According to psychoanalytic learning theory, what are drives?
what a person wants which motivates learning
What is a cue in psychoanalytic learning theory?
what a person notices, proovides discriminative stimulus
What is a response in psychoanalytic learning theory?
what a person does, can be learned
What is a dominant response in psychoanalytic learning theory?
person's most likely response in given situation
What is a reward in psychoanalytic learning theory?
what person gets as result of response, strengthens responses
What is a learning dilemma?
situation in which existing responses aren't rewarded
What is imitation?
learning by observing
What is copying?
doing what was modeled in any situation
What is matched dependent behavior?
learning to make same response as the model
What are the four critical training periods of childhood?
feeding, cleanliness, early sex, anger-anxiety conflicts
What is the frustration-aggression hypothesis?
frustration always leads to aggressive behaviors
What is operant conditioning?
selection of behaviors through its consequences
What does neurosis come from?
maladaptive learning
What is suppression?
willfully putting thoughts away
What are operants responses?
behaviors freely emitted by organism
What is rate of responding?
number of responses in a given time period
Why did Skinner invent his box?
to fully control environment for learning
What does punishment do?
decrease behavior
What is extinction?
reduction in the rate of responding when reinforcement ends
What is discrimination learning?
learning to respond deferentially depending on environmental stimuli
What are the partial reinforcement schedules?
fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, ratio interval
What criticisms are there of Skinner?
He doesn't include human language or intelligent thought
What are psychological behaviorism?
Staats theory that includes traditional personality concerns as well as behavior
What are the three types of BBS?
language-cognitive, emotional-motivational, sensory-motor
What are basic behavioral repertoires?
learned behaviors fundamental to later learning of more complex behavior
What is ARD?
attitudes and reinforcements direct behavior
What is the act frequency approach?
measuring personality traits by assessing the frequency of prototypical behaviors