Budget Line-describes the limits to its consumption choices -consumption choices are limited…
Before Massachusetts introduced teacher tenure in 1886, women were sometimes dismissed for…
Externality-a cost or benefit that arises from production and falls on someone…
prehistoric The time or period before recorded or written history. neolithic age…
What do firemen do in the world of Fahrenheit 451? burn books…
BICS Basic interpersonal communication skills CALP Cognitive academic language proficiency BICS defined…
“Nature”AUTHORRalph Waldo EmersonSUMMARYChapter 1: This chapter turns from the universal world, symbolized…
black tuesday nickname of the date of the stock market crash selective…
Black Death Caused death of up to one third of Europeans; caused…
Main Ideas/Significance of Renaissance ~Enlightenment ~humanism ~materialism- not a sin to have…
transcontinental railroad Railroad connecting the west and east coasts of the continental…
Michelangelo. Who painted the Sistine Chapel? Muhammad. Who was the Islam Father?…
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