A population is defined as __________.
a group of individuals of a single species that occupies the same general area
To figure out the human population density of your community, you would need to know the number of people living there and __________.
the size of the area in which they live
An ideal habitat with unlimited resources is associated with
Exponential growth.
The maximum population a habitat can support is its
Carrying capacity.
Logistic growth involves
Population growth slowing down as the population approaches carrying capacity.
In exponential growth
Population size grows faster and faster as the population gets bigger.
A population will always grow exponentially __________.
if there are no limiting factors
No population can grow indefinitely. The ultimate size of any population is limited by __________.
the carrying capacity of its environment
When birth rate equals death rate, __________.
the size of a population remains constant
A population of mice has grown so rapidly that there are 2,400 individuals in an ecosystem that will support about 1,800 mice. The mouse population is most likely to __________.
undergo a dramatic decline in size, possibly to a stable level at or below 1,800 individuals
Human population growth __________.
is currently exponential
A non-native species that has spread far beyond the original point of introduction and causes environmental or economic damage is called a(n) _____.
invasive species
What is a population?
a group of individuals of the same species that occupy the same general area
What best describes Type I survivorship?
low death rate early in life, high death rate late in life
Type I survivorship curves are typical of species that exhibit ______.
few offspring and good parental care
What best describes Type III survivorship?
very high death rate very early in life followed by a decline in death rate
Opportunistic species typically ______.
have a large number of offspring
Species that exhibit an equilibrial life history typically ______.
have long lives
In the absence of limiting factors, a population's growth follows a(n) ______ model.
In the absence of limiting factors, what shape does a population's growth curve most closely resemble?
If a population's growth rate decreases as the population size approaches carrying capacity, the population's growth follows a(n) ______ model.
______ is the maximum population size that a particular habitat can support.
Carrying capacity
According to the logistic growth model, what happens to a population when the size of the population reaches carrying capacity?
The population stops increasing in size.
Competition among individuals of the same species is ______ competition.
An unexpected freeze that kills a population of chipmunks is an example of ______.
a density-independent factor
Introduced species can have important effects on biological communities by ______.
reducing biodiversity, competing with native species for resources, displacing native species, preying upon native species
The intentional release of a natural enemy to attack a pest population is called _____.
biological control
Using a virus to control rabbit populations in Australia did not work because the rabbits became more resistant to the virus, and the virus became less lethal. This is an example of ______.
Integrated pest management ______.
advocates mixed-species plantings and rotating crops
Throughout most of human history, human population size _____.
grew very slowly
In most developed countries, overall population growth rates ______.
are near zero, so the population size is fairly stable
In most developing countries ______.
birth rates are much higher than death rates, so the population is growing rapidly