Homestead Act
1862: 160 acres of public land to any settler who would farm the land for five years & pay $25.
Albany Plan
1754: Benjamin Franklin. Delegates who were sent approved, colonies did not. "Unite or Die"
Middle Passage
Route in between the western ports of Africa to the Caribbean and southern U.S. that carried slaves
British Commanders during American Revolution
William Howe (Succeeded by Henry Clinton) John Burgoyne, Barry St. Leger
Adams-Onis Treaty
1819: Spain ceded Florida to the US & gave up its claims to the Oregon Territory
American System
1824: Henry Clay; It included a protective tariff, a national bank, and internal improvements.
Crime of '73
US ended the minting of silver dollars; placed the country on the gold standard.
Morrill Tariff Act
1861: increased existing duties from 5 to 10% to help pay for war.
National Banking Act
1863: Fed. Law; established bank charter. The Act, together with Abraham Lincoln's issuance of "greenbacks," raised money for the federal government in the American Civil War by enticing banks to buy federal bonds and taxed state bonds (and currencies) out of existence.
Conscription Act
1862, April: Subjected all white males 18-35 to military service for 3 yrs. Repealed in 1863.
Tenure of Office Act
1867: Prohibits Pres. from removing civil officers w/o Senate consent. Goal was to bar Johnson from firing Sec. of War Stanton.
Hartford Convention
1814/5: NE Federalists listed their complaints against the ruling Republican Party; seen as treasonous and led to the destruction of the party.
SP. grant of authority over the natives in the SP colonies. Obliged the grant holder to Christianize the Amerindians & allowed their taxation & enslavement.
Joint-Stock Companies
Helped the jump-start the companies and provide important capital, and gave birth to modern stock ex's. The investors either gained a small proportion of each shipment or annually depending on the amount of a stock they had. The two main examples of such companies during the 17th century were the English East India Company and the Dutch East India Company.
Massachusetts Bay Company
1629: Joint-stock company chartered by Charles I. was controlled by Non-Separatist puritans who took the charter with them to New England and, in effect, converted it into a written constitution for the colony.
Treaty of Paris
1763: UK recognized the US as independent from Atlantic to Miss. river. Spain gets NoLa & West of Miss. river from France.
Treaty of Ghent
1814: Ends War(Dec. 14). For the most part, antebellum terms returned. Commission set up to determine the disputed Canada/U.S. border.
Second Bank of the United States
1816: Chartered. Like its 1791 cousin, but with more $. Couldn't bar state banks from issuing notes, but it could "muscle" them to issuing sound $. Jackson hated it; thought it exceeded Fed. powers.
Know-nothing party
Opposed Immigration (Catholics) during the 1840's and early 1850's. Officially called the "American Party"
John Brown's raid
1859: Abolitionist John Brown seized the US arsenal at Harper's Ferry. Poorly planned; he's hanged.
Non importation, embargo, & Non-intercourse act
1806/7/9: respectively. Sought to establish respect for US shipping on high seas from UK
Missouri Compromise
1820: Maine joined as free; Missouri joins as slave. All states north of the Southernmost line of Miss.: free
Freeport Doctrine
1858: Douglas (pro) V. Lincoln in Illinois Senatorial debates. Territories could exclude slavery via the vote; unpopular with South, cost Douglas the election.