My favorite high school subject was?
The grades I earned in high school usually put me in the:
Top 5%
My major in college was?
Criminal Justice
The highest educational level that I finished with was:
high school plus college
My average grade in high school was?
A's and B's
My typical score on a high school English exam was ?
A's and B's
My average score on a 100-item test in college was?
In high school I played on __________ sport team(s).
In college I took part in the following activities:
Fraternity, Club, Interest groups, Volunteer groups, Sports, Community activities.
In high school I worked an average of ____ hours per week.
My typical grades in high school were:
A's and B's
The number of close friends when I was in high school was ___.
I would characterize my high school teachers as ____.
Helpful and Knowledgeable
My typical grades in college were:
A's and B's
What type of jobs have you had?
Service, Sales, Self-employed
How many jobs have you been fired from?
How would you characterize the bosses you have worked for?
Helpful and Knowledgeable
How many times have you missed work in the last year?
How many times have you been late for work this last year?
How do you feel when you go for a job interview?
Slightly Nervous
I feel it is necessary to have a supervisor around _____ of the time.
How would you rate your ability to get along at work with people who are different from you?
Very good
What would your boss tell us about your ability to take orders?
It's better than most
Do you prefer to work alone or with other people?
With many people
Does putting up with bureaucracy bother you?
About as much as anyone else
How would you rate the speed at which you perform at work?
Somewhat faster than most
On a scale of 10, 10 as the greatest, how assertive would you say you are?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Bosses should praise in public and criticize in private."
Agree completely
Would you agree that job security and working conditions are important to you? Yes, no, job security only, working conditions only.
At work it's easy for me to turn my attention to something that suddenly comes up, even if I'm in an important project.
Agree completely
I work best at situations where I am in control.
More than most
If something has worked in the past, it's better to stick with it.
Agree somewhat
I don't like to be told exactly how to do something.
Less than most
I _____ get nervous in a new situation.
I believe that if I keep trying for what I want, I will get it.
I believe that most people should just keep to themselves.
I believe that it is more important what other people think about me, rather than what I think about myself.
Disagree completely
I beliece that we cannot enforce all of the laws, so some of the laws are meant to be broken.
Disagree Completely
I believe that most peoples' ability to make a decision is: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good
I believe that most people have integrity: Agree, Agree Somewhat, Disagree, Disagree Somewhat
I believe that if people work hard, they will typically get ahead in life.
Agree somewhat
I am interested in law enforcement because:
On the job security
I have been interested in law enforcement for:
5 or more years
I believe that established practices should always be followed. Agree or Agree Somewhat?
I believe that people will always take advantage of you without giving it a second thought. Disagree Somewhat or Disagree Completely?
Disagree Completely
I believe that a strong leader will always worry about the feelings of those he leads. Agree or Agree Somewhat?
Agree Somewhat
I believe that most jobs can get done a lot quicker than most people do them. Disagree or Disagree Somewhat?
Disagree Somewhat
I believe that if a decision has been made, facts come before feelings. Agree or Agree Somewhat?
I believe that only those who take chances can be successful. Disagree Somewhat or Completely?
Disagree Completely
I believe that you can never be sure of people's true mostives: Disagree or Disagree Somewhat?
How would you rate your interpesonal skills? Good or excellent?
How would you descirbe your organizing and planning ability? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
Very Good
How would you rate your leadership ability? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
Very Good
How would you rate your crisis judgement ability? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
Which below describes your ability to make decisions? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
How would you rate your athletic ability? Good, Very Good, Outstanding?
How would you rate your study habits both in high school and college? Good, Very Good, Outstanding?
Very Good
How would you rate your interviewing skills? Good, Very Good, Outstanding?
How would you rate the speed at which you are able to work? Good, Very Good, Outstanding?
Very Good
How would you rate your ability to speak before a group of people? Good, Very Good, Excellent.
Very Good
How would you rate your writing skills? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
How would you rate your reading skills? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
How would you rate your swimming skills? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
Very Good
How would you rate your ability to take orders from people? Good, Very Good, Excellent
How would you rate your ability to give orders? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
Very Good
How would you rate your perseverance? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
Very Good
How would you rate your dependability? Good, Very Good, Excellent.
How would you rate your assertiveness? Good, Very Good, Excellent?
Very Good
How would you rate your driving skills? Very Good or Excellent?
How would you rate your supervisory skills? Very Good or Excellent?
Very Good
In the last 12 months I have been absent from work ____ times.
In the last 12 months, I have been sick from work ____ times.
As far as your appearance, how would you rate yourself? Very good or Excellent?
Very Good
Of the situations listed below, which would leave you flustered and bewildered? Someone dies, someone cries, large crowds, All, None?
I excercise about ___ every week. 6-8 or 10 or more hours?
I feel that most people are___. Very good or Basically Good?
Basically Good
When I am given a new task assignment, the first thing I do is _______. Look for help, plan my approach, jump right in?
Plan my approach.
I would say my weight is?
About average for my age
If I were to come upon a serious motor vehicle accident I would: Stop and help or Call the police as soon as I got to my destination?
Stop and help
Do you prefer to work alone or with other people?
With others
I usually catch a cold about ______. Usually twice a year or I rarely catch colds?
I rarely catch colds
When I get angry I _____. Keep it to myself or Work out?
Work Out
After putting in a hard day, I get tired _____. About the same as most, Somewhat less than most, or Work does not tire me?
Somewhat less than most
If I had to control a violent individual I _____. Would wait for help or Would do as best I could?
Would do as best I could
"Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew." Sometimes applies to me or Does not apply to me?
Does not apply to me
When I received my Graduate Equivalency certificate I was?
I did not need a GED, I finished high school
Circle all that apply
There are times in my life where I've been sad. I do aerobic workout at least 3 times every week. I know I can function effectively in an emergency. I participate in sports at least twice a month. My level of personal fitness is excellent.
During my high school years I was a member of:
Athletic team. A school club. Honor Society.
By the time I had graduated from high school I had been:
Captain of an athletic team
During my last two years in high school, the number of hours a week I averaged on paid jobs was:
6 to 10
The number of high school athletic teams I played on was:
Of the following, my favorite high school subject was:
During my high school days, I liked to have my accomplishments become known by:
My parents or guardians notified
When you check my high school attendance record, you will find that I was:
Never absent
I would rate the high school teachers I had as: Very good or Outstanding?
When I found school work hard to understand during my high school years, I:
Asked teachers for help
The grades I received in high school were:
Mostly A's and B's
During the time I was in school, I was: An outstanding athlete or A very good Athlete
A very good athlete
I received high school letters in the following number of different sports.
During my last year in school, the number of times I was absent on day and back the next was:
None, I didn't miss a day
My English grades were
Mostly A's and B's
Compared to others in my class, the number of friends I had in my senior year in high school was: A lot more than others or a few more than others?
A few more than others
Of the following statements, the ones which best describes my experiences in high school are:
I never cut school. I was never suspended or expelled. I was rarely or never absent. I was much more popular than most others.
The number of undergraduate colleges which I attended for at least one quarter or semester is:
I seriously thought about quitting school:
The kind of college which I attended for the longest period of time as an undergraduate may best be described as:
Co-educational and liberal arts
While I was in undergraduate college, the average number of hours a week I spent on paid jobs was:
My undergraduate college major was:
Criminal Justice
During my last full-time year of undergraduate college, the average number of hours/week that I spent in study outside class was about:
16 to 20
With respect to studying during undergraduate college: I studied before tests, Studied regularly
I studied regularly throughout the school year
My scholastic standing when I graduated from undergraduate college was: Upper half but not top 15% or Upper 15% but not top 5%?
Upper 15% but not top 5%
During undergraduate college years, I participated in:
Fraternity, School paper/Yearbook, Dramatics, Speech/debate, Athletic activities.
The number of times I was suspended or expelled from high school was:
The things I was able to do during my college years included the following:
Earn a letter in athletics. Make honor roll. Membership in a social club. Join a school band or chorus. Work on school paper.
Having to put up with a lot of "red tape" would bother me.
About as much as anyone else
I think that people should mind their own business
Agree more than disagree
The number of jobs that I have applied for in the last year is:
Outside of my family, the number of people I really can trust is:
3 or 4
Of the following, the one thing I would dislike most is:
Work that was hard to keep up with
The kind of job I had before applying for law enforcement work were:
Mostly sales jobs
I usually get along with other people: Exceptionally Well or Very Well
Very Well
Interviewing for a job makes me very nervous:
Yes, but not very often
At least once a week I:
Jog, Ride a Bike, Swim, Excercise
Of the following statements, the one that is most true of me is:
Inclined to speak out when needed
My first impression of what a person is really like is:
Usually right but not always right
When you interview my most recent supervisor about it, he or she will say that I complain about things: Much less than most others or No more than anyone else?
Much less than others
Having to complete a physically demanding training program requiring a lot of running and exercising would be:
Much easier for me than for most others my age
As a general rule, I prefer: Being with a great many other people or Being with many other people:
Being with many other people
In the last six months, the number of times I have been late for work is:
Of the following the one thing that I would consider most important in a job is? Job Security, Competent Supervisors or Working Conditions?
Job Security
Of the following sayings, the one that I believe is most true is:
Success is 95% sweat and 5% luck
Being able to work with people who are like me is: Very important, Important, or Not too important?
Of the following saying the one that I believe is most true is:
The early bid catches the worm
The number of jobs I quit because I probably was going to be fired is:
I first became interested in law enforcement work:
About 5 or more years before I applied
The amount of recognition that I usually receive for my accomplishments is:
About as much as anyone else or As much as is deserved
The speed at which I usually work is:
Somewhat faster than most people
My work habits are such that I prefer: To work on several things at a time or To work on many things at a time.
To work on several things at a time
I think that my ability to get along with people to do what I want them to do is: Very Good or Outstanding?
Of the following things, the ones that are the most true of my organization are:
There is too much time wasted unnecessarily
An examination by a doctor will show that my physical condition is: Good, Excellent, Perfect?
When you ask my present supervisor how fast I respond to problem situations, he/she will rate me as:
Much faster than others
My luck is good: Almost Always, Most of the time, Some of the time?
Most of the time
I get nervous whenever I have to take a written test: Yes, but not very often or No, not at all?
Yes, but not very often
Compared to others my age, the amount of time I spend doing things by myself is: About the same as others or A little less than others?
A little less than others
Of the following, the one thing that did most to make me want to apply for law enforcement was
Job security
In the last six months, the number of times I stayed home sick was:
The one of the following statements which I think comes closest to describing me is:
Friendly, easy-going, and have a lot of friends
On a list of 100 people in the kind of job I can do best, I would rate myself in the:
Top 5%
Getting up and speaking in front of a lot of people would make me:
Somewhat nervous
If I had to take a 100 question arithmetic test my score would be: 90 to 94% or 80 to 89%?
80 to 89%
If I had to take a driving test today, it would show that: I am better than most other drivers my age or I am far better than most other drivers my age?
I am far better than most other drivers my age.
I think that my potential or actual ability to supervise others is: Very Good or Outstanding?
Very Good
Of the following I would do best is: Conducting interviews, Preparing written reports, participating in discussion, giving speeches to groups?
Preparing written reports
I usually fall asleep within: About five minutes or Fifteen minutes to a half hour?
About five minutes
Of the following statements the one that best describes my experiences in the various jobs I've held to date are:
Ive never left a job because I was asked to quit
When you ask them, the people I've worked with will rate my ability to get along with others as: Outstanding or Very Good?
Very Good
The amount of physical exercise I have averaged each week during the past year is:
7 hours or more
In order for people to be successful, it is important that they: Be creative or Keep plugging?
Keep plugging
Of the following, the one that is true about me is: I don't mind telling other people what to do, I don't mind a lot of rules and regulations, I don't mind dealing with people I don't like, I don't mind working with people who are not like me, or I don't mind criticism?
I don't mind criticism
A hard's day work tires me:
Much less than others my age
When you interview my present supervisor about the amount of supervision I need they will say that I need:
Much less than most others
When my opinions are different from those of the people I work with: I usually express my differences openly or I sometimes express my differences openly?
I sometimes openly express my differences openly
Of the following statements, the best that describes me is: I never catch colds or I almost never catch colds?
I almost never catch colds
When it comes to remembering and keeping track of a lot of things at one time, I'm: Far better than most others my age or Much better than most others my age?
Far better than most others my age
When you interview my present supervisor about how well I get along with people from all groups and walks of life, they will rate me as: Very Good or Outstanding?
I consider myself to be: An extremely fast reader or A very fast reader?
A very fast reader
Of the following, statements, the one that best describes me when it comes to getting the things I really want is: About as patient as anyone else, very patient, extremely patient?
Very patient
Of the following statements, the one thing that best describes me is: I work best under pressure or I work best when there are a lot of things going on?
I work best when there are a lot of thing going on
The statement that "People who work hard will always get ahead" is: Sometimes true, sometimes not or Usually true
Usually true
When you interview my present supervisor about how dependable I am they will say that I'm: An extremely dependable person or A very dependable person
An extremely dependable person
The on the job help that I've had has been: Outstanding or Very Good?
In general, the people I've work for: Have usually listened to my suggestions or Have always listened to my suggestions?
Have always listened to my suggestions
When you ask my present supervisor about my ability to "think on my feet" they will rate me as: Very Good or Outstanding
When you interview those who know me best, they will say that I am: Very persistent, Persistent, or as about persistent as anyone else?
The one of following that is most difficult for me to do personally is:
Keep one jump ahead of others
The kind of supervision that I like is: Close, Moderate or Minimal?
It is very important for me to be on my own (not have to depend on anyone for anything):
Agree more than disagree
When you interview the people who know me best about my ability to control my temper, will probably rate it as: Well above average or Somewhat above average?
Well above average