opposite rays
two rays that share the same endpoint and extend in opposite directions to form a line
supplementary angles
two angles whose measurements add up to 180 degrees
measurable length, measurable width, no measurable depth; named with 3 capital letter (representing the names of the 3 points on the same line) and the word plane in front
complementary angles
two angles whose measures add up to 90 degrees
reflexive property of equality
symmetric property of equality
a=b b=a
transitive property of equality
If a=b and b=c then a=c
substitution property of equality
If a=b and a+c=d then b+c=d
addition property of equality
If a=b then a+c=b+c
subtraction property of equality
If a=b then a-c=b-c
multiplication property of equality
if a=b then a*c=b*c
division property of equality
If a=b then a/c = b/c
to cut into 3 congruent parts
parallel planes
two planes that do not intersect
no measurable length, no measurable width, no measurable depth, named with one capital letter
measurable length, no measurable width, no measurable depth; named with 2 capital letters (representing the names of 2 points on the line) and a symbol of a line above the letters, or with one cursive small letter
points, segments, or rays on the same line
line segment or segment
that portion of a line with 2 distinct endpoints; named with 2 capital letter (the names of the endpoints) and a symbol of a segment above the letters
a line that intersects 2 or more lines
corresponding angles
the angles formed when 2 lines are cut by a transversal and correspond to the same position at the points of intersection
equilateral triangle
a triangle with 3 congruent sides
acute triangle
a triangle with 3 acute angles
right triangle
a triangle with one right angle
obtuse triangle
a triangle with one obtuse angle
perpendicular lines
two coplanar lines that meet to form a right angle
to have the same measure
straight angle
an angle that measures 180 degrees
obtuse angle
an angle that measure more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
points, lines, segments, or rays on the same plane
right angle
an angle that measures 90 degrees
acute angle
an angle that measures less than 90 degrees
measure of an angle
a real number from 0 to 180, representing the measure of the angle using a protractor; named with a non-capital letter m in front of the name of the angle
the figure created when 2 rays share the same endpoint; named with 3 letters (the first letter is the name of a point on one side, the second letter is the name of the shared endpoints, and the third letter is the name of a point on the other side) and an angle sign in front of the letters or a number with the angle sign in front of the number
a point that bisects a segment If A is midpoint of line CD then CA=AD
length of a segment
a real number representing the length of a segment--written with 2 capital letter (the names of the endpoints) AB=5 the length of segment AB is 5 units
alternate interior angles
the angles formed when 2 lines are cut by a transversal and are between the lines, on opposite sides on the transversal and ay different points of intersection
alternate exterior angles
the angles formed when 2 lines are cut by a transversal and are outside the lines, on opposite sides of the transversal and at different points of intersection
consecutive interior angles
the angles formed when 2 lines are cut by a transversal and are between the lines, on the same side of the transversal and at different points of intersection
scalene triangle
a triangle with 3 non-congruent sides
isosceles triangle
a triangle with 2 congruent sides
equiangular triangle
transitive property of congruence
If lines AB=CD and lines CD=XY then lines AB=XY
symmetric property of congruence
If lines AB=CD then lines CD=AB
reflexive property of congruence
lines AB=AB
vertical angles
two non-adjacent angles formed when 2 lines intersect