Formless abyss; consider the beginning/chaos
The sun; came from Nun; emerged from a lotus blossom; represented as a hawk
Upper air; came from Re
Lower air; came from Re
Keb (Geb)
God of the earth and vegetation; The earth; came from shy and Tefenet
Mother of the gods; The sky; came from Shu and Tefenet
Brother and husband of Isis; father of Horus; represented good; generally worshiped throughout Egypt; originally a vegetation God then became the god of the underworld and renewed life
Goddess of the earth and man; sister and wife to Osiris; mother of Horus; no limits to her magical powers; goddess of birth and fertility; protected the children which made her the favorite Egyptian goddess; symbol was the cow; crown often has crown of thorns
Osiris' brother; called the prince of darkness; slew Osiris and scattered his body throughout Egypt; always jealous of Osiris and his powers
Son of Osiris and Isis; associated with the living Pharaoh
Artist of the dead; sister to Osiris, Isis and Thoth; wife and sister to Seth; mother to Anubis; goddess of women
God of the dead and embalming; watched the scales The underworld as the heart and soul of a person are weighed against a feather; assisted in the rights by which a dead man is admitted to the Underworld; represented as a jackal or with human body and the jackal head
Recorder of the underworld; have to counts of souls and gave the results to Osiris; God of learning and wisdom me: inventor of many branches of the arts and sciences, including writing
Goddess of love; deity of happiness, dance and, music and the sky
Goddess of truth and universal order; usually represented by a feather
Monotheistic solar disk brought about by Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten)