, and other guidance.

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.Self Regulated Learning : P. 412

MODELS OF SELF-REGUALTING LEARNING AND AGENCY P. 412-413~Self-Regulating Learning: A view of learning as skills, and will applied to analyzing learning tasks, setting goals and planning how to do the task, applying skills, and especially making adjustments about how learning is carried out. The Model Of Self-Regualting Learning In Figure 11.1 Is Based On The Belief That Learners Are Agents1.

Analyzing the learning task2. Setting goals and devising plans3. Enacting strategies to accomplish the task.4. Regulating learning

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....Self Regulated Learning : P.


AN INDIVIDUAL EXAMPLE OF SELF-REGUALTED LEARNING P. 413students today are faced with many distractions
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Self Regulated Learning : P. 414

TWO CLASS ROOMS P. 414WritingMath Problem Solving
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.Self Regulated Learning : P. 415


416ANOTHER APPROACH TO SELF-REGULATION: COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION. P. 416~Cognitive behavior modification: Procedures based on both behavioral and cognitive learning principles for changing your own behavior by sing self-talk and self-instruciton. P.

416 ~Self Instruction: Talking oneself through the steps of a task. P. 416

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..Self Regulated Learning : P. 418

Emotional Self -Regulation P. 418-4191.

Self awareness2. Self-mangement3. Social awareness4. Relationship skills5. Responsible decision-making

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...Teaching Towards Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulatioed Learning (SRL)



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..Brining It All Together: Theories Of Learning

Four View Of Learning: P. 423 Table 11.

31. Behavioral2. Cognitive3. Constructivist 4.

Social cognitive