Mary Ainsworth
"Strange Situation"-Studied mother-infant development-Best known for her "Strange Situation" assessment, in which a researcher observes a child's interactions when a mother briefly leaves her child alone in an unfamiliar place.
Ivan Pavlov
"Classical Conditioning"-Several types of learning exist.

Classical conditioning is an automatic type of learning in which a stimulus acquires capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus. For example: A child may learn to salivate at the sight of candy.

Solomon Asch
Social Influence-demonstrated the effects of social pressure on conformity. This proved just how much power social influence has on society.


"Operant Conditioning/Skinner Box"Operant conditioning is a learning process in which behavior is sensitive to, or controlled by it's consequences. Example: A child may learn to avoid touching a hot stove
Albert Bandura
Observational Learning-He believed that direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning (meaning that learning can also simply occur by observing the actions of others).
Erik Erickson
Psychological Stages of Development-He emphasized the role of society and culture and the conflicts that can take place within the ego itself. -He believed that personality developed in a series of stages.

His theory describes the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan.-Ego identity

Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalysis-Father of psychoanalysis/ therapy-Attempting to effect behavioral change by having patients talk through their difficulties.-Has been compared to Marx for his belief in the importance of psychiatry as a parallel to Marx in economy
Wilhelm Wundt
Father of Psychology-opened the first institute for experimental psychology in Germany-He separated psychology from philosophy by analyzing the workings of the mind in a more structured way.
Philip G.


Standford Prison Experiment-He studied the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard.
Hermann Rorschach
Inkblot Test (IT)-The IT is a personality projection test where individuals are shown one of ten inkblots at a time, while guessing what they think the inkblot looks like or reminds them of.
John B. Watson
Baby Albert ex.

/Behaviorism-He insisted psychology shouldn't be considered the science of the mind, but rather it should focus on the behavior of the individual, not their consciousness.-Baby Albert was a study that showed how emotions could become conditioned responses.

Harry Harlow
Contact/Comfort/Surrogate Mother ex.-his works demonstrated the importance of developing dafe, secure, and supportive emotional bonds with caregivers during early childhood.

Lawrence Kohlberg
Moral Development-He extended Piaget's theory, proposing that moral development is a continuing process that occurs throughout the lifespan.
Noam Chomsky
Language Acquisition Device-He theorized the (LAD) concept, which is an instinctive mental capacity which enables an infant to acquire and produce language.
Alfred Binet
Mental Capacity of Humans-Studied the development of intelligence and showed that humans are capable of abstract image free thought.-Best known for his work on standardized tests, which measured the circumference of kids skulls, to see which were smart and which were dumb.
Carol Gilligan
Moral Development-According to Gilligan, there are two kinds of moral voices; that of the masculine and the feminine.

Masculine= logical and individualisticFeminine= more care/maternal oriented

Jean Piaget
Cognitive Development-He developed four stages of cognitive development. Each Stage is marked by how kids understand the world.
Stanley Milgram
Obedience-Conducted studies to test the willingness of participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with personal conscience.
Abraham Maslow
Hierarchy of Needs/Humanist-Our actions are motivated in order to achieve certain needs, before moving on to more advanced needs.

Stanley Hall

He examined the aspects of childhood development in order to learn about the inheritance of behavior. He believed as children develop, their mental capabilities resemble those of their ancestors.
William James
1st textbook in Psychology-first educator to offer a psychology course in the U.S.
Carl Rogers
Unconditional Positive Regard/Client Centered Therapy-UPR is technique used by Rogers that states if positive reinforcement and support are not provided, people are more prone to hold negative beliefs about themselves.
Elizabeth Loftus
Misinformation Effect-States that the questions asked after a person witnesses an event can actually obstruct the person's original memory of the event.

-Memory can be distorted based on a question containing misleading information.

Benjamin Whorf
Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis-language influences thought.-He believed that because of linguistic differences in grammar and usage, speakers of different languages conceptualize and experience the world differently.
Stanley Schachter
Two Factor Theory-Emotion is based on two factors; psychological arousal and cognitive label.

This means when an emotion is felt, an arousal occurs and the person uses the immediate environment to search for emotional cues.