a method of generating ideas by free association of words and thoughts
the subject of a speech
general purpose
the broad goal of a speech
specific purpose
a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech.
central idea
one sentence statement that sums up or encapsulate the major idea of the speech.
residual message
what a speaker whats the audience to remember after it has forgotten everything else in the speech.
four brainstorming methods:
1. personal inventory 2. clustering 3. reference search 4. internet search
two general purposes of most speeches:
1. Inform 2. Persuade
when your general purpose is to _____________, you act as a teacher or lecturer
When you want to change or structure the attitudes of your audience your general purpose is to ____________.
the ______________ is a single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his/her speech.
specific purpose statement
the _________ is a one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the main points of a speech.
central idea
t/f : the central idea of a speech is usually formulated before the specific purpose
False: the central idea is usually formulated after the specific purpose.
t/f the specific purpose statement should be phrased as a question?
false: specific purpose statement should never be phrased as a question.
the main idea of the speech should have how many ideas?
5 questions you should ask about your specific purpose statement when you are preparing a speech:
1. Does my purpose statement meet the assignment? 2. Can i accomplish my purpose in the time allotted? 3. Is the purpose relevant to my audience? 4. Is the purpose too trivial for my audience? 5. Is the purpose too technical for my audience?
4 guidelines for central idea:
1. should be expressed in full sentence 2. should not bi in the form of a question 3. should avoid figurative language 4. should not be vague or overly general