In order to "reinvent" art in the modern age, Pablo Picasso returned to the classical models of the Greco-Roman tradition for his inspiration. (24)
What word best describes the response of writers and artists to the aftermath of the Great War? (24) classicism integration fragmentation romanticism
World War I probably impacted the cultural and intellectual life of the western world more than World War II. (24)
Which word best captures the mood of western culture at the dawning of the 20th century? (24) frivolousness foreboding indifference optimism
Which of the following is most closely connected to the Crystal Palace? (23) the output of factories the new technology of photography the revolutions of 1848 social Darwinism
the output of factories
Which of the following is presented in Chapter 23 as an important background to the emphasis on "realism" and "materialism" in nineteenth-century culture? (23) industrialization the expansion of the British Empire the Napoleonic Wars the American Civil War
Match the name with the one it most closely corresponds to: Charles Darwin (23) Karl Marx Matthew Arnold Charles Dickens Gustave Courbet
Karl Marx
Match the name with the one it most closely corresponds to: Jean-Francois Millet (23) Karl Marx Matthew Arnold Charles Dickens Gustave Courbet
Gustave Courbet
Match the name with the one it most closely corresponds to: Fyodor Dostoevsky (23) Karl Marx Matthew Arnold Charles Dickens Gustave Courbet
Matthew Arnold
Match the name with the one it most closely corresponds to: Gustave Flaubert (23) Karl Marx Matthew Arnold Charles Dickens Gustave Courbet
Charles Dickens
By the end of the nineteenth century, materialism and secularism had produced a widespread pessimism about the future of western culture. (23)
Realism in nineteenth-century art can be understood as a reaction to what movement? (23) modernism romanticism Puritanism classicism
Romanticism in the arts can be described as a triumph of "reason" over "passion." (22)
Wordsworth's sonnet, "The World Is Too Much with Us," best illustrates which concept? (22) the political changes that led to revolution an early form of evolutionary theory the concept of the "Romantic hero" the force of Nature on the Romantic imagination
the force of Nature on the Romantic imagination
Which of the following is not discussed in the text as an example of a "romantic hero"? (22) Byron Louix XIV Napoleon Beethoven
Louix XIV
In many ways, the modern environmental movement can be traced back to the romantic veneration of nature. (22)
The terms "Age of Reason" and "neoclassical period" both refer to the culture of the 18th century. (21)
The Enlightenment philosophers believed that mankind was capable of social perfection. (21)
The Enlightenment philosophers had a high regard for the truth of religion. (21)
Rousseau is best known for his theories on which subjects? (21) politics, art, philosophy education, economics, theology society, scientific theory, economics politics, education, society
politics, education, society
The impact of the Enlightenment was largely confined to European culture and had little impact on the development of American culture. (21)
According to the textbook, which Enlightenment figure had the greatest influence on how the institutions of modern western culture have developed? (21) Diderot Voltaire Rousseau Condorcet
Modern political liberalism shares its underlying view of man with the philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. (21)
Voltaire was a great French writer and intellectual who defended Christianity against the attacks of skeptics and rationalists. (21)
Voltaire's philosophy is expressed by his most famous quote, namely that "Man is born free." (21)
It was commonly believed by the 18th-century philosophers that tradition is the foundation of truth. (21)
You try three oranges out of a bag of ten and all three are sour. You conclude, therefore, that the rest of the oranges are also sour. You have just reasoned inductively. (20)
The Scientific Revolution helped bring about a new way of looking at the world in purely material terms.
What does the phrase "idols of the marketplace" refer to? (20) systems of belief human limitations of perception ambiguities of language individual biases
ambiguities of language
European culture in the 17th century in Europe is best characterized by which phrase? (20) the "lost generation" period of conflict the Romantic era Age of Reason
period of conflict
The word "empiricism" refers to knowledge gained from authority and tradition. (20)
What does the phrase "idols of the cave" refer to? (20) human limitations of perception individual biases ambiguities of language systems of belief
individual biases
Which of the following is not associated with "the century of genius"? (20) da Vinci Descartes Rembrandt Cervantes
da Vinci
The name Galileo is best associated with what period? (20) mid- to late nineteenth century 1550 - 1770 18th century 1775 - 1825
1550 - 1770
The textbook suggests that the seventeenth-century is one of the easier centuries for us to understand and analyze. (20)
During the modern age, the "new science" has developed from a method of scientific inquiry into an entire philosophy of life. (20)
The Renaissance in northern Europe was more secular and humanistic than the Renaissance in Italy. (19)
The cultural values of thrift, industry, and hard work are directly related to the Protestant Reformation. (19)
Shakespeare provides a good example of the emergence of the modern concept of the individual in the northern Renaissance. (19)
In England during the Reformation, the break with the Catholic Church was motivated by political reasons. (19)
The concept of individuality emerges both in the northern Renaissance and Italian Renaissance. (19)
In principle, Martin Luther did not object to the sale of "indulgences" by the Catholic Church. (19)
One of the key ideas of the Reformation is summed up in the phrase "sola scriptura." (19)
Martin Luther was converted as he taught through the Book of Genesis. (19)
The Reformation was essentially a distinct movement with little connection to Renaissance culture. (19)
Probably the most important figure of the Reformation was John Wycliffe. (19)
In his sculpture of Moses, Michelangelo tried to capture the "dramatic moment" when Moses confronted Pharaoh in Egypt. (18)
Which Renaissance painter that we studied flattered his patrons by putting them in a biblical scene? (18) da Vinci Raphael Botticelli Masaccio
Atmospheric perspective demonstrates how the eye sees distant objects. (18)
The newness of classical themes was one of the things that attracted Renaissance painters. (18)
Railroad tracks illustrate the optical illusion known as linear perspective. (18)
Which Renaissance artist that we studied painted a sweeping depiction of the great figures of classical civilization? (18) Botticelli Michelangelo da Vinci Raphael
We see numerous examples of portrait painting among the artists of the Middle Ages. (18)
Which Renaissance painter that we studied depicted himself looking like Christ? (18) Dürer Michelangelo Raphael Van Eyck
The Renaissance can be defined as a great cultural movement that produced which of the following? (17) democratic institutions / economic transformation social revolution / religious conflict scientific revolution / period of discovery artistic transformation / scientific revolution
artistic transformation / scientific revolution
We described the Renaissance as the _____ of the modern age. (17) portal dead end blossoming unfulfilled promise
Humanism always begins with _____ and ends with _____. (17) questions / answers introspection / projection faith / unbelief inquiry / knowledge
introspection / projection
Michelangelo's "The Birth of Adam" is part of the vast ceiling painting in the Sistine Chapel. (17)
Mirandola's interpretation of why God created Adam is basically correct from a biblical perspective. (17)
The greatest works of Renaissance art come from the period of the High Renaissance (1475 to 1525). (17)
Who described man as "the maker and molder of himself"? (17) Macchiavelli Mirandola da Vinci Michelangelo
Artists and philosophers during the Italian Renaissance understood clearly that one cannot be both a "Christian" and a "humanist" at the same time. (17)
Which name is NOT discussed as an example of the paradigm shifts at the end of the Middle Ages? (16) Chaucer Copernicus Luther Gutenberg
Which Crusade was the only one that could at all be considered a military "success"? (16) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
According to the text, which of the following phrases best describes the impact of the "paradigm shifts" at the end of the Middle Ages? (16) a shift from a vertical to a horizontal worldview an example of the cultural impact of medieval Arabic culture on the West a period of "enlightenment" that followed the Dark Ages the direct result of reviving ancient Greco-Roman knowledge
a shift from a vertical to a horizontal worldview
The text claims that which of the following medieval developments was the "single most important" for understanding the emergence of the modern world? (16) the decline of papal authority the emergence of the middle class the Black Death the development of a centralized banking system
the emergence of the middle class
Gothic cathedrals were known for having darker interiors than Romanesque cathedrals. (15)
Which of the following was not cited as an example of the medieval hierarchical worldview? (15) the structure of Dante's cosmos the complex banking system of medieval Italy the idea of the "three estates" Gothic architecture
the complex banking system of medieval Italy
Arthurian adventure stories (15) romances Minnesingers homilies fabliaux epics
sermons (15) romances Minnesingers homilies fabliaux epics
secular "dirty stories" (15) romances Minnesingers homilies fabliaux epics
the Nibelungenlied (15) romances Minnesingers homilies fabliaux epics
lyric poets (15) romances Minnesingers homilies fabliaux epics
We credit Abbott Suger for developing the Gothic style of architecture. (15)
The towers on Romanesque cathedrals served a purely practical function, as watch towers in time of danger. (14)
What term is used to describe richly decorated medieval manuscripts? (14)
Which word best describes the culture that gave rise to Romanesque architecture? (14) synthesis hierarchy instability diversity
What did medieval pilgrims travel to a cathedral to see? (14) relics altarpieces manuscripts icons
A Romanesque cathedral would most likely be built in what year? (14) 800 1200 1300 1000
Romanesque architecture is most closely associated with which type of structure? (14) the Roman Forum aqueducts basilicas the Pantheon
Historians have traditionally described how Europe fell into a period of the "Dark Ages" after which date? (14) 313 A.D. 476 A.D. 180 A.D. 800 A.D.
476 A.D.
Though monasteries were important across Europe in the early medieval centuries, the Irish monks in particular were important in preserving knowledge, learning, and manuscripts. (14)
The style of art seen in the Cross Page of the Lindisfarne Gospels is similar to which of the following? (14) The Moorish tilework in Cordoba, Spain The prows of Viking ships Late Roman art in Gaul The stained glass windows of Notre Dame
The prows of Viking ships
Which of the following is an important illuminated manuscript? (14) Book of Kells The Beowulf manuscript The Exeter Book The Domesday Book
Book of Kells
Charlemagne's brutal reign destroyed much learning and education in Europe and brought western culture into a new "dark ages." (14)
We looked closely at Alfred the Great as a key example of the character and nature of early medieval culture. (14)
Early medieval culture emerged as a blend of the following three cultures: classical culture, Christianity, and Islam. (14)
The question of of why Rome fell is not really as complex as most people make it out to be. (13)
Who is associated with the so-called "Christian" answer for the fall of Rome? (13) Ambrose Augustine Gregory Jerome
He wrote "The City of God" (13) Augustine Ambrose Leo Gregory Jerome
He helped to formulate principles of biblical interpretation (13) Augustine Ambrose Leo Gregory Jerome
Confronted Attila the Hun (13) Augustine Ambrose Leo Gregory Jerome
He was active in sending missionaries (13) Augustine Ambrose Leo Gregory Jerome
He translated the Bible (13) Augustine Ambrose Leo Gregory Jerome
Which 18th-century historian can be associated with the "rationalist" answer for the fall of Rome? (13) Arnold Toynbee Edward Gibbon Jean-Jacques Rousseau Leopold von Ranke
Edward Gibbon
After the period of Constantine, how is Jesus depicted in Christian art? (12) wise teacher shepherd sun-God universal ruler
universal ruler
Acts 4:12 is mentioned in the text to support the idea that Christianity offered an "other-worldly" appeal. (12)
What was the most "popular" story depicted in the catacombs? (12) Moses parting the Red Sea Jonah David and Goliath the feeding of the five thousand
Ancient Roman society was intolerant of all religions except for the state religion of pagan worship. (12)
From the earliest days in the catacombs, the first Christian art was produced in a highly skilled and polished manner. (12)
The boat was a common image in early Christian art that symbolized the church. (12)
In the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, which two figures are standing on either side of Jesus? (12) Moses and Elijah James and John the Emperor and the Pope Peter and Paul
Peter and Paul
Which of the following is not depicted on the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus? (12) Daniel in the lion's den the triumphal entry of Christ Noah and the Flood the sacrifice of Isaac
Noah and the Flood
A variant of the "swastika" symbol is associated with which figure in early Christian painting? (12) Judas Moses Nero Daniel
The earliest Christian art dates from the first century A.D., during the generation when the apostles preached and Christianity first emerged. (12)
It is not uncommon to see motifs and images in early Christian art that were adapted from pagan contexts. (12)
What are three qualities that led to the "success" of early Christianity, as noted by a British historian? (12) high ethics, liberality, exclusiveness civic virtues, generosity, exclusiveness liberality, charity, inclusiveness exclusiveness, inclusiveness, other-worldliness
exclusiveness, inclusiveness, other-worldliness
Another common image from catacomb art was the "balance" or "scale." (12)
What was the greatest Roman innovation in architecture? (11) trabeated style flying buttresses arch post-and-lintel technique
Which Roman emperor was also a stoic philosopher? (11) Hadrian Antoninus Pius Marcus Aurelius Caesar Augustus
Marcus Aurelius
We see the style of the Pantheon imitated later by which architect? (11) Le Corbusier Thomas Jefferson Michelangelo Frank Lloyd Wright
Thomas Jefferson
The Roman materialistic worldview is evident in their landscape art. (11)
Which Roman philosophy taught that there was no afterlife? (11) stoicism skepticism epicureanism idealism
Which of the following pairs were Roman Stoic philosophers? (11) Marcus Aurelius and Trajan Cato and Livy Lucretius and Cicero Cicero and Marcus Aurelius
Cicero and Marcus Aurelius
The arch enabled the Romans to build on a grand scale. (11)
Which of the following is a good example of the Roman tendency to tell stories in their art? (11) the wall paintings of Herculaneum statuary art in the Pantheon Trajan's Column the equestrian statue of Augustus
Trajan's Column
Which term is associated with the Roman temple Pantheon? (11) continuous style oculus post-and-lintel pronaos
Philosophy is the one area of Roman culture that is not indebted to the Greeks. (11)
Which type of Roman building became the pattern for the building of medieval cathedrals? (11) villa basilica Pantheon Colosseum
The New Testament is silent on the philosophies of the Roman world. (11)
Much of our knowledge of Roman painting comes from the buried city of Pompeii. (11)
The word "triumph" referred originally to a Roman military parade. (10)
Roman citizens had to travel to the capital city if they wanted to use a public bath. (10)
The American idea of "a city on a hill" most closely corresponds to which Roman value? (10) eclecticism none of the above practicality imperialism
The American idea of "building a better mousetrap" most closely corresponds to which Roman value? (10) practicality imperialism none of the above eclecticism
From the Roman perspective, imperialism was a matter of living out their destiny. (10)
The American interstate system was developed for completely different reasons than the Roman highway system. (10)
The American idea of "a melting pot" most closely corresponds to which Roman value? (10) none of the above imperialism practicality eclecticism
The Greeks were more interested in "what works," while the Romans were more interested in what is right. (10)
What is the best-known surviving portion of the Roman highway? (10) Claudian Way Appian Way Livian Way Augustinian Way
Appian Way
The Roman worldview can be described by the philosophical word "materialism." (10)
According to the text, the aqueduct can be viewed a key illustration of Roman imperialism. (10)
In what way does the Colosseum illustrates the principle of eclecticism? (10) in how it was used in public entertainment in the style of the columns in the type of building materials used in the technology of the arch
in the style of the columns
Ancient Roman society was relatively tolerant of various religions. (10)
Hannibal (9) 146 B.C. 476 A.D. 313 A.D. 27 B.C. 510 B.C.
510 B.C.
Octavian (9) 146 B.C. 476 A.D. 313 A.D. 27 B.C. 510 B.C.
27 B.C.
Cleopatra (9) 146 B.C. 476 A.D. 313 A.D. 27 B.C. 510 B.C.
27 B.C.
Constantine (9) 146 B.C. 476 A.D. 313 A.D. 27 B.C. 510 B.C.
313 A.D.
Romulus Augustulus (9) 146 B.C. 476 A.D. 313 A.D. 27 B.C. 510 B.C.
476 A.D.
The Roman tendency in conquering other people was to preserve, not to destroy. (9)
The term "Pax Romana" refers specifically to the fact that the Romans were a peace-loving people. (9)
The Romans learned very little from the Etruscans to the north. (9)
End of a period of civil war (9) 180 A.D. 313 A.D. 510 B.C. 27 B.C. 146 B.C.
27 B.C.
Corinth captured (9) 180 A.D. 313 A.D. 510 B.C. 27 B.C. 146 B.C.
146 B.C.
End of the Pax Romana (9) 180 A.D. 313 A.D. 510 B.C. 27 B.C. 146 B.C.
180 B.C.
Christianity was legalized (9) 180 A.D. 313 A.D. 510 B.C. 27 B.C. 146 B.C.
313 B.C.
Rome became independent (9) 180 A.D. 313 A.D. 510 B.C. 27 B.C. 146 B.C.
510 B.C.
Greek comedy can accurately be described as a philosophy of life. (8)
Aristotle based his definition of tragedy on the tragedy Elektra by Euripides. (8)
Tragedy depicts the _____ of the hero while comedy depicts his _____. (8) subordination / alienation alienation / integration integration / subordination integration / alienation
alienation / integration
The typical Greek tragedy depicts which process in the life of the hero? (8) apotheosis alienation integration initiation
What is one of the most significant things Greek tragedy can teach us? (8) how beauty can even be found in the terrible tragedies of life how even a contrived plot can make the audience cry how much the ancient Greeks valued knowledge and wisdom how much the ancient Greeks are like ourselves
how much the ancient Greeks valued knowledge and wisdom
When considering Aristotle's definition of tragedy, which of the following is least appropriate to tragic figures in the Bible? (8) the hero is extraordinary and excellent the hero has a tragic flaw the hero is partly responsible for his own downfall the gods punish the hero more severely than he deserves
the gods punish the hero more severely than he deserves
Under the right circumstances, a Greek tragedy could focus on the plight of a lower-class citizen. (8)
When viewed in Greek terms, the Bible must be considered the world's greatest tragedy. (8)
Not a whole lot of action actually took place on stage in a typical Greek drama. (8)
The apostle Paul portrayed his own life in terms of a Greek tragedy. (8)
The idea of personal responsibility is a relatively minor aspect of the Greek concept of tragedy. (8)
Which of the following terms is not used in Aristotle's description of tragedy? (8) polis hamartia hubris catharsis
Greek tragedy and comedy originated in the annual celebrations surrounding which Greek god? (8) Dionysus Hermes Apollo Athena
What is the literal meaning of the term "catharsis"? (8) poison incense elixir laxative
From the earliest period in Greek art, we see highly realistic depictions of the human form. (7)
The "adjustments" to the Parthenon illustrate what about the ancient Greeks? (7) their fatalism their rationalism their materialism their humanism
their rationalism
You would see "relief sculptures" in which part of the Greek temple? (7) frieze cornice architrave stylobate
Even in the temples they built, the ancient Greeks saw a picture of the human form. (7)
What aspect of "The Discus-Thrower" (Discobolus) was emphasized in the text? (7) the adaptation of old forms into a new style the detached classical style that lacks emotion the solidity of the human form the creation of an entirely new art style from scratch
the adaptation of old forms into a new style
The so-called "Archaic Smile" is associated with what type of Greek sculpture? (7) Nike of Samothrace kouros Discobolus Parthenon
Alexander the Great probably did not look exactly like the portraits we have of him. (7)
The human form represented on the Dipylon Vase is abstract and stylized. (7)
Where would you find the idol located in a Greek temple? (7) pronaos frieze architrave naos
Which order of Greek temple architecture is associated with the Classical period and demonstrates elegance and refinement? (7) Corinthian Ionic Doric Ephesian
What optical technique in "The Warrior's Leavetaking" illustrates the new "realistic perspective" in Greek art? (7) canon frontality contrapposto foreshortening
The order of a Greek temple can be identified most easily by looking at its capital. (7)
The Greeks valued sculpting in what medium more than any other? (7)
Many of the statues we call "Greek" are actually Roman copies. (7)
Greek philosophers were the first to formulate a basic atomic theory. (6)
The materialists were interested in the grand cosmic design of creation. (6)
In Raphael's painting The School of Athens, who is pointing toward heaven and who is pointing to the earth below? (6) Socrates / Aristotle Plato / Aristotle Socrates / Plato Plato / Pythagoras
Plato / Aristotle
Professional philosopher-teachers in ancient Greece were called what? (6) materialists cynics sophists idealists
Socrates was well known for his method of teaching by asking questions. (6)
What does "philosophy" literally mean? (6) love of wisdom love of truth love of reason love of knowledge
love of wisdom
According to the text, which statement best describes Plato's doctrine of ideal forms? (6) perhaps the most important philosophical idea in western culture an answer to the cynical philosophy of Diogenes a detailed illustration of Socrates' emphasis on self-examination a materialistic attempt to explain the nature of reality
perhaps the most important philosophical idea in western culture
Plato gave the fullest expression of his idealistic philosophy in the Republic. (6)
According to the text, Aristotle can be thought of as the father of modern materialism. (6)
Socrates is depicted as a leading character in which one of the following? (6) Dialogues the poems of Sappho Aeneid Lysistrata
The death of Socrates must be understood in light of which event? (6) the Peloponnesian War the death of Alexander the rise of Pericles the Persian War
the Peloponnesian War
The ancient Greek philosophers were brilliant, but there is very little they can teach the modern Christian. (6)
The Greek marketplace where philosophy was debated was called what? (6) agora kouros hubris polis
Philosophy generally takes no position on what is the nature of reality. (6)
The term "Dark Ages" always implies some kind of break with the immediate past. (5)
The "adaptability" that Pericles spoke about is clearly evident in the mythic figure of Odysseus. (5)
We associate which of the following with the Archaic Period of ancient Greece? (5) Homeric epics kouros the transition from bronze to iron colonizatio
What process helps to explain why the New Testament was written in Greek? (5) nationalization democratization hellenization periodization
According to the text, the "environmental" answer to the Greek Miracle can be described as what? (5) Calvinist Darwinian Marxist Freudian
The phrase "Greek Miracle" reminds us that we still don't fully understand the unique genius of the ancient Greeks. (5)
The "geometric style" is associated with what period? (5) Age of Pericles Hellenistic Age Greek Dark Ages Age of Colonization
Greek Dark Ages
The epic stories of the ancient Greek heroes were first told during the late classical period. (5)
According to the text, what cannot exist within a society apart from the concept of individuality? (5) agnosticism sophisticated art democracy public schools
In contrast to Egyptian culture, ancient Greek culture is described by what specific term? (5) dynamic humanistic sophisticated inquisitive
The term "Greek Miracle" refers specifically to the amazing victory of the Greeks over the invading Persian army. (5)
The concept of individuality is the exception, and not the norm, within the history and cultures of the world. (5)
Which of the following events was pivotal in shaping the direction of early Greek culture? (5) the migration of the Phoenicians the Persian invasion the collapse of the Egyptian dynasties the opening up of the Black Sea to trade and exploration
the opening up of the Black Sea to trade and exploration
Myron, Praxiteles, and Exekias were ancient Greek engineers. (5)
Who excavated the ancient city of Troy? (4) Schliemann Evans Carter Kramer
An epic is most concerned with communicating which two things? (4) right and wrong behavior myths and legends values and virtues heroes and monsters
values and virtues
What was the critical type of evidence that allowed historians to reconstruct the Indo-European people? (4) linguistic evidence archaeological data oral accounts genetic evidence
linguistic evidence
Homer's stories of Troy are really stories about the Mycenaean age. (4)
Which of the following Old Testament people was Indo-European? (4) Hittites Canaanites Amorites Moabites
Only recently have scholars been able to piece together what may have brought down the Minoan civilization. (4)
Which Old Testament nation may have had a connection to the Minoan civilization? (4) Philistines Assyrians Hittites Phoenicians
Scholars believe that the Minoan civilization was almost nearly destroyed by a natural disaster in which year? (4) 1453 B.C. 1628 B.C. 850 B.C. 1250 B.C.
1628 B.C.
The process of forming a "national identity" always occurs late in a culture's development. (4)
Which of the following was discussed as an example of the relationship between myth and history? (4) Icarus Narcissus Electra Atlantis
The Minoans and Mycenaeans have very little connection to the rise of western civilization. (4)
We don't know a lot about the Mycenaeans, but we know they were related to the Greeks. (4)
Archaeologists have demonstrated conclusively that no historical truths underlie ancient myths and legends. (4)
What was the great Minoan palace? (4) Delos Thera Phaistos Knossos
What term best describes the multiple perspective we see in Egyptian art, especially in portraying the human body? (3)
The discovery of the Rosetta Stone is most closely associated with which historical leader? (3) Napoleon Charlemagne Mussolini Cleopatra
The term "ziggurat" describes the first primitive pyramids built in Egypt. (3)
As presented in the text, which quality presents the most challenging differences for modern viewers of ancient Egyptian art? (3) exotic religious ideas the monumental scale of art objects multiple perspective unusual subject matter
multiple perspective
Egyptian artists would probably have depicted the human form more realistically if their culture had been more advanced. (3)
Egyptian art depicts objects according to their most characteristic angle. (3)
Who is a great fictional hero in the literature of ancient Mesopotamia? (3) Narmer Ramses Gilgamesh Abraham
Sumerian civilization was ancient, but not very advanced. (3)
Which ancient writer visited and described the monuments of Babylon and Egypt? (3) Tacitus Livy Thucydides Herodotus
A foundational belief among the ancient Egyptians was that the universe is balanced, harmonious, and permanent. (3)
Which artifact depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt? (3) Rosetta Stone Deluge Tablet Narmer Palette Obelisk of Ramses II
Narmer Palette
Egyptian art changed dramatically in style from century to century. (3)
Which artifact provided the key that allowed scholars to decode Egyptian hieroglyphics? (3) Narmer Palette King Tut's tomb inscriptions Luxor Obelisk Rosetta Stone
Rosetta Stone
The central work of Sumerian literature contains remarkable parallels with which book of the Bible? (3) Genesis Psalms Matthew Revelations
The development of agriculture led to a basic form of scientific thinking. (2)
The textbook suggests that the changes facing society today are at least as sweeping as those during the Agricultural Revolution. (2)
According to the text, agriculture presupposes that you'll put down both literal and figurative roots. (2)
Most scholars believe that Ancient Egypt is probably where writing was first developed. (2)
Which of the following technological developoments is not discussed in the text? (2) wheeled transportation the sailing ship the plow multi-storied buildings
the plow
The majority of cuneiform tablets discovered by archaeologists have been shown to contain poetry of superb quality. (2)
The development of pottery in ancient civlizations is discussed in the text in relation to which idea? (2) economics religion leisure politics
The terms "culture" and "civilization" have identical meanings. (2)
Which of the following words refers to the sum total of shared attributes and values that bind a people together? (2) Civilization Worldview Beliefs Culture
Periods of migration, according to the text, are always accompanied by intellectual growth and expansion. (2)
According to the text, the notion of civilization implies _____. (2) Diversity Unity Complexity Intentionality
The text considers the development of writing to be the most important technology of the urban revolution. (2)
The text lists several qualities that children lack. Which of the following was not one of these descriptions? (1) self-centered lacking perspective reckless naive
Which of the following is an example of the reflective arts? (1) philosophy economics anthropology political science
According to the text, God has created us to be ____, so to speak. (1) loving philosophers artists ambassadors
Opera and film could both be considered examples of the "expressive arts." (1)
The theoretical model known as "post-colonialism" interprets western history as the story of the success and prosperity of minorities. (1)
According to the text, which of the following is not discussed as a reason to study the humanities? (1) the academic reason the intellectual reason the historical reason the emotional reason
the historical reason
The text indicates that the late 15th-century painting "Madonna and Child with the Infant St. John" is likely evidence of extraterrestrial visitation. (1)
The text describes the quality of "sentiment" as: (1) a subjective view towards a situation or event strong nostalgia being emotionally attached to something feeling governed by thought
feeling governed by thought
The text argues that one expression of being created in God's image is: (1) fellowship critical thinking creative capacity self-awareness
creative capacity
The text mentions that Romans 8:28 can be read as Paul's statement of values. (1)