Fertile Crescent
Region of the Middle East in which civilizations first arose
Region within the Fertile Crescent that lies between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
Site of the world's first civilization, located in southeastern Mesopotamia
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Mesopotamia narrative poem that was first told in Sumer
In ancient Mesopotamia, a large, stepped platform thought to have been topped by a templededicated to a city-state's chief god or goddess
System of ranking groups
In the ancient Middle East, a system of writing the used wedge-shaped marks
He reigned from 2334 B.

C. to 2279 B. C. He is known for creating the first empire in Mesopotamia.

The first thing king of the Babylonian empire and is known for writing the first code of law in recorded history.
To arrange or set down in writing
Criminal law
Branch of law that deals with offenses against others
Civil law
Branch of law that deals with private rights and matters
The king of Babylonian empire from 605 B. C. to 562 B. C. HE lead several military campaigns, which expanded his empire.

System of government through departments and subdivisions administered by officials who follow set rules
Money economy
Economic system in which goods or services are paid for through the exchange of a token of an agreed value
Barter economy
Economic system in which one set of goods or services is exchanged for another
An Iranian religious reformer and founder ofZoroastrianism and emphasized individual freedom
Territory settled and ruled by people from another land
Writing system in which each symbol represents a single basic sound
Triangular area of marshland formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of some rivers
Ruling family
Title of the rulers of ancient Egypt
Chief minister who supervised the business of government in ancient Egypt
Served for 20 years after Thutmose II
Thutmose III
shared power with Queen Hatshepsut before becoming pharaoh
Ramses II
Known for building programs and for the wars he waged
The king of the gods
The god of the afterlife
The god worshiped as the ideal mother and wife
: The preservation of dead bodies by embalming and wrapping them in cloth
The king of Egypt for 17 years and tried to make Aton the only worshiped god
System of writing in which pictures represent objects, concepts, or sounds
Plant used to make a paper-like writing material in ancient Egypt
To figure out the meaning of
Rosetta Stone
Stone monument that includes the same passage carved in hieroglyphics, demotic script, and Greek and was used to decipher the meanings of many hieroglyphics
What are some Sumerian inventions and advances in learning that influenced the development of later civilizations?
Their oral literature was preserved by people who later conquered Mesopotamia, their time system is still used today, and the myths and Gods were merged with Sumer's.
How might the invention of cuneiform writing have strengthen Sumerian government and religious?
In the government, the writing would have allowed them to keep records like taxes and crop totals for the year which would keep them more organized. In their religion, they could write down their prayers and communicate their beliefs to grow the religion.
In what way was Sumer both a monarchy and theocracy?
In time, people turned to war leaders for protection against attackers and they began to rule by heredity, like a Monarchy.

They also had scribes to do work and they had religious duties, like a theocracy.

What are some of the main features of Sumerian civilization?
Some of Sumer's main features were their farming ground, their technology, their advancements in math, their developed culture, and their language.
How did the geography of the Fertile Crescent affect the development of civilizations there?
The floods from the rivers would cause civilizations to be wiped out and forced to start over. It also attracted people to the farming there due to the silt left behind by the floods.
Explain the importance of Babylonian achievements.
The importance of one Babylonian achievement, Hammurabi's code, is the fact that that they were the first government to write down the laws that would govern the state.

Hammurabi also improved irrigation systems, organized a well-trained army, and made repairs to many temples.

How did the Hittites contribute to cultural diffusion of early Mesopotamian culture and ideas, and what was one of their important technological advances?
The Hittites had learned to get iron from ore, but they wanted to keep it to themselves. When their empire started to collapse, the iron workers escaped to serve other people. Migration, trade, and conquest spread the news of iron across the lands and thus started the Iron Age.

Describe some of the major influences of Persia.
One influence was the way their government was set up as a bureaucracy. They also created some of the first currency systems. They also respected the cultures and gods of other beliefs.

How did conquests contribute to the well-organized empires?
Each time an empire collapsed or was overtaken the new rule would add the good things from the other empires to their system so each time the land was ruled by a different group of people a problem was fixed and a new one was found to correct.
Explain how the Phoenicians spread ideas among different peoples in the ancient Middle East.
Instead of a farming based culture, the Phoenician people had a manufacturing and trade based economy which spread their culture to everyone they sold or traded to. As they traveled across the land they brought other cultures with them as well as their own.
How did the Nile play an important role in uniting Egypt and allowing Egypt to expand during the New Kingdom?
The Nile helped connect Upper and Lower Egypt by using the Nile as a highway linking the two regens. It also served as a trade route so Egypt could trade with Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean world.

Which details about the Egyptian gods show the importance of agriculture to Egyptian society?
Many of the Egyptian gods they believed had something to do with the land, water, or crops. Orisis was important because he ruled over the afterlife, but he was also the god of the Nile who controlled the annual flood that caused the land to be fertile. Also, Amon-Re was the sun god which would help their crop.
What does mummification reveal about ancient Egyptian religious views?
It tells us that they believed in life after death and that it would be similar to life on Earth so they preserved the body so they would have absolute use over their body in the afterlife.
Describe some of the main achievements of the ancient Egyptians.
The developed hieroglyphics, Egyptian writing, papyrus, a paper-like writing material, some medicines, mathematics, astronomy, a study of the sky, and constellations, a calendar, some literature, and advanced art, like pyramids.

Describe the organization of Egyptian society.
First came the pharaoh and the family, then were the government workers under the pharaoh. Then were the scribes, merchants, and artisans and at the bottom of society were peasant farmers and slaves.