The pandemic known as Justinian's plague spread rapidly through the eastern and western part of the Roman Empire because it
traveled along well-established trade routes both within and outside the empire.
Compared to medieval Europe in the central Middle Ages (800-1100), the Islamic world was
Prior to Muhammad beginning to teach his prophecy and his new faith the Arabs:
had the concept of Allah as one of several gods.
One factor in the success of cities in Arabia was the protracted wars between the Byzantine empire and Persia, which made the Arabian trade routes safer than the northern ones
The Byzantine empire was never stable because of the intrigue and violence that constantly occurred at the imperial court.
Sexual relations within upper-class Muslim society around the year 1000 differed from classical Greek and Roman patterns because
Muslim men were permitted to have more than one wife, whereas Greek and Roman men were not.
It is difficult to date the beginning of Byzantine history with precision because:
the Byzantine Empire was the uninterrupted successor of the Roman Empire.
Historians looking for a rupture in western European attitudes toward ancient Roman culture and traditions will likely find it between the lives of
Women from wealthy Byzantine families
were educated at home by tutors, but did engage in more public intellectual discussions.
The Shiite claim to legitimacy rests on the direct connection to Muhammad through his daughter
The division between Islam and Christianity was not an impenetrable barrier as communication and gifts between the Abbasid and Carolingian empires illustrates.
The economic base of the Abbasid caliphate lay in
the Tigris-Euphrates basin of Mesopotamia.
A long-term result of Boniface anointing Pepin on behalf of the papacy was that
the power of kings was theoretically limited.
In their worship of Allah, Muslims worship
the same deity worshiped by Christians and Jews.
Pope Gregory was not only a reformer of the Church and theologian, but was the first pope to break free of Byzantine control and establish an autonomous, Western-oriented Latin church.
After 750 C.E., the Umayyad dynasty abandoned Spain and focused its rule in Damascus.
Charlemagne was able to contain Umayyad power in Europe by:
maintaining diplomatic and trade relations with its rival the Abbasid Caliphate.
Between 610 and 1071, the major security threats to the Byzantine empire came from
Persia, then the Islamic caliphate.
The Iconoclastic Controversy of the eighth century C.E. was about
the use or prohibition of images in church, where people might worship the objects.
Monasteries in the early Middle Ages were
places of political, religious, and economic import.
In the late sixth century C.E., the economy of Arabia:
became much more commercially sophisticated as a result of the wars between Byzantium and Persia changing trade routes.
One result of the campaigns of Belisarius in North Africa and Italy was:
the weakening of Constantinople against the Sassanids.
Byzantine monasteries were deeply involved in the Iconoclastic Controversy because:
they were major producers of icons, so they supported the use of images in the faith.
Once they conquered a territory, Viking populations
assimilated quickly within local populations.
Underlying the Carolingian Renaissance was the basic conviction that:
classical learning was the foundation on which Christian wisdom rested
Charlemagne and Harun al-Rashid formed an alliance partially because of their shared enemy, the
In 800 Charlemagne:
accepted the crown and title of Holy Roman Emperor
Charlemagne reformed writing in his empire by
creating a simplified script and introducing punctuation
Why were so many convents (monastic houses for women) founded during the seventh century C.E.?
Convents met a variety of social and spiritual needs for aristocratic families.
The Vikings are generally regarded as being a destructive force in European history
but such a view may not be correct in light of the principalities they established across northern Europe.
Local lords and chieftains often granted monasteries special privileges:
because monasteries often played a key role in economic development and prosperity in a region.
In Byzantine schools, classical Greek literature was
the basis of the curriculum, with much study of the epics of Homer
Pope Gregory I:
significantly advanced Benedictine monasticism as the major monastic movement in the West.
The people who took advantage of the weakness of Italy due to Justinian's policies of reconquest were the:
Charlemagne regularly chose the bishops in his empire.
As a Christian king responsible for ruling a Christian society, Charlemagne:
took responsibility for reforming the religious life of his kingdom just as he reformed its government.
Why did Justinian try to reconquer the western Roman Empire?
He sought to revive and reconstruct wholly the old empire.
The Hijrah (Hegira) refers to the Prophet Muhammad's move from
mecca to medina
The Shiite party arose among Muslims because
of a dispute about the proper succession of caliphs in seventh-century Arabia.
The Abbasid empire effectively came to an end in
The Qur'an contains
the revelations sent by God to Muhammad.
The Merovingian dynasty in France traced its origin back to Clovis's legendary grandfather, Merovech, who was believed to be
a sea monster