classroom management
establishment and maintenance of a classroom environment that's conducive to learning and achievement
classroom climate
overall psychological atmosphere of the classroom *we want a safe and secure one, with more reinforcement than punishment
sense of community
shared belief that teacher and students have common goals, are mutually respected and supportive, and all make important contributions to classroom learning
general sense that one is an important and valued member of the classroom
classroom management strategy in which a teacher gives the impression of knowing what all students are doing at all times
sense of school community
shared belief that all faculty and students within a school are working together to help everyone learn and succeed
action that disrupts learning and planned classroom activities, puts students' physical safety or psychological well being in jeopardy or violates basic moral standards *when students habitually refuse to participate in learning activities
statement that communicates the adverse effects of a student's misbehavior, including one's own reactions to it, in a calm, relatively nonaccusatory manner; its intent is to convey information, not to lay blame *"when you come to class late each day, i worry that you're getting further and further behind"
cognitive behavioral therapy
planned, systematic combination of behaviorist techniques and cognition based strategies as a means of bringing about desired behaviors
what style of parenting can be equated to a good general model of effective classroom management
dialogue journals
method of communication where individual students and their teacher both write 1 or more times each week (entry and response)
collective self efficacy
belief that when teachers work as a team they can definitely have an impact on students and achievement
environment, early intervention for students at risk, intensive intervention for students in trouble
3 level approach to preventing aggression and violence in schools