About what percent of all students receiving special-education services are identified as having a learning disability?
Minimal brain dysfunction and minimal brain injury
Labels used in the early history of learning disabilities include:
Factors known to harm a fetus, including maternal drug use, alcohol consumption and smoking during pregnancy, are known as:
___________ is the most frequently reported academic problem for those with learning disabilities, with estimates as high as 90%
One of the most severe reading problems and one that is considered resistant to remediation is called:
Is how one thinks about one's own thinking and the ability to use and regulate strategies and other organization skills.
Informal procedures such as observation and classroom performance
The process involved in initially identifying a learning disability usually includes:
Both RTI and standardized test should be used to identify learning disabilities and that the exclusive use of either would be inappropriate
In determining eligibility, recommendations had been made that:
Response to intervention
_____________ s a process to determine possible learning disabilities based on the student's response to scientific, research-based interventions.
All students would be monitored to determine who needs additional help
RTI could improve schoolwide achievement because:
Study skills
Time management, memory strategies and listening are good strategies for:
Task analysis and direct instruction
Examples of teaching approaches that have been shown to be particularly effective with students with learning disabilities include:
Declarative and procedural knowledge
A student who has difficulty learning information because he or she does not know how to study is a student who has deficits in:
Are the five essential components of effective reading instruction
Phonological awareness training, phonics instruction, fluency instruction, vocabulary instruction and comprehension instruction:
Direct instruction
__________ is based on the principle of teaching sequences of skills designed to minimize errors, provide ample practice and give immediate feedback and positive reinforcement
Guided practice
In this interactive step of a lesson plan, students demonstrate what the teacher has modeled, explaining any problems they are having, making decisions and evaluating their performance.

This part of the lesson plan is the:

Cognitive strategies
Deliberate, planned activities (such as rehearsing a phone number or highlighting a chapter) used to acquire information or knowledge are called:
All students
Physical arrangement and instructional grouping are important considerations for:
Classwide peer tutoring
A teaching method that combines whole class instruction, peer tutoring and cooperative learning is:
Assistive technology
A student who is highly distractible using earphones and a tape recorder or a language master is an example of:
An accommodation
________ is a change based on the student's needs concerning how information is presented by the teacher or how understanding is demonstrated by the student.
Overlapping curriculum
A student who is participating in a shared curriculum as well as a supplementary curriculum based on his or her individual needs is participating in a(n):
An adaptation
Jim, a student with a learning disability is required to learn the location of 10 cities/mountains on a map when other students in the class must learn 20. This is an example of:
The term learning disabilities has been used since the early 1900s.
And emphasis on perceptual skills and their role in children's learning began during the intergration phase when the term learning disability was first coined.

Learning disabilities are always caused by neurological damage, genetic defects or environmental factors.
An example of a genetic cause of a learning disability would be the mother's use of drugs, alcohol and smoking during pregnancy.
Students may be identified as having a learning disability if they meet specific criteria following observations, response to intervention achievement an intelligence testing and parental and other information.
Teachers will usually need to teach students with learning disabilities both academic content and cognitive strategies.

A short statement of the objective along with an overview of the lessons plan should begin with a lesson. This presentation technique is known as an advance organizer.
According to IDEA 04, assistive technology includes any item, piece of equipment or system that is used to maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.